It’s hard to believe that two years have passed since the last North Miami city council election.
In 2015, Mayor Smith Joseph defended his seat for about five minutes against Jean Marcellus, who was summarily disqualified for paying his qualification fee with a bad check, City Clerk Michael Etienne beat his challenger, Janet Reed, by using dirty tricks to oust her from the race, Councilman Alix Desulme handily beat his opponent, the carpetbagging fake teacher (and PBA endorsed) Carline Paul, and Councilman Scott Galvin was re-elected because no one had the cojones to run against him.
Good times!
On April 6, 2017, the Miami Herald reported that there are a total of nine candidates running in the upcoming election scheduled for on May 9, 2017.
Mayor Smith Joseph has drawn three opponents.
Danielle C.J. Beauvais, PH-D [sic], an alternative medical consultant (whatever that means) and former 2005 mayoral candidate, filed on February 17, 2017.
According to her campaign website, she is running for mayor in order to resolve immigration, education and equal representation, none of which is even remotely the responsibility of a local city council.
But, hey, she’s got signs!
In addition to a $9,200 loan to her campaign, Ms. Beauvais raised $12,100.17 in donations, of which she’s already spent $11,798.80.
A review of her Campaign Treasurer’s report for the month of March reveals that she paid a $2,400.00 filing fee, a total of $3,801.29 for flyers and signage, $480.00 on an “election assessment,” $40.00 for a voters list, $183.43 for supplies, $500.00 on Haitian radio advertising, and $500.00 to Hertz Phenard for “spokesman service.” These are all usual and customary campaign expenses.
In one month, she also spent $204.47 on “food for campaign volunteers” (including meals at Olive Garden and the Original Pancake House), and $258.93 on “gas for campaign vehicle.”
This is never a good sign.
It’s also not a good sign that she filed for bankruptcy in 1996.
To make matters worse, she has hired convicted felon, “Nacivre “Good Time Charlie” Charles, as her campaign manager.
According to her latest Campaign Treasurer’s Report, on April 12, 2017 she paid him $2,000.00 to
steal broker manage handle absentee ballots.
Or something.
Then again, considering that Ms. Beauvais was herself arrested for a felony charge in 1997, maybe hanging with criminals is her thing.
Just saying.
Although Ms. Beauvais only received 85 votes when she ran for mayor against Jean Monestime and the ultimate winner, Kevin Burns, she’s going for it again.
In a February article, the Miami Herald reported, “Since that loss, Beauvais hasn’t run for public office but has worked as an emergency response reservist and a tai chi instructor. And for about seven years she taught tai chi courses at the North Miami Library. She said she wanted to run to encourage a message of city unity and better communication from the government to residents.”
Alrighty then.
Hector Medina, a retired doctor and community activist, filed on March 20, 2017. He has never run for office before, but he has certainly made his presence known at City Hall.
And unlike Ms. Beauvais, Hector Medina at least has a campaign platform.
Sort of.
This North Miami resident has been battling city and elected officials for nearly three years over a Spotmaster dry cleaning business located 150 feet from his home, which he claims has been operating illegally. In an email to me last summer, Mr. Medina wrote that Spotmaster has “been operating an industrial plant in a commercial zone under a tarp, which means no walls or roof, 24/7/365, stealing our water with electrical and plumbing illegal connections.” He also indicated that the fumes and noise from this business is unbearable. He and his neighbors have posted scores of videos on YouTube as proof.
Worse, Mr. Medina claims that after he complained, he has been threatened with physical harm and that he and his neighbors have had their tires flattened with knives. Copies of emails and memos from city officials that Mr. Medina provided to me all claim that the business has the “necessary valid permits” from both the state and the county, although he is adamant that this is not the case. I was also advised by several council members that this problem has since been resolved and Spotmaster’s industrial dry cleaning plant has moved from that location.
Medina also told the Miami Herald that “the City Council needs to prioritize residents over development, particularly along corridors like Northwest Seventh Avenue and Biscayne Boulevard.”
If there’s any lesson that Mr. Medina can take away from his neighboring city, development is the lifeblood of any municipality. For decades, North Miami Beach suffered under a lack of vision – and development – from previous administrations, while infrastructure and property values plummeted and crime rates skyrocketed. Because of their commitment to progress, NMB’s current Mayor and Council reversed that trend by encouraging an abundance of new projects, which always benefits the residents of any city. Other than the much anticipated master-planned community of Solē Mia, no other major development projects are in the pipeline as yet, albeit not for lack of trying.
