As we all know, the Internal Affairs Disposition Panel charged with reviewing the complaint against North Miami Police Commander Emile Hollant allegedly quoted Black’s Law Dictionary to define “witness” (even though they got it wrong).
We thought we’d help them out with the definition of another word the police department seems to have trouble with … TRANSPARENCY.
According to Black’s, “transparency” is defined as, “A lack of any hidden agendas with all information being available.”
Well, isn’t that special?
If transparency was the goal of the North Miami Police Department, why would they have omitted key documents relating to Commander Hollant’s IA investigation from it’s so-called “transparency” portal, like the Cuevas Memo or the Arrojo Email, for example?
In addition to the words “witness” and “transparency,” the NMPD also seems to have trouble with the word “definition.”
Item 17 on the PD’s “transparency” portal is a document entitled “SOP.”
The acronym SOP stands for “Standard Operation Procedure,” which Wikipedia defines as “a set of step-by-step instructions compiled by an organization to help workers carry out routine operations. SOPs aim to achieve efficiency, quality output and uniformity of performance, while reducing miscommunication and failure to comply with industry regulations.”
The document that is posted, however, is actually the North Miami Police Department’s General Rules and Regulations and not its formal SOP, which is in reality a tome over a thousand pages long.
One section of the NMPD’s Standard Operating Procedure is a 32 page document dealing specifically with INTERNAL INVESTIGATIONS, COMPLAINTS, COUNSELING, AND DISCIPLINE, which you can read in its entirety by clicking here.
Feel free to mull over this for the time being while we here at VotersOpinion continue in our unrelenting pursuit of justice for Commander Hollant.
To be continued…
What the heck are you doing wasting people’s time posting this garbage?
Move on and get a life
One man’s trash is another man’s treasure.
Sorry you don’t appreciate my efforts to destroy the corruption in the North Miami Police Department.
If my blogs upset you, you might want to follow your own advice.
Just saying.
I’m guessing transparency is just a term North Miami throws around like “sustainability” and “personal responsibility” which no one really knows what it means but they do know they are supposed to be using it.
Althought, Stephanie…as the saying goes “birds of the same feather…” so this makes me question if NMPD and commissioners flock together, I guess it’s not so far fetched that our commissioners also have no idea what transparency looks like.
TIMESTAMP – 1:55:00
Maybe this isn’t as hot a topic as police involved topics but geez – what is Carol hiding? And I’m aware you are closer to Carol than some of us are, but just like she stated back when you had your spat with the City Attorney ( – her relationship with you is not relevant. Frankly, as much as I appreciate your blog, I think you should go further and redefine transparency for EVERYONE not just NMPD.
BTW – I do not want your efforts on the NMPD to go unnoticed so thank you for shinning light on this matter. Especially since all major “news” seem to not give a damn about it at all.
I admit I should get on to other topics, but this crap is infuriating. I am absolutely outraged by the city’s horrific mistreatment of Commander Hollant with absolutely no justification. The depth of corruption in the police department and, apparently, the city manager’s office as well, is astounding.
A city is only as viable as its police department. After all, what’s more important than public safety? If its PD lacks any semblance of honesty and integrity, nothing else really matters.
North Miami residents have been royally screwed for years.
Lol this crap is indeed infuriating Stephanie, and you are definitely barking up the right tree, which is why you can’t seem to stop reporting about it…the more you dig the more you find.
I couldn’t agree with you any more about the police department. Public safety is number one.
Unfortunately, we are getting screwed from the our police department and now come to find our commissioners (SPECIFICALLY DIST 2) are wheeling and dealing behind their constituents’ backs with their constituents livelihoods.
I strongly plead you to at least LOOK into what “non-conflict of interests” my commissioner was trying to skirt around. I urge you to at least take a look at that video I posted above (1:55:00) – I’m not a lawyer, I’m not a public official, I’m just a resident and whatever I heard that night did not sit well on me.
Thank you kindly Stephanie for “clearing the air” on the information provided by the North Miami Police Department. It appears the department cannot get its act together.
