NMPD Sgt. Joey Kissel, Serial Offender

Well, well, well.  What have we here?

It seems that Crisis Intervention Specialist Natacha Jean-Francois isn’t the only female employee of the North Miami Police Department who suffered abuse and discrimination at the hands of Sergeant Joseph “Joey” Kissel.  She may have been the first one to blow the whistle on him, but she certainly wasn’t the last.

After Ms. Jean-Francois filed a written complaint against Kissel on January 14, 2013, Officer Stacina Jones was called to testify against him in the ensuing Internal Investigation.

According to a Charge of Discrimination complaint filed by Officer Jones on July 17, 2015 with the Florida Commission on Human Relations, she stated that Kissel was removed from the Investigative Unit as a result of the Jean-Francois investigation.

Officer Jones also noted, however, that two years after she testified against him, Sergeant Joseph Kissel returned to the Investigative Unit on March 23, 2015 and became her immediate supervisor.

Joey wasted no time seeking his revenge.

On April 9, 2015 – just 17 days after Kissel became her boss – she was “re-assigned to Patrol.”

Coincidence?  We think not.

On August 4, 2015, Officer Jones also followed up with a complaint with the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) for discrimination based on retaliation.  As it did with the complaint filed with Ms. Jean-Francois, the EEOC was “unable to conclude that the information obtained establishes violations of the [discrimination] statutes,” it also would not “certify that [Kissel] was in compliance with the statutes.”

But, wait.  There’s more!

Another female police employee, Detective Kathleen I. Ruggiero, also filed three discrimination complaints against Sergeant Joseph Kissel.

On October 18, 2012 she filed a complaint with the EEOC, claiming that Kissel discriminated against her “based on Age and Sex.”

Two months later, Detective Ruggiero filed two more discrimination complaints against Kissel for retaliating against her after she filed the first complaint.

She filed complaints with both the Florida Commission on Human Relations on December 7, 2012 and the EEOC on December 12, 2012.  According to the Charge for Discrimination, she asserted that Kissel retaliated by submitting her to a “GI Jane”-like physical exam.

And, like Officer Stacina Jones, on September 1, 2012 – just 14 days after she filed her first complaint – Detective Ruggiero was “transferred to road patrol full-time.”

After reviewing both of her charges of discrimination, on March 18, 2013, the EEOC  issued to Ms. Ruggiero a Notice of Right to Sue for each of her two complaints.  Based on a search of the Miami-Dade County public records, it does not appear that she followed through with a lawsuit.

By blowing the whistle on their supervisor, Sergeant Joseph Kissel, these three female employees of the NMPD showed extreme courage.  Despite his reputation for harassing women in the department, they filed their complaints anyway, knowing full well he would retaliate.

And retaliate he did!

As soon as the opportunity arose, with the help of his fellow “Illuminati” member, Assistant Chief Larry Juriga, Sergeant Joseph Kissel had them both swiftly transferred out of the Investigative Unit and sent back to road patrol.

Keep in mind that in 2013, Kissel got himself transferred out of the Investigative Unit’s Detective Bureau after Natacha Jean-Francois filed her discrimination complaint against him.  He was transferred back in 2015 by Larry Juriga, who was the head of the Investigative Unit at the time.

As we’ve already reported, Juriga headed that division from 1999 until he was removed from that position by former Police Chief Gary Eugene for lying when he framed Commander Emile Hollant for a “crime” he didn’t commit.

Meanwhile, despite being cleared by the State Attorney’s Office three times, Commander Hollant has inexplicably remained on paid administrative leave for fourteen months so far.

Courtesy of North Miami taxpayers.

Although Larry Juriga was nearly fired for his corrupt ways, his job was saved by the equally corrupt Deputy City Manager Arthur Sorey.  Together they successfully plotted to oust Gary Eugene and install Juriga as interim chief – a position that enables him to protect his cronies from the consequences of their own actions and destroy anyone who gets in their way.

When Officer Jones and Detective Ruggiero dared to stand up to Sergeant Joseph Kissel, Larry Juriga was only too happy to teach them a lesson by booting them from the Detective Bureau and ordering them to hit the road.