Candidates need to understand that the prioritization of both residents and development do not have to be mutually exclusive.
Just saying.
Middle school teacher and former 2001 council candidate, Tyrone Hill, filed to run on April 4, 2017.
Mr. Hill told the Herald that his main goal is to create more programs for North Miami’s youth, “particularly in schools,” and especially “for our at-risk students.” He said that while the city has after-school and summer programs for young students there should be more options, particularly in schools. While Hill claims that “the school system does all it can but the city can do more,” we beg to differ. While the two do partner together for various events, the public schools are not under the purview of local municipalities, but the Miami Dade County school system. North Miami positively excels at providing a multitude of excellent sports and educational programs for children and teens.
We’re not sure how he plans to fix something that isn’t broken, but good luck with that.
According to his latest (and only) Campaign Treasurer’s Report, Tyrone Hill, loaned $14,000.00 to his campaign, and raised $200.00 in donations, but (sigh) he totally screwed up the first page by listing the loan on the wrong line and not listing the other donations.
(FFS, read the instructions, people!)
As for his expenses, he spent $245.57 for campaign tee shirts from the (unfortunately named) company, Happy Endings of Miami, and $5,469.00 on signs … which we heard he’s been planting all over public property.
And which is a violation of North Miami code and campaign laws.
But, hey! We’re sure Larry Juriga, the North Miami Assistant Police Chief in charge of Code Enforcement and Sanitation, will get right on it!
District 3 Councilman Philippe Bien-Aime drew two opponents.
Wancito Francius, owner of Intelligence Tax Services, LLC and Lion Intelligence & Security Services, Inc., filed to run on December 4, 2015.
Hopefully, he’s running a better campaign than the one he ran last year for his “Francius Toy Give Away North Miami” Go Fund Me account.
On November 23, 2016, he started fundraising with a lofty goal of “$40,000.00 to put smiles on parents and children faces that live [sic] in North Miami.”
So far, he’s raised a whopping ten dollars.
In 2012, Francius and his wife were sued by their condominium association for non-payment of maintenance fees. A Final Judgment of Foreclosure was entered on August 7, 2012 in the amount of $12,804.26. Their home was scheduled to be sold in foreclosure on September 12, 2012, but was halted when he filed for bankruptcy two days before the sale.
A search of the public records revealed that a second Final Judgment of Foreclosure against Mr. Francius was entered on November 3, 2016. On December 28, 2016, he was able to cancel the foreclosure sale by reaching “a successful resolution” with the bank.
Francius and his company, Lion Intelligence, are currently being sued in County Court for non-payment of a business debt, which he personally guaranteed, in the amount of $3,199.84.
Perhaps Mr. Francius should get his financial house in order before attempting to tinker with North Miami’s $66.5 million budget.
Just saying.
According to his most recent Campaign Treasurer’s Report, he declared a “TOTAL Monetary Contributions to Date” in the amount of $29,978.95. Considering that he raised $3,728.15 in actual cash donations, a $200.00 in-kind donation, and loaned his campaign a total of $30,350.08, he under-reported the amount of $371.85.
We’re thinking he probably should invest in a calculator.
The fact that someone so fiscally irresponsible with his own money would spend over $30k of his own money to run for a local council seat only proves how irresponsible he’d be with your tax dollars.
It also proves he’s a dumbass.
(As an aside, I personally know someone who divorced her husband when he did this exact same thing. Just saying.)
Also vying for Mr. Bien-Aime’s seat is perpetual candidate Jean Marcellus, whose only means of support seems to be running for office. He filed to run on January 27, 2017.
Despite his history of writing bad checks and being fined $6,800.00 by the Florida Elections Commission for doing so, he’s thrown his hat in the ring.
So far, he’s still in the race. We know this because his qualifying check hasn’t bounced.
How he paid for the qualifying fee in the first place is a mystery since it’s not listed on the one and only Campaign Treasurer’s Report he’s filed so far.
Which he filed four days late.
On that CTR, Marcellus reported a $1,500.00 loan to his campaign and $400.00 in donations, which totals $1,900.00. Oddly, he reported “TOTAL Monetary Contributions to Date” as $6,110.00. Where that additional $4,210.00 came from is yet another mystery.