Keep it up Stephanie…
No one else is reporting on this…
You are bringing to light what otherwise go unnoticed: public corruption, mishandling investigations (if they are messing with this one, how many others have there been???), favoritism, false police reports, gross negligence, improper termination, conduct unbecoming of public officials… I could go on but you get the picture… Things like this are not supposed to happen… I’m still puzzled why no one has stepped in from the SAO, FDLE, or the state…
Or why no major news outlet has pick this up….
But you’re doing a great service to the residents of North Miami…
Thank you for your efforts…
GOD bless…
Thanks for your uplifting words. It’s encouragement like yours that remind me I’m on the right track. You have no idea how much that means to me!
God Bless you, too!
The North Miami’s city administration (I.e city manager, city attorney, deputy city manager, and interim police chief) have implemented Attorneys Relief Act of 2017 by their alleged actions in taking mishandled police shooting against two unarmed citizens including one young,special-needs adult and using this shooting as a cover to pay back department’s rivalries and settle scores over petty personal relationships.
We have not addressed the core concerns and challenges with this mishandled police shooting including a dysfunctional department that lost its accreditation. Plus, our priorities are not purchasing sufficient police cars for our dedicated on-the-beat police officers, yet we find funds to purchase outdoor artwork at the price tag of $25k each. A city can not survive on fancy caviar when you have a Burger King budget.
Now, we have four lawsuits against the city which will require special outside counsel to defend those named as defendants in each lawsuit. Before the verdicts are awarded and settlements are negotiated, the special lawyers will bill the city for defending the city manager, city attorney, deputy city manager, interim police chief, city councilman, etc etc etc for each lawsuit. As always, the attorneys will make out like bandits in defending this motley crew.
Who will suffer? The taxpayers who will have to foot the attorneys bills, legal settlements, and juries awards. Next, it will be the city police officers who will have to ride in overextended police vehicles that are subject to break downs in responding to police calls. After the lost of accreditation for the police department, MOCA will lose its accreditation because it doesn’t have funding to address basic operations and procedures in maintaining a public arts museum. Finally, morale of city employees will sink further than the Titanic because if city administration is willing to release personnel files carelessly on 3 employees, than what will they do to the average employee who works hard for 8 hours of public services in its water department, parks & recreation department, or its public library.
Apparently, North Miami citizens will have to vote to approve a $10 million bond just to pay for the lawsuits.
Good luck with that.
No way. 007 makes some really good points. Passing any bond right now would be like handed over a black credit card to a teenager with poor decision making abilities. Im not about to lose my house, or help cause other residents to lose their houses so that commissioners can keep throwing parties and paying settlements with our tax money.
Party is over, folks. Time to change our spending habits and pay off the bills from the last decades of poor decisions. Build back that bank of trust of your residents.
Party is over???? WTH? All incumbents were re-elected…sounds to me like the party just got extended another 4 years.
Please, what trust? Last week’s LDR disclosure of “non conflict of interest” didn’t send you a wake up call? You better get your head out of your house because they’re 10 steps ahead of us.
You spoke up so I’m guessing you heard it in person but here it is just in case you missed it.
Correction, TIMESTAMP – 1:57:00
So it’s been almost a week and this conversation is dead.
Seems to me like you don’t really have a forum where ideas can be discussed…rather a echo chamber that people can come and hear themselves. Kinda sucks Stephanie, I commend you for your efforts…unfortunately, community involvement seems to be at an all-time low (including blogs it seems).
The conversation might be “dead” in the comment section of these blogs, but that doesn’t mean that we are not making progress. In fact, we have several public records requests in the works that the city of North Miami continues to be reluctant to provide. There will be future blog posts pending the outcome of those requests. Stay tuned.
Stephanie – I do not doubt you for one second that there are “things” in the works and I will stay tuned.
It’s unfortunate someone like Laura Hill above finds this blog, has a forum where she can DISCUSS her issues with the City but instead decides to comment and run.