Fearing a similar backlash, as well as vicious retaliation from the NMPD’s serial offender, none of Joey’s other female victims have ever come forward.  In the toxic environment of the North Miami Police Department, it’s apparently best to keep your head down and your mouth shut.

In a respectable law enforcement agency, Sergeant Joseph Kissel’s work record would prohibit him from being hired as a door greeter at Walmart.

But, in the unscrupulous North Miami Police Department, Joey continues to collect a paycheck.

Courtesy of North Miami taxpayers.

So there’s that.

And in the meantime, here’s this.

Stay tuned, folks.  There’s even more to come!

Yep.  North Miami residents deserve better.



NMPD Sgt. Joey Kissel, Ofisye Serial

Oke, byen, byen. Ki sa nou genyen isit la?

Li sanble ke Espesyalis kriz entèvansyon Natacha Jean-Francois se pa sèlman anplwaye fi nan Depatman Lapolis North Miami ki te soufri abi ak diskriminasyon nan men Sèjan Joseph “Joey” Kissel. Li ka yo te youn nan premye kònen yon siflèt la sou li, men li sètènman pa t ‘dènye a.

Apre Madan Jean-Francois te depoze yon plent alekri kont Kissel sou 14 janvye 2013, Ofisye Stacina Jones te rele pou temwaye kont li nan ankèt Envestigasyon Entèn.

Dapre yon plent kont diskriminasyon ke Ofisye Jones te depoze nan Jiye 17, 2015 avèk Komisyon Florid sou Relasyon imen, li deklare ke Kissel te retire nan Inite Envestigatif la kòm yon rezilta ankèt Jean-Francois.

Ofisye Jones tou te note, sepandan, ke de ane apre li te temwaye kont li, Sèjan Joseph Kissel retounen nan Inite Envestigatif la sou 23 mas, 2015 epi li te vin sipèvizè imedyat li.

Joey gaspiye pa gen tan chèche tire revanj li.

Sou 9 avril 2015 – jis 17 jou apre Kissel te vin bòs nan travay li – li te “re-asiyen nan Patwouy.”

Konyensidans? Nou panse ke pa.

Nan dat 4 out lane 2015, Ofisye Jones te swiv li avèk yon plent avèk Komisyon Opòtinite pou Travay nan Amerik (Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) pou diskriminasyon ki baze sou vanjans. Kòm li te fè ak plent la ki te ranpli avèk Madam Jean-Francois, EEOC a te “kapab konkli ke enfòmasyon yo te jwenn etabli vyolasyon nan lwa [diskriminasyon],” li pa ta tou “sètifye ke [Kissel] te an konfòmite avèk lwa. ”

Men, rete tann. Genyen plis!

Yon lòt anplwaye polis fi, Detectif Kathleen I. Ruggiero, tou te depoze twa plent diskriminasyon kont Sèjan Joseph Kissel.

Nan dat 18 oktòb 2012 li te depoze yon plent avèk EEOC, li te deklare ke Kissel te fè diskriminasyon kont “ki baze sou laj ak sèks”.

De mwa apre, Detectif Ruggiero te depoze de plent plent kont diskriminasyon kont Kissel pou fè revelasyon kont li apre li te pote premye plent lan.

Li te ranpli plent ak tou de Komisyon Florid sou relasyon imen sou 7 desanm 2012 ak EEOC a nan dat 12 desanm 2012. Dapre chaj pou diskriminasyon, li te deklare ke Kissel retaliated pa soumèt li nan yon “GI Jane “tankou egzamen fizik.

Epi, tankou Ofisye Stacina Jones, nan 1ye septanm 2012 – jis 14 jou apre li te ranpli plent premye l ‘- Detectif Ruggiero te “transfere nan patwouy wout plen tan.”

Apre revize toude de diskriminasyon akizasyon li yo, nan dat 18 mas 2013, EEOC te bay Madam Ruggiero yon Avi Dwa pou Sue pou chak de plent li. Ki baze sou yon rechèch nan dosye piblik Miami-Dade County, li pa parèt ke li swiv atravè ak yon pwosè.

