1. Congratulations to Jason, who worked his butt off to beat Daphne. The map of who carried which area of town is a bit disturbing though.

    1. This was the most hilarious part of the Herald article:

      “Campbell swept into her watch night party a little after 8 p.m. and at first agreed to speak to a reporter but then decided against it.

      Her campaign manager, Maxo Sinal, said the state senator said her loss was due to the “unfair” media. ‘We were in a disadvantaged position because of what the media was reporting,’ he said.”

      Yep, it was all the fault of the media. LMAO!

  2. There is no doubt that she lost because of the racist voters that make up her district and she should sue to overturn this injustice. Sorry I cannot keep this going without laughing. Now how long is it before charges are filed and there is a perp walk?

  3. This was just a pathetic campaign by Pizzo. Seriously, winning 54-46 given the district’s demographics and his opponent’s many foibles! A lot of money spent on a race that should have been 60-40 at worst.

    He seems like a decent guy. I wish him the best in Tallahassee. Do good things, please. Hope to not read about you in a bad way, lol.

  4. All it takes to win is 50%+1….. 54-46 is great! Jason Pizzo beat a very aggressive campaigning incumbent! I sincerely hope that he represents the District admirably and honestly, while serving in Tallahassee.

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