If every North Miami resident follows that protocol – of course commissioners, officers or anyone else will just say whatever they’d like to hear at said time and do something else if no one is going to follow up.
She talks about building trust – but HOW? She says she doesn’t want to cause neighbors to lose their houses – but again HOW?
It’s awesome to come up with catchy phrases like “Party is over folks” but when it’s time to tell those folks – ssshhhh not a peep.
Let me remind you that Ms. Hill went to the community forum and did not comment and run. She wanted the city to respond, but they cut and ran. It’s not Ms. Hill’s fault, or apparently in her character, to just post a comment and let it hang. You need to understand that to make difference, you and others to need stay involved, attend community forums and council meetings and hold paid city officials accountable. The blogger can only do so much. The citizens need to take ownership of their city in order to effectuate change.
Not at all Stephanie – I meant comment and run on this forum.
You are completely correct, bloggers can only do so much and this is appreciated!!
Nuder- I am as active as I can be. I went to almost every councilmeeting the last few years, have read through most of the Comp Plan, LDR’s etc. I always speak up and have read through a large percentage of the police documents regarding the shooting. I went to the bond presentation, have emailed my council people regarding the proposed projects, have met with all council people many times.
I’ve just got a lot of end of life issues going on in my family, yo. I can’t always be all about the City. I have a life, kids, aging parents. I also am president of NoMi Neighbors Association which is active on Facebook in discussing North Miami politics.
Sorry to have disappointed you. Summer is generally when the activists in my community go on vacation and this has been a particularly busy one.
Nah you did not disappoint me one bit. First, I’d like to clarify that my comment and your disappearing from the conversation was related to THIS forum. Not Comp Plans, LDRs etc…those are all HACK JOBS just to entertain us and make us think we were a part of something greater. I was there as well. It was incredible to see that 4 (3+ hours) meetings were condensed onto a 4 maybe 5 bullets and 2 maybe 3 minute presentation by Debbie Love and Tanya the great.
NoMi neighbors does great things which I’ve attended, the last one was the Candidates who were running for Mayor. I also mentioned that I was sure I had seen you speak at the LAST LDR meeting so no hard feelings. Not here to CALL anyone out except the commissioners who work for us (BARELY).
We all have life issues – it’s what the commissioners are banking on. It’s why a CHINATOWN meeting was scheduled the same day and time as a CDBG meeting – which I was the only person to attend. So yeah, I’m with you…we can’t always be about the City.
ANYWAY! lol – I did want to speak about something specific which you have yet to respond to. As I mentioned above, you were present at the last LDR meeting, How do you feel about Mrs. Keys potential non conflict of interest? Does it not faze you that our commissioners may be re arranging our city planning for their own interest? I don’t know much about Keys but I do know she owns a few properties around Miami – could she be benefiting from being commissioner?
No,regarding Ms. Keys recusing herself from that vote, I think it was in an over abundance of caution so as not to give an appearance of impropriety. What alternative would she have? I was there at that councilmeeting too and I believe she stated on the record that she was going to recuse herself because she is in the process of purchasing some property in the area that is being discussed.
Think about it, damned if you are damned if you aren’t. She did the right thing by disclosing her property purchase to the City attorney who advised her she could not vote and had to leave the room. Thats by the books.
I think you asked me to clarify some catchy slogans I had previously used-
“Building Trust” This concept happens when a City runs efficiently without weird scandals, without shady deals. These HUD grants, for instance. Last year, when they went to distribute the grants, officially it was supposed to be first come first serve. Everyone got in line on the advertised date and had a number which reflected the position in line they held, after they qualified with their paperwork. Unbeknownst to each of the poor suckers in line at 4am on the advertised date, CP&D had taken 31 people who happened to show up the DAY BEFORE and bumped them up in line. How did the 31 people know to show up the day before everyone else was instructed? They said it was a mix up in noticing. But those 31 people maintained their places ahead of all the rest of the people who followed the instructions they were told. And guess what? 30 grants would be given. Sucks to be number 35 which would actually have been the 4th person in line at the appropriate time.