Pa mouche siflèt la sou sipèvizè yo, Sèjan Joseph Kissel, twa anplwaye fanm sa yo nan NMPD a te montre kouraj ekstrèm. Malgre repitasyon li pou fanm asasinen nan depatman an, yo te ranpli plent yo de tout fason, yo te byen konnen li ta vanjere.

Ak vanjans li te fè!

Le pli vit ke opòtinite a leve, avèk èd nan parèy li “Illuminati” manm, Asistan Chèf Larry Juriga, Sèjan Jozèf Kissel te gen yo tou de rapidman transfere soti nan Inite a Investigative e li te voye tounen nan patwouy wout.

Kenbe nan tèt ou ke nan 2013, Kissel te resevwa tèt li transfere soti nan Biwo Detectif Inite Envestigatif la apre Natacha Jean-Francois te pote plent diskriminasyon kont li. Li te transfere tounen nan 2015 pa Larry Juriga, ki moun ki te tèt la nan Inite Envestigatif la nan moman an.

Kòm nou te deja rapòte, Juriga te dirije ke divizyon soti nan 1999 jouk li te retire nan pozisyon sa a ansyen Chèf Polis Gary Eugene pou bay manti lè li te ankadre kòmandan Emile Hollant pou yon “krim” li pa t ‘komèt.

Pandan se tan, malgre ke Biwo Pwokirè Eta a te efase twa fwa, kòmandan Hollant te inèksplikabl rete sou konje administratif peye pou katòz mwa twò lwen.
Koutwazi nan kontribyab North Miami yo.

Malgre ke Larry Juriga te prèske te tire pou fason fin pouri l ‘yo, te travay li sove pa egalman koripsyon Adjwen City Manadjè Arthur Sorey la. Ansanm yo avèk siksè trase ranvèse Gary Eugene ak enstale Juriga kòm chèf pwovizwa – yon pozisyon ki pèmèt l ‘nan pwoteje kanmarad li soti nan konsekans yo nan pwòp aksyon yo epi detwi nenpòt ki moun ki vin nan fason yo.

Lè Ofisye Jones ak Detectif Ruggiero te kouraj pou kanpe devan Sèjan Joseph Kissel, Larry Juriga te sèlman twò kontan pou anseye yo yon leson lè yo te konn bwote yo nan Biwo Detectif la epi kòmande yo pou yo frape wout la.

Pou kriz yon repèkisyon menm jan, osi byen ke vanjans vanjans nan delenkan serial NMPD a, okenn nan viktim lòt Joey yo te janm vini pi devan. Nan anviwònman toksik Depatman Polis North Miami, li sanble pi bon pou kenbe tèt ou desann epi bouch ou fèmen.

Nan yon ajans ki fè respekte lalwa, dosye travay Sèjan Joseph Kissel a ta entèdi li pa te anboche kòm yon greeter pòt nan Walmart.

Men, nan Depatman Lapolis ki pa malad Nò Miami, Joey ap kontinye kolekte yon chèk.

Koutwazi nan kontribyab North Miami yo.

Se konsa, gen nan sa.

Rete branche, jan. Genyen menm plis manje!

Wi. Rezidan North Miami yo merite pi byen.



NMPD Sgt. Joey Kissel, infractor en serie

Bien bien bien. ¿Qué tenemos aquí?

Parece que la Especialista en Intervención en Crisis Natacha Jean-Francois no es la única empleada del Departamento de Policía de North Miami que sufrió abuso y discriminación por parte del Sargento Joseph “Joey” Kissel. Ella pudo haber sido la primera en darle el silbato, pero ciertamente no fue la última.

Después de que la Sra. Jean-Francois presentó una queja por escrito contra Kissel el 14 de enero de 2013, la Oficial Stacina Jones fue llamada para testificar en su contra en la Investigación Interna.

Según una denuncia de la acusación de discriminación presentada por la Oficial Jones el 17 de julio de 2015 ante la Comisión de Relaciones Humanas de la Florida, declaró que Kissel fue removido de la Unidad de Investigación como resultado de la investigación de Jean-Francois.

Sin embargo, la Oficial Jones también señaló que dos años después de que ella testificó contra él, el Sargento Joseph Kissel regresó a la Unidad de Investigación el 23 de marzo de 2015 y se convirtió en su supervisor inmediato.