Marcellus also reported “TOTAL Monetary Expenditures to Date” of $4,481.05, yet only reported the $1,380.00 he paid to three campaign workers.
Yes, math is hard.
He might not be able to add numbers, but a Jean Marcellus candidacy always promises to bring much needed comic relief to any election.
This former North Miami councilman stepped down from his seat in 2013 to run for mayor, only to lose spectacularly to four other candidates in a crowded field of seven contenders.
But not before making headlines for calling former Mayor Andre Pierre a “dictator.”
Jean’s claim to fame was getting punched in the mouth by a former acquaintance, who tried to stab him with his own letter opener.
Oh, and he was once a cop. Which could explain why he once said at a mayoral debate that he “wants police officers to open their car windows and wave to residents as they drive by.”
Jean Marcellus does not have a campaign website. He does, however, have a Facebook page with a profile picture from his failed campaign four years ago.
District 2 Councilwoman Carol Keys ran unopposed until April 3, 2017, when political newcomer Ilyana Albarrán threw her hat in the ring. The Miami Herald reported that she “recently received a doctorate in public affairs from Florida International University, said the city should prioritize resident involvement and engagement. She also wants to see the downtown area develop as an arts and entertainment district to attract more business.”
Political newcomer, Ms. Albarrán has filed three Campaign Treasurer’s Reports, and they’re a complete disaster. She filed the first one on April 7, 2017, reporting a “cash” donation of $2,260.00 from John Berry, a north Miami resident.
For one thing, according to the Florida Campaign & Campaign Treasurer Handbook, campaign contributions from the same contributor are limited to $1,000.00 per election, and cash donations are limited to $50.00.
When she filed an amended return on April 17, 2017, she deleted the “cash” donation of $2,260.00 and added a loan from herself in the amount of $2,260.00. However, on the first page, she still listed both the donation and the loan, instead of just the loan.
Yeah, I’m shaking my head, too.
On her most recent CTR filed April 21, 2017, Ms. Albarrán was supposed to have reported contributions and expenditures only through April 14, 2017, but screwed that one up, too. She reported a $200.00 “cash” donation from Nicholas Ingram on April 10, 2017. She also reported another $100.00 “cash” donation from John Berry on April 21, 2017, a full week after the closing date of April 14, 2017 for that reporting period.
As with that other genius candidate, Jean Marcellus, filing a complaint against Ilyana Albarrán with the Florida Elections Commission would be a complete waste of a perfectly good stamp.
Needless to say, Ms. Albarrán has absolutely no clue how to run a campaign, much less a city.
Of the three incumbents running for re-election:
- Mayor Smith Joseph has raised $34,749.99 and spent $8,260.00.
- Philippe Bien-Aime has raised $32,605.00 and spent $13,214.52.
- Carol Keys has raised $43,120.00 and spent $25,760.00.
From a spectator’s standpoint, the 2017 North Miami city council election will probably be nowhere near as fun as the last few, but the stakes are much higher now.
Almost all its neighboring cities, and especially North Miami Beach, have been attracting new development projects, and enjoying huge increases in property values. North Miami is finally headed in the right direction. Now is certainly not the time to put a halt to its progress by electing anti-development candidates to office.
Or for that matter, idiots.
Just saying.
As such, VotersOpinion is endorsing all three incumbents in this city council election.
North Miami Eleksyon: Kandida yo, pwoblèm yo, ak apwi yo VotersOpinion tout-enpòtan.
Li difisil yo kwè ke de ane te pase depi dènye North Miami konsèy vil eleksyon an.
Nan 2015, Majistra Smith Jozèf defann plas li pou apeprè senk minit kont Jean Marcellus, ki te somèr diskalifye pou peye frè kalifikasyon li yo ak yon chèk move, Vil Grefye Michael Etienne bat pwovokatè l ‘yo, Janet Reed, lè l sèvi avèk ke trik nouvèl sal yo chase l’ soti nan ras la, Manm Konsèy Alix Desulme handily bat advèsè l ‘yo, carpetbagging pwofesè a fo (epi PBA andose) Carline Pòl, ak Manm Konsèy Scott Galvin te re-eli paske pa gen moun te gen cojones yo nan kouri avè l’.
Bon fwa!