Trust. Just one example. Can we have some anti-nepotism bill passed? Can we just say no to friends and family employment? Even if the City officially denies the practice of nepotism, whats the harm in a no family ordinance when it comes to employment, grants etc? If its not a problem, whats the harm?
My statement of “I don’t want to lose my home or my neighbors lose theirs” This relates to the bond. $100Million is a lot of money. I may be wrong, but when I took the equation that they had originally showed us, way back when they were looking at the Tallahassee model, if my figures were correct, it would about double our taxes. May not be now, may not be in a year, but eventually we have to pay this money back. Now, not everyone is on a fixed income, but I have knocked on many doors in this area and an additional $1000 or even $800 a year in taxes would be a burden on a lot of long time elderly residents. So you think about that burden in relationship to the projects they have presented:
-A new City Hall. This is really what they want. So why don’t they just pass a $20M bond or something of that nature just for this project? Take the pork out of the pig.
-New community centers. Really? They mentioned putting a new set of computers in the community centers as well. Didn’t we just do that at the library? Is the line for computers going out the door at the library? Don’t most people have cell phones? I don’t really think this is a bond worthy project. We have a great Celestin Center, Griffing could use some roof repairs, etc. Nobody I have spoken to is in favor of knocking down the centers to rebuild at this time.
-China town. Really unpopular with residents of all districts. Don’t shove an unwanted project down our throats and expect us to pay for it. Please.
-They show us the same glossy photos of a downtown master plan, all kinds of stuff. Same presentation all the time. We have a CRA. Isn’t some of this supposed to be funded by the CRA? When is the photograph going to reflect the downtown and vice a versa?
I don’t support the bond. If it was a $20M or below amount specifically for a planned project- a specific project like a new City Hall, then maybe. They put the cart before the horse in that they are coming up with a figure of $100M and then looking for enticing projects to sell us on it. We are not stupid. We manage our own households. If we have a large project, come up with how much it will cost and then ask for it. Don’t come up with an amount of money AND THEN find ways to spend it. If they do it that way, poof, money gone, nobody knows where and it will be yet another case of “that was with the OLD city manager, now its different.” that same song keeps being sung and yet the bills don’t leave with the administration.
Id like to see a ban or a cap on international travel for elected officials and staff. On their own, they can travel the world. But when it comes to North Miami business, I cannot imagine why a City Clerk would need to accompany the City to the People’s Republic of China. I cannot imagine so many other Cities who have those Sister City relationships visiting so often. I believe we have paid a lot for these trips after the IRS found no benefit to the tax payers.
Anyway, we could go on for days. But I have to go cut my grass before Code Compliance comes and gives me a ticket for too many butterflies. -laura
“I have gotten a written opinion from my attorney. disclosing exactly what I’m doing. the legal opinion is that i did not have to disclose it this evening and that i would be able to vote. I do not feel there’s any conflict. I don’t think I will be voting on anything that will give this property , if i do in fact purchase it, a benefit that anyone else would be having.”
City Att:
“I just want to make sure the attorney she’s referring to is the city attorney.”
I couldn’t agree with you anymore about ALL your issues Laura. I don’t support the bonds, I love the idea of a travel cap (ban) – a new city hall?!!? I’m with you – the fat should definitely be trimmed.
But will these demands happen? Should they? Why would they? How much pressure are we really putting on them? I mean, you’re defending Carol Keys so immediately she’s off the hook on this comment section. I wonder how many people are going around defending Desulme and that whacky Chinatown idea.
The ironic part is that here you are defending Mrs. Keys. The very same Keys who indeed DID partake in said Chinatown excursion and who in my opinion seems to be backing the Chinatown project.
Now, the fact that you are very upset with very valid issues yet give a pass to one out of 5 votes is really disturbing. Do most activists in north miami find alliance with commissioners? Do they (you) not realize commissioners are part of the problem? Obviously, they too are part of the solution considering the power they have.