Joey no perdió tiempo buscando su venganza.

El 9 de abril de 2015, apenas 17 días después de que Kissel se convirtiera en su jefe, fue “reasignada a Patrulla”.

¿Coincidencia? Creemos que no.

El 4 de agosto de 2015, el oficial Jones también siguió con una queja con la Comisión de Igualdad de Oportunidades de Empleo (EEOC) por discriminación basada en represalias. Al igual que con la denuncia presentada ante la Sra. Jean-Francois, la EEOC “no pudo llegar a la conclusión de que la información obtenida establecía violaciones de los estatutos [de discriminación]”, tampoco “certificaría que [Kissel] estatutos “.

Pero espera. ¡Hay más!

Otra empleada de la policía, la detective Kathleen I. Ruggiero, también presentó tres denuncias de discriminación contra el sargento Joseph Kissel.

El 18 de octubre de 2012, presentó una queja ante la EEOC, alegando que Kissel discriminó en contra de ella “basada en la edad y el sexo”.

Dos meses más tarde, el detective Ruggiero presentó otras dos denuncias de discriminación contra Kissel por represalias contra ella después de presentar la primera queja.

Ella archivó quejas ante la Comisión de Relaciones Humanas de la Florida el 7 de diciembre de 2012 y la EEOC el 12 de diciembre de 2012. De acuerdo con la Comisión por la Discriminación, ella alegó que Kissel la había sometido a un “GI Jane “-como el examen físico.

Y, al igual que la oficial Stacina Jones, el 1 de septiembre de 2012 – sólo 14 días después de presentar su primera queja – Detective Ruggiero fue “transferido a patrulla de carretera a tiempo completo”.

Después de revisar ambos de sus cargos de discriminación, el 18 de marzo de 2013, la EEOC otorgó a la Sra. Ruggiero un Aviso de derecho a presentar una demanda por cada una de sus dos quejas. Basado en una búsqueda de los registros públicos del condado de Miami-Dade, no parece que ella siguió adelante con una demanda.

Al soplar el silbato de su supervisor, el Sargento Joseph Kissel, estas tres mujeres empleadas del NMPD mostraron un coraje extremo. A pesar de su reputación de acosar a las mujeres en el departamento, que presentó sus quejas de todos modos, sabiendo muy bien que se vengaría.

¡Y tomar represalias!

Tan pronto como surgió la oportunidad, el sargento Joseph Kissel, con la ayuda de su compañero “Illuminati”, asistente del jefe Larry Juriga, los sacó rápidamente de la Unidad de Investigación y los envió de vuelta a la patrulla.

Tenga en cuenta que en 2013, Kissel se sacó de la Oficina de Investigación de la Unidad de Investigación después de que Natacha Jean-Francois presentó su queja de discriminación contra él. Fue transferido en 2015 por Larry Juriga, que era el jefe de la Unidad de Investigación de la época.

Como ya hemos informado, Juriga encabezó esa división desde 1999 hasta que fue removido de esa posición por el ex jefe de policía Gary Eugene por mentir cuando enmarcó al comandante Emile Hollant por un “crimen” que no cometió.

Mientras tanto, a pesar de haber sido aprobado por la Fiscalía del Estado tres veces, el Comandante Hollant ha permanecido inexplicablemente en una licencia administrativa pagada por catorce meses hasta ahora.

Cortesía de los contribuyentes de North Miami.

Aunque Larry Juriga fue casi despedido por sus maneras corruptas, su trabajo fue salvado por el también corrupto Deputy City Manager Arthur Sorey. Juntos conspiraron con éxito para expulsar a Gary Eugene e instalar Juriga como jefe interino, una posición que le permite proteger a sus compinches de las consecuencias de sus propias acciones y destruir a cualquier persona que se interponga en su camino.

Cuando el agente Jones y el detective Ruggiero se atrevieron a ponerse de pie ante el sargento Joseph Kissel, Larry Juriga estaba muy feliz de enseñarles una lección al arrancarlos de la Oficina de Detectives y ordenarles que salieran a la carretera.