Sou 6 mwa avril, 2017, Jounal Miami Herald la rapòte ke gen yon total de nèf kandida kouri nan eleksyon k ap vini pwograme pou sou li a, 9 me 2017.
Majistra Smith Jozèf te trase twa opozan.
Danielle C.J. Beauvais, PH-D [sik], yon konsiltan altènatif medikal (tou sa sa vle di) ak ansyen 2005 kandida majistra-a pran, ranpli sou 17 fevriye, 2017.
Dapre sou sit entènèt kanpay li, li ap kouri pou majistra yo nan lòd yo rezoud imigrasyon, edikasyon ak reprezantasyon egal, pa youn nan ki se menm adistans responsablite a nan yon konsèy vil lokal yo.
Men, hey, li nan te resevwa siy!
Anplis de sa nan yon prè $ 9.200 nan kanpay li, Madam Beauvais leve soti vivan $ 12,100.17 nan donasyon, ki li te deja depanse $ 11,798.80.
Yon revi de rapò Trezorye Kanpay l ‘la pou mwa a nan mwa mas revele ke li peye yon frè $ 2,400.00 ranpli, yon total de $ 3,801.29 pou avyatè ak signalisation, $ 480.00 sou yon “evalyasyon eleksyon an,” $ 40.00 pou yon lis votè yo, $ 183.43 pou materyèl, $ 500.00 sou ayisyen piblisite radyo, ak $ 500.00 Hertz Phenard pou “sèvis pòtpawòl.” sa yo se tout depans kanpay nòmal ak òdinè.
Nan yon sèl mwa, li tou te depanse $ 204,47 sou “manje pou volontè kanpay” (ki gen ladan manje nan Olive Jaden ak Original galèt kay la), ak $ 258,93 sou “gaz la pou machin kanpay.”
Sa a se pa janm yon bon siy.
Li la tou pa yon siy bon ke li te ranpli pou fayit an 1996.
Pou fè zafè pi mal, li te anplwaye kondane kriminèl, “Nacivre” Bon Tan Charlie “Charles, kòm manadjè kanpay li.
Dapre dènye rapò Kanpay Trezorye a li, sou li a, 12 avril 2017 li peye l ‘$ 2,000.00 yo nan vole koutye jere bilten vòt manch absan.
Oswa yon bagay.
Lè sa a, ankò, lè nou konsidere gen Madam Beauvais te tèt li arete pou yon chaj krim nan lane 1997, petèt pandye ak kriminèl se bagay li.
Jis di.
Malgre ke Madam Beauvais sèlman resevwa 85 vote lè li kouri pou majistra kont Jean Monestime ak gayan an ultim, Kevin Burns, li k ap pase pou l ‘ankò.
Nan yon atik nan yon mwa fevriye, Jounal Miami Herald la rapòte, “Depi lè sa pèt, Beauvais pa te kouri pou yon pòs piblik men li te te travay kòm yon rezèvis repons pou ijans ak yon enstriktè Tai Chi. Se pou sou sèt ane li te anseye kou chi Tai nan North Miami Bibliyotèk la. Li te di li te vle kouri ankouraje yon mesaj nan inite vil la ak pi bon kominikasyon nan men gouvènman an moun ki abite. “
Alrighty lè sa a.
Hector Medina, yon doktè ak kominote retrete aktivis, ranpli sou 20 mas, 2017. Li pa janm te kouri pou biwo anvan, men li sètènman te fè devan je l ‘li te ye nan City Hall.
Apre sa, kontrèman ak Madam Beauvais, Hector Medina omwen gen yon platfòm kanpay.
Sòt de.
Te rezidan North Miami sa a ap batay vil la ak ofisyèl eli pou prèske twa ane sou yon biznis netwayaj sèk Spotmaster sitiye 150 pye soti nan lakay li, ki li reklamasyon ki te opere ilegalman. Nan yon imèl bay m ‘an ete dènye a, Mesye Medina te ekri ki Spotmaster gen “te opere yon plant endistriyèl nan yon zòn komèsyal anba yon prela, ki vle di pa gen okenn mi yo oswa do-kay, 24/7/365, vòlè dlo nou yo ak elektrik ak plonbri ilegal koneksyon. “Li te tou endike ke lafimen yo ak bri sa a soti nan biznis se ensipòtab. Li menm ak vwazen l ‘te afiche nòt nan videyo sou YouTube kòm prèv.