You speak of nepotism. Isn’t it ironic that at one point the very same person who shares a personal office space with Mrs. Keys was also assigned to the CRA board?
What I’m getting at is that you happen to be giving one commissioner way to much slack. I can only assume other resident are giving other commissioners the very same slack. So clearly, the very best position to have is commissioner. You can do NO WRONG because you have citizens (activists) working for them in their defense!! Just step back and notice you and I are both residents, we have no say in anything that happens there. Yet, here we are you and I at opposite ends of the spectrum. Why did that happen?
“I was there at that councilmeeting too and I believe she stated on the record that she was going to recuse herself because she is in the process of purchasing some property in the area that is being discussed.”
BTW – she did not disclose where the property was located. As a matter of fact, she specifically said she did not HAVE TO DISCLOSE the address of said property. And as for your comment “the area that is being discussed” is ALL OF NORTH MIAMI. All i’m saying is we have to admit when, even our “favorite” commissioners, are doing something not so koshered.
LAST but not least.
After watching the LDR meeting many many many times over and over again…gravel driveways were the only change that seemed to impact the city and their residents directly.
Funny enough, the commissioners support the Paris agreement yet gravel was not discussed? Did you know that South Miami is the first city to pass an ordinance that new homes must have solar panels. That sounds innovative to me. Did you know Coral Gables was the first city to ban plastic bags?
Really cool things right? Ever wonder why our commissioners don’t do these things? We are “such a green city” we give out trees, close streets once a month to ride our bikes…are these just stunts? What would happen if Galvin weren’t commissioner? Would we all of a sudden drop our LGBTQ stances? What if Keys weren’t commissioner? Would we all of a sudden stop the bike rides? Maybe…but those are just events. If Galvin were not commissioner that night, our city would not allow gravel driveways – the number one material for permeability. The very permeability that Howard speaks of whenever he gets a chance. Doesn’t that bother you?
I’ll leave you with this last bit. Maybe you weren’t at this LDR meeting but Carol Keys, as a resident, said gravel is not attractive and ends up all over the road. That’s our commissioner. Someone who, without ANY knowledge of materials, construction, installation or codes and regulations makes a comment like that. I’m troubled by those comments and by regulations being made based on personal choices.
Also, I wish people in comments would use their real names if possible. I use mine. If you are very involved in politics in North Miami, there is a good chance I know you. And that can put our conversation in a bit more context.
I’ll leave this here:
Maybe the South Miami was too far south – these are our neighbors at Little River. That’s some serious forward thinking. But I guess we at North Miami should be happy we have ONE bioswale and gravel driveways!!
Agreed. Anyone can post here anonymously. However, opinions given by individuals not afraid to use their real identities are given more credence. In my humble opinion, of course.
Also, I think each commissioner and City management would laugh about your “not a peep” comment. They wish. I don’t think I am capable of giving “not a peep.” LOL
Laura, are you aware that all of the CRA Advisory Board was re-appointed? Not one person changed. Furthermore, are you aware that one person will serve 4 years in said advisory board while everyone else will serve 2 years. Even furthermore, all this information is not public information!
Do I expect a response from you? No. It’s clear from our last discussion that WE DO NOT share the same concerns.
Laura, I’m so thrilled we had this little discussion (although one sided) before last nights (08.22.17) council meeting.
Seems like the very person you backed as Mayor, Hector Medina, is not really please with Mrs. Keys strategic purchases. I’ll leave this here –
timestamp around 1:40:00 that’s when public forum begins.
I’ll also leave some documents I found about our lovely commissioner who apparently opens LLC’s under her husband’s name who clearly works at her office 12700 Biscayne Boulevard…which is coincidentally the same office that Holy Cohen (CRA & Board of Adjustment [which I don’t have to tell you])
Stephanie – I like your blog. You have a knack for a story…which is exactly what I see here. Maybe I’m wrong but for sure where there’s smoke – and I definitely see smoke here.
Sorry – here’s Mr. Starkeys new LLC, opened in July this year