Remember that time when the now-former, and always-fraudulent, “Commissioner” Frantz Pierre sued the City of North Miami Beach on the grounds of discrimination, and claimed that the Defendant caused him severe emotional distress and impotence? (Yeah, we’re still giggling about that.)
Despite his lawyer’s failed attempts (not just once, but twice!) to delay the trial due to his “quadruple bypass major heart surgery,” United States District Judge Frederico A. Moreno issued a Scheduling Order Setting Trial, which was supposed to commence on Monday, January 22, 2018.
Well, put that popcorn away. The trial was over before it even began.
In a last ditch effort to stall the trial, on December 29, 2017, Frantzie’s lawyer, Gregory D. Curtis, filed a Motion to File Under Seal, asking the Court:
Especially before that damn blogger gets her hands on it.
Just saying.
One week later on Friday, January 5, 2018, Mr. Curtis filed a Status Motion, in which he made several “offers,” including that he believes “all issues in this case has been or will be resolved.”
The lawyer also probably believed he’d be paid for his services by his client.
Good luck with that.
The hapless Mr. Curtis apparently had no idea that Frantz Pierre, like the devil himself, is a pathological liar.
Then again, as author Suzy Kassem so astutely opined, “The devil would be powerless if he couldn’t entice people to do his work.”
Mr. Curtis also promised the Court that a “Stipulation of Settlement will be filed with the court as soon as it becomes available.”
He also again referred to his client’s “quadruple bypass major heart surgery,” claiming that Frantzie “has been rendered incapacitated for some time now.” The Motion then states, “Pursuant to Plaintiff’s wife we are hereby respectfully requesting an additional 60 days to conclude this case.”
Finally, the lawyer’s Status Motion offered to remind the Court that he is still waiting for an order on the sealing of the letter from his client’s doctor.
By then, the Honorable Frederico A. Moreno had enough of Frantzie’s Stupid Lawyer Tricks. The very next business day on Monday, January 8, 2018, the Judge refused his request.
On that same day, as ordered by the Court, Mr. Curtis had no choice but to submit his client’s Medical Letter.
(Note to Miami Herald reporter David Smiley: Medical “mystery” solved!)
Poor L’il Frantzie P had finally run out of options. He had to face the fact that his frivolous lawsuit against the Defendants, City of North Miami Beach, City Attorney Jose Smith and former Deputy City Manager Mac Serda, was completely without merit. Rather than sit through a humiliating two week trial only to be laughed out of the courthouse, Frantz Pierre chose to drop his lawsuit.
On January 16, 2018, the Honorable Frederico A. Moreno entered a Final Order of Dismissal and Order Denying All Pending Motions as Moot.
Nothing like getting bitch slapped out of U.S. District Court!
It will certainly be interesting to find out what the terms of the alleged settlement agreement are, and whether or not Frantz Pierre will comply.
The Judge gave him six months.
We’re not holding our breath.
We also hope Mr. Curtis doesn’t hold his breath waiting to get paid.
Just saying.
Judge Moreno’s rejection of Frantzie’s lawsuit was totally awesome.
NMB’s ejection of Frantzie from the dais the very next day was indescribably delicious!
Apparently, Karma is an even bigger bitch than he ever imagined.
Maybe stealing $2,500.00 from a church wasn’t such a good idea after all, eh, Frantzie?
Rumor has it that Frantz is telling every person who still listens to him … like, all three of them … that he can’t be removed from office because he’s sick. He’s claiming it’s a violation of HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996) laws.
Unfortunately for Frantzie, he’s wrong.
Maybe this so-called “educator” should have educated himself on HIPAA laws before spewing more lies to the public.
According to the National Institute of Heath, “The primary purpose of the HIPAA rules is to protect health care coverage for individuals who lose or change their jobs.“
They don’t protect people from losing their jobs.
Especially when they refuse to show up for work.
And as for Judge Moreno’s order denying Frantzie’s motion to seal his “Medical Letter,” the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services deemed that a “HIPAA-covered health care provider or health plan may share your protected health information if it has a court order.”
Frantz Pierre claimed HIPAA protection to keep his lawsuit going.
He failed.
Now he’s using the same tactic to try to keep his seat on the dais.
He will fail again.
As always, we will keep you updated on Frantzie’s Follies every step of the way.
Smith Joseph? Why would he inject himself into this fiasco? Damn fool.
I doubt Dr. Joseph injected himself. Think about it for a minute. According to his letter, Dr. Joseph began treating Frantzie in April of 2017. How often does a 52 year old man with chronic health issues suddenly find a new primary care doctor? Rarely.
At the time, Dr. Joseph was in the middle of a contentious campaign season for his re-election. At the same time, Frantz was being investigated by the State Attorney for his theft of $2,500.00 from the Haitian Evangelical Baptist Church, and by the Ethics Commission for abusing his official power by attacking an NMB Code Enforcement Officer. His evil deeds were catching up to him. Frantz saw a golden opportunity to kill two birds with one stone. By offering his “campaign services” to the good doctor and becoming his patient, Frantzie could gain a political ally should he ever need one. Citing doctor/patient privilege, Frantz could count on Dr. Joseph’s never testifying against him.
Yes, Frantz is evil and manipulative. Dr. Smith Joseph is nothing but collateral damage to him.
Doctor/patient privilege would only come into play on medical issues. I doubt the court would recognize such privilege on non-medical issues even if discussions took place while in the exam room. Although that’s a unique take.
Furthermore, why would a D.O. family practice physician be treating a patient for a serious cardiac condition? Wouldn’t that be better left to a specialist? Like a cardiologist? IJS
Still it’s disappointing to see the Mayor of an adjacent municipality involve himself in the shit sandwich that is Frantzie, albeit in a roundabout way. Dr. Joseph could have merely walked away.
I’m sure Frantzie has a cardiologist. There’s absolutely no reason for him to suddenly need the services of a D.O. family practice physician unless he did it for political reasons. Then again, no one ever knows why Frantize does anything since the behavior of a sociopath is inexplicable.
You’re right that Dr. Joseph could have walked away from such a toxic situation. But he’s not up for re-election, so there’s that. After spending hundreds of thousands of dollars of his own money on campaigns, he’s probably not about to turn patients away. Just saying.
P.S. I love that “shit sandwich” description! Perfect! I may have to use that phrase in future blogs. Giving you due credit, of course.
I also find it incredibly bizarre that Smith Joseph is his doctor’s notes author.
Seems a little suspicious. Time will tell.
What’s really suspicious, and what never occurred to us until today, is that if Frantzie needed a “doctor’s note” about his heart problems, why didn’t he get a letter from his cardiologist? The timing is also suspicious. He filed his frivolous lawsuit in January of 2017. Four months later in April he visits Dr. Joseph for the first time. As I said before, he needed a political ally to vouch for him. Who better than a sitting mayor of a nearby municipality? Six months later, Frantzie allegedly has a heart attack and “quadruple bypass major heart surgery,” according to his lawyer’s court pleadings. If that’s even true, we can assume he was under the care of a cardiac surgeon, who should have advocated on Frantzie’s behalf in court.
I’ve known this weasel since 2007. I’ve watched and documented his every corrupt move. Frantz Pierre is a liar, a con artist and a master manipulator. I’m betting that Dr. Joseph had no idea he was being played the day that Frantz Pierre darkened his doorstep. Just saying.