Vin pi mal, Mesye Medina reklamasyon ke apre li plenyen, li te menase ak domaj fizik e ke li menm ansanm ak vwazen l ‘te gen kawotchou yo aplati ak kouto. Kopi nan Imèl ak memo nan men ofisyèl vil ki Mesye Medina bay m ‘tout reklamasyon ke biznis la gen “nesesè pèmi yo valab” ki soti nan tou de eta a ak konte a, byenke li te se detèmine ke sa a se pa ka a. Mwen te tou konseye pa manm konsèy plizyè ki te pwoblèm sa a depi lè yo te rezoud e li te endistriyèl plant netwayaj sèk Spotmaster la te deplase soti nan ki kote.
Medina tou te di Jounal Miami Herald la ke “City Council la bezwen priyorite moun ki abite sou devlopman, patikilyèman ansanm koridò tankou Nòdwès Setyèm Avenue ak Biscayne Boulevard.”
Si gen nan nenpòt ki leson ke Mesye Medina ka pran lwen soti nan lavil vwazen l ‘yo, devlopman se tache ak san nenpòt ki minisipalite. Pou deseni, North Miami Beach soufri anba yon mank de vizyon – ak devlopman – soti nan administrasyon anvan yo, pandan y ap enfrastrikti ak pwopriyete valè degrengole ak pousantaj krim monte. Paske nan angajman yo nan pwogrè, kounye a Majistra NMB la ak Konsèy ranvèse ke tandans nan ankouraje yon abondans nan nouvo pwojè, ki toujou benefis rezidan yo nan nenpòt ki vil la. Lòt pase mèt-te planifye kominote a nan sèl Mia pi antisipe, pa gen okenn lòt pwojè devlopman pi gwo yo se nan tiyo a kòm ankò, kwake pa pou mank de eseye.
Kandida bezwen konprann ke priyorite nan tou de rezidan yo ak devlopman pa gen yo dwe mityèlman eksklizif.
Jis di.
Middle pwofesè lekòl ak ansyen 2001 konsèy kandida, Tyrone Hill, depoze nan kouri sou li a, 4 avril 2017.
Mesye Hill te di Herald la ki objektif prensipal li se kreye plis pwogram pou jèn North Miami a, “patikilyèman nan lekòl yo,” ak espesyalman “pou nou nan risk elèv yo.” Li te di ke pandan ke vil la gen pwogram apre lekòl ak ete pou elèv jèn ta dwe gen plis opsyon, patikilyèman nan lekòl yo. Pandan ke Hill reklamasyon ke “sistèm lekòl la fè tout sa li kapab men lavil la ka fè plis,” nou sipliye diferan. Pandan y ap de la fè patnè ansanm pou evènman divès kalite, lekòl piblik yo pa anba capacite a nan minisipalite lokal yo, men sistèm lekòl la Miami-Dade County. North Miami pozitivman èksèl nan bay yon foul moun nan espò ekselan ak pwogram edikasyon pou timoun yo ak jèn moun.
Nou pa fin konnen kijan li prevwa l ap ranje yon bagay ki pa kase, men bon chans ak sa.
Dapre dènye (e sèlman) Rapò Kanpay Trezorye a l ‘yo, Tyrone Hill, prete $ 14,000.00 nan kanpay li yo, li leve soti vivan $ 200.00 nan donasyon, men (soupi) li totalman vise moute premye paj la pa lis prè a sou liy lan sa ki mal epi yo pa lis la lòt donasyon.
(F, li enstriksyon yo, moun!)
Kòm pou depans l ‘, li te depanse $ 245,57 pou chemiz kanpay tee soti nan (malerezman yo te rele) konpayi an, Ala bon sa bon Tèminezon Konte Miami, ak $ 5,469.00 sou siy … ki nou tande li a te plante tout lòt peyi sou pwopriyete piblik.
Apre sa, ki se yon vyolasyon Kòd ak kanpay lwa North Miami.
Men, hey! Nou ap asire Larry Juriga, Asistan Chèf Polis nan North Miami an chaj nan Ranfòsman Kòd ak sanitasyon, yo pral jwenn dwa sou li!
Distrik 3 Manm Konsèy Philippe Bien-Aime te trase de opozan.
