Read the Miami Herald article here: https://www.miamiherald.com/news/state/florida/article217413780.html
Election results with 98% of the precincts reporting:
For Freedom And Responsible Government
Read the Miami Herald article here: https://www.miamiherald.com/news/state/florida/article217413780.html
Election results with 98% of the precincts reporting:
Copyright © 2025 VotersOpinion.com
Congratulations to Jason, who worked his butt off to beat Daphne. The map of who carried which area of town is a bit disturbing though.
This was the most hilarious part of the Herald article:
“Campbell swept into her watch night party a little after 8 p.m. and at first agreed to speak to a reporter but then decided against it.
Her campaign manager, Maxo Sinal, said the state senator said her loss was due to the “unfair” media. ‘We were in a disadvantaged position because of what the media was reporting,’ he said.”
Yep, it was all the fault of the media. LMAO!
I voted for my good friend Pizzo . We disagree very much . Congratulations brother Pizzo.
There is no doubt that she lost because of the racist voters that make up her district and she should sue to overturn this injustice. Sorry I cannot keep this going without laughing. Now how long is it before charges are filed and there is a perp walk?
oh happy day!
This was just a pathetic campaign by Pizzo. Seriously, winning 54-46 given the district’s demographics and his opponent’s many foibles! A lot of money spent on a race that should have been 60-40 at worst.
He seems like a decent guy. I wish him the best in Tallahassee. Do good things, please. Hope to not read about you in a bad way, lol.
All it takes to win is 50%+1….. 54-46 is great! Jason Pizzo beat a very aggressive campaigning incumbent! I sincerely hope that he represents the District admirably and honestly, while serving in Tallahassee.