Temiendo una reacción similar, así como represalias viciosas por parte del delincuente en serie del NMPD, ninguna de las otras víctimas femeninas de Joey se ha presentado. En el ambiente tóxico del Departamento de Policía de North Miami, es mejor mantener la cabeza baja y la boca cerrada.

En una respetable agencia de aplicación de la ley, el registro de trabajo del sargento Joseph Kissel le prohibiría ser contratado como recepcionista en Walmart.

Pero, en el inescrupuloso Departamento de Policía de North Miami, Joey sigue recaudando un cheque de pago.

Cortesía de los contribuyentes de North Miami.

Así que ahí está eso.

Estén atentos, amigos. ¡Todavía hay más por venir!

Si. Los residentes de North Miami merecen algo mejor.


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17 thoughts on “NMPD Sgt. Joey Kissel, Serial Offender

  1. There’s a LOT more dirt out there on old Joey but like you said, people won’t come forward because North Miami’s higher ups don’t want to hear it. Ask Brigette Pace, Kristin Schumann, Stacina Jones, Lashundra Jones, Kathy Ruggiero and the other women who have worked with him or for him what it’s like to be around that pig. He’s always been disgusting and the one thing you’re not saying in your blogs is that he is an openly gay man with a serious problem with women. Joey and his BFF Scott Croye have been the little duo harassing employees for years and no one gives a shit to do anything. Larry Juriga looks the other way because they’re all friends.

    1. The fact that Joey is an openly gay man is not the problem. His despicable behavior toward women (and others, as you’ll soon see) is an insult to the entire LGBT community. Too bad they can’t disown him.

      Interesting that you should mention Scott Croye, since he was one of the cops forced to attend supervisor training after Natacha Jean-Francois filed her complaint. The two of them have been up to no good for years, along with Juriga, who does more than merely look the other way.

      Just saying.

      Unfortunately for Joey and his “partners in crime,” public records reveal a treasure trove of dirt.

      Stay tuned…

  2. so, who’s policing people like this?
    internal affairs must be very busy policing the police.
    the reality is that internal affairs is probably so corrupt that it just takes the guided tour and does as the city tells them to take.
    shit’ s getting real in this department.
    I was proud to live here at one time, sounds like house cleaning to me.

  3. I had no idea that the police department was so dis functional, I hope it’s not like in the information industry, where all they want is numbers, numbers, numbers.
    This is scary, being stopped and arrested so that they can keep up with their quotas.
    It’s all a hypocrisy and they want us to feel safe, when they are the corrupt ones. I don’t hear this shit going on elsewhere, even the police shooting last week, when they asked the media helicopter to stay out of the area “for safety reasons”, then the guy, who was not a good guy by the way, gets killed.
    When I heard the reporter say that the police had asked their helicopter to stay away, I knew there was something wrong.
    Where is the corruption going to end? Larry Spring cost the City of Miami millions of $ and now, he refuses to take responsibility for the lease agreement owed to the city for the last 6 years, simply stating that he just started. Well Mr City Manager, you’ve been there for the last 2 years and all I’ve heard from your administration is the same as business in Miami.
    Trust me, I’ll be there next Tuesday with a group of my friends when they discuss renewing your contract.

  4. I thought of the police department as being the first line of defense. If people such as these can raise to the level of supervision, then what are we to expect of those officers that we meet on a routine call, at the festivals and bicycle rides with the mayor?
    Is the city council aware of these violations, are they doing anything about it?
    I voted for Desulme at the last election, because my neighbor spoke highly of him. Now with this Chinatown, I don’t know if my property is going up or down, what I do know is that there exist a lot of corruption in the city and maybe the state of Florida or the fbi should investigate.
    Muchas gracias por tanta información. Mi madre reza por usted todos los días…

    1. It’s all a charade Maria Elena. Those bike rides are a cheap excuse to show that Commissioners and Cops are doing something. They’re not.

      I have said before, I have even said that I will say it again…and I will say this again and again and again and again – STEPHANIE, you are wasting your time with COPS. They are corrupt, it is just like Maria Elena says…the CITY COUNCIL is the one to research. Desulme – who are we kidding? CHINATOWN? INVESTORS HAVE MONEY? Do these sound like words from a great politican or another one of these wanna be “activists?”
      As of the last CRA meeting – CHINATOWN is not to be thought of as CHINATOWN but rather an infrastructure project. According to Desulme, he regrets it being CHINATOWN…it’s taking away from the infrastructure project.

      Sooooo did city officials not travel on OUR dime to CHINA? Didn’t they double the expenses and even forgot to claim some items? I’m sure LANCE DIXON from the herald has written extensively about the commishs.

      1. Thank you for your comment. I am the opinion, however, that I am not wasting my time at all routing out corruption in the NMPD. Under the “leadership” of Larry Juriga, who has literally been running the show for years regardless of who the actual chief was, the police department has deteriorated tremendously. Case in point: The loss of its accreditation, the retention of bad cops, and the overall downward spiral of morale in every department. It’s damn near impossible for professional law enforcement officers to be forced to work alongside crazies like sexual predator Jodlyn Antoine and the extremely vile Jospeh Kissel and still feel good about coming to work every day.

        If you read the city’s Charter, you will understand that the Mayor and Council are PROHIBITED from interfering in the hiring or firing of any employee except their two contract employees – the City Manager and the City Attorney. Yes, they can and do voice their opinions privately to both about the various department heads, but it is NOT their job to make personnel decisions.

        Nevertheless, the real problem is the Deputy City Manager Arthur Sorey, who is in cahoots with Juriga and the rest of his cronies. He has somehow convinced Larry Spring that Juriga walks on water. I can’t believe that Spring is that naive!

        I recently read somewhere that Miami Gardens Mayor Oliver Gilbert opined that a city is defined by its police department, and the department is defined by its police chief. I totally agree with his assessment. If Spring appoints Juriga instead of someone qualified, North Miami may as well fold up its tent and give up its charter.

        Just saying.

  5. Just like the British did when the Redcoats left India, Kenya, and Palenstine (aka Israel), some of command staff that have caused numerous previous, current, and future lawsuits and embarrassments to this department should consider the retirement option and leave quietly out the back door of the police department.

    Once this act happens at NE 124 Street, the police department may focus on its main mission: to protect, serve, and defend the good citizens of North Miami with morale restored to the patrol and beat officers along with their ability to purchase law enforcement equipment and lease new police cars and motorcycles on regular rotating basis. Currently, we salute our regular officers on patrol and beat for their sacrifices under the stagnated leadership.

    If you think that North Miami may reapply and gain their lost accreditation under the current leadership, the first time back in April 2016 was an embarrassment but the second failed attempt will lead to the exodus of businesses and residents of our city due to hikes in their homeowners and business insurance because of high risk of liability. However, the current leadership does not care because they do not pay the tax bill as they do not live in the city.

    North Miami should go outside the city and conduct a real search for a rising police chief to focus on real law enforcement strategies and regain our loss accreditation. As Ms. Kienzle states: ‘North Miami Deserves Better’


    1. No one here said that all police officers are corrupt. Far from it. In fact, we at VotersOpinion are staunch supporters of law enforcement.

      Most officers are professionals who uphold the law and serve the community. Unfortunately, there are a handful of bad cops, such as Joey, Larry Juriga and their fellow “Illuminati” gang members, who are capable of destroying an entire department with their unscrupulous and subversive machinations. They’ve learned how to play the political game and somehow convince public officials that they are the saviors of the city, while at the same time disparage the true heroes of the department. They’ve had years of practice, and like the true cancer they are, they must be “surgically” excised. Unfortunately, they have an crony insider in the city manager’s officer, Arthur “Duke” Sorey, who protects them at any cost for his own political reasons. Larry Spring might think that Sorey is an ally, but he’s sadly mistaken. Duke is chomping at the bit to take his place and is working diligently to undermine Spring every chance he gets.

      North Miami has a long history of political and police corruption beginning in the 1970s. Some of the corruptocrats in power today (i.e. Juriga, Sorey, Kissel and others) are merely carrying out the evil legacy of their own fathers and uncles who came before them. I will be writing more about this in the future.

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