Wancito Francius, pwopriyetè a entèlijans Sèvis taks, LLC ak Lyon entèlijans ak Sèvis Sekirite Sosyal, Inc, depoze nan kouri sou li a, 4 desanm 2015.
Èspere ke, li te kouri yon kanpay pi bon pase yon sèl la li te kouri ane pase a pou li “Francius jwèt Fè Kado North Miami” Ale Fon m ‘kont.
Sou 23 Novanm, 2016, li te kòmanse ranmase lajan ak yon objektif meprizan nan “$ 40,000.00 yo mete bèl souri sou paran yo ak timoun ap fè fas ki ap viv [sik] nan North Miami.”
Se konsa, lwen, li te leve soti vivan yon kolosal dis dola.
Nan 2012, Francius ak madanm li yo te asiyen li asosyasyon kondominyòm yo pou peman ki pa Peye-nan frè antretyen. Yon jijman final nan Foreclosure te te antre nan sou 7 out, 2012 nan kantite lajan $ 12,804.26. lakay yo te pwograme yo dwe vann nan-n sezi sou Sèptanm 12, 2012, men li te te kanpe totalman lè li te ranpli pou fayit de jou anvan vant la.
Yon rechèch nan dosye piblik yo revele ke te yon dezyèm jijman final nan Foreclosure kont Mesye Francius te antre nan sou Novanm 3, 2016. Sou 28 Desanm, 2016, li te kapab anile vant la sezi pa rive “yon rezolisyon siksè” avèk bank la.
Francius ak konpayi l ‘yo, Lion entèlijans, ki aktyèlman ap ankòz nan Konte Tribinal pou peman ki pa Peye-nan yon dèt biznis, ki li menm pèsonèlman garanti, nan kantite lajan an de $ 3,199.84.
Petèt Mesye Francius ta dwe pran kay finansye li yo nan lòd anvan eseye Tinker ak $ 66.5 milyon dola bidjè North Miami an.
Jis di.
Dapre Rapò ki pi resan l ‘Kanpay Trezorye a, li te deklare yon “Kontribisyon TOTAL Monetè la dat” nan kantite lajan $ 29,978.95. Lè ou konsidere ke li leve soti vivan $ 3,728.15 nan donasyon lajan kach reyèl, yon $ 200.00 nan-kalite don, ak prete kanpay li yon total de $ 30,350.08, li anba-total kantite lajan $ 371,85.
Nou ap panse li pwobableman ta dwe envesti nan yon kalkilatris.
Lefèt ke yon moun konsa fiskal irèsponsab ak pwòp lajan l ‘ta depanse plis pase $ 30k nan pwòp lajan l’ yo kouri pou yon chèz manm Gran Konsèy lokal sèlman pwouve ki jan irèsponsab li ta dwe ak dola taks ou.
Li te tou pwouve li se yon dumbass.
(Kòm yon sou kote, Mwen pèsonèlman konnen yon moun ki divòse mari l ‘lè li te fè egzak menm bagay sa a. Jis di.)
Epitou lite pou chèz Mesye Bien-Aime a se kandida tout tan tout tan Jean Marcellus, ki gen sèlman vle di nan sipò sanble ap kouri pou biwo. Li depoze nan kouri sou li a, 27 janvye 2017.
Malgre istwa li nan ekri chèk move epi yo te peye amann $ 6,800.00 pa Eleksyon Komisyon an Florid pou fè sa, li te voye jete chapo l ‘nan bag la.
Se konsa, lwen, li se toujou nan ras la. Nou konnen sa a paske chèk ki kalifye l ‘yo pa te rebondi.
Ki jan li peye pou frè a kalifye nan plas an premye se yon mistè depi li pa nan lis sou yon sèl la ak sèlman Rapò Kanpay Trezorye a li te depoze byen lwen tèlman.
Ki li depoze kat jou an reta.
Sou ki CTR, Marcellus rapòte yon prè $ 1,500.00 nan kanpay l ‘, li $ 400.00 nan donasyon, ki totalize $ 1,900.00. Etranj, li rapòte “TOTAL Kontribisyon Monetè la dat” ke $ 6,110.00. Ki kote ki lòt $ 4,210.00 te soti nan se ankò yon lòt mistè.
Marcellus rapòte tou “Depans TOTAL Monetè la dat” nan $ 4,481.05, men sèlman total $ a 1,380.00 li peye nan twa travayè kanpay.
Wi, matematