Just reported in the South Florida Caribbean News:
North Miami Councilman Alix Desulme Appointed to FCC IAC
Alix Desulme
North Miami – Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Chairman Ajit Pai announced the appointment of North Miami’s District 4 Councilman, Alix Desulme to the Commission’s Intergovernmental Advisory Committee (IAC) on Wednesday, Aug. 1.
Desulme is among 18 new members appointed to the 30-member committee, consisting of elected and appointed state, local and Native American tribal governmental representatives or their designees. The committee’s collective mission is to “provide guidance, expertise, and recommendations to the Commission on a range of telecommunication issues for which local, state and Tribal governments explicitly or inherently share responsibility or administration with the Commission.”
“This appointment is a great honor for the City of North Miami,” said Desulme. “In this capacity, the North Miami perspective definitely brings insight based on our community’s unique telecommunications experiences. I hope this exchange of knowledge assists communities throughout the nation and results in worthwhile policy change.”
Desulme’s term runs until March 24, 2019, the end of the current IAC term.
Alix was notified just this morning that he was chosen among many qualified applicants.
Please join us in congratulating our very own Alix Desulme on this most prestigious honor!