The proceedings of the North Miami Beach Special Commission Meeting scheduled for 6:00 PM this evening to choose a Replacement Commissioner came to a screeching halt when City Attorney Jose Smith announced that the absentee ballot fraudulently “re-elected,” and finally ousted, Faux Commissioner Frantz Pierre, filed a lawsuit to to keep the seat he vacated by pretending to be sick for over 120 days.
But not too sick to try to steal city trucks from the North Miami Beach Public Works Department!
The lawsuit was filed mere hours before the duly scheduled and announced special meeting. In a late afternoon telephone hearing, Ben Keuhne, Esq. somehow convinced Circuit Court Judge Dennis J. Murphy to sign an Order Granting Motion for Temporary Injunctive Relief.
Frantz Pierre is the single-most corrupt politician in South Florida – and probably the entire country – who has ever left his defective DNA on a commission seat.
During his eleven year stint as a Fake Commissioner, he has done nothing but con residents and businesses out of money in order to line his pockets.
Despite the fact that this Spawn of the Devil couldn’t be bothered to sit in his seat and attend commission meetings for over four months, he wants to make sure no one else does.
And now he’s wasted even more thousands of North Miami Beach taxpayer dollars by getting an evil thrill waiting until moments before the special meeting was announced, advertised and called to order, so he can watch it be cancelled once again grandstand for attention.
Then again … once a Drama Queen, always a Drama Queen.
Taxpayers will also be on the hook for the tens (maybe hundreds) of thousands of dollars that the city will have to shell out to defend yet another Frivolous Frantzie Lawsuit.
The real kick in the ass is that Frantzie and his lawyer, Ben Keuhne, had eleven business days to file this lawsuit since the last special meeting, when it was announced that the Weasel would be replaced.
The fact that this miscreant waited until well after 2:00 PM today to file, and then schedule an emergency telephonic hearing after 4:00 PM – TWO HOURS BEFORE THE MEETING WAS SCHEDULED TO START! – proves that he has ABSOLUTELY NO REGARD for the residents of the City of North Miami Beach and the legitimately elected Commissioners sitting on the dais at City Hall.
Not including Phyllis, of course, who is an accessory in Frantzie’s theft of absentee ballots.
Not only did this selfish, self-centered creature from hell cost the city even more money, but he also inconvenienced dozens of residents who took time out of their own busy lives to attend the meeting and actively participate in their local government.
The good citizens of North Miami Beach should be outraged at the audacity of the criminal in their midst.
The only seat he should be occupying is located in this building.

That day can’t come soon enough.
North Miami Beach residents deserve better!
His attorney should be reported to the Bar
Unfortunately, there was nothing improper or illegal in what he did. A lawyer’s gotta lawyer.
Shes right he is a scumb bag but apparently. He is not as dumb as people think.
Con artists like the Weasel have to be somewhat smart or they’d never get away with their crimes. Fortunately, we hear his “lucky” streak might end soon.
I hope so I can stand him or Phyllis
Thank you for you great work !
I don’t believe it. This little rat faced scumbag has more lives than the proverbial cat!
When the f***ing hell wiil NMB’s continuing nightmare be over??????
When he gets indicted. Hoping this will be very, very soon.
From the #JournalismIsDead files:
Dear Miami Herald reporter David Smiley,
Did you even bother to get a statement from the City Attorney or the Mayor and Commission for your article (
This criminal, Frantz Pierre, was not removed “by his elected colleagues.” He was removed because he has not attended a commission meeting for over 120 days on the pretense that he’s too ill to do so.
Ironically, he wasn’t too ill to commit attempted grand theft from the North Miami Beach Public Works Department on February 5, 2018 (See:
Mr. Smiley, you’re supposed to be a journalist. You quoted this corrupt politician’s lawyer without actually reviewing the facts of the case.
Dig deeper!
Why didn’t you City Manager Ana Garcia, City Attorney Jose Smith, City Clerk Pamela Latimore, Mayor George Vallejo, and Commissioners Beth Spiegel, Barbara Kramer, Anthony DeFillipo and Marlen Martell, for their comments before you ran with a one-sided account of what transpired?
For the past eleven years, the residents of North Miami Beach have been subjected to Frantz Pierre’s dirty politics, including absentee ballot fraud, his theft of $2,500.00 from the Haitian Evangelical Baptist Church, his theft of city property, his harassment of city employees, his false accusations against the Mayor and city employees, and his latest crime – attempted theft of city vehicles.
Some professional investigative journalism is in order if you want the real truth and if you want to be taken seriously as a reporter.
Unless, of course, you want bloggers to do all the hard work for you. We’re up to the task. Why aren’t you?
Stephanie Kienzle
Investigative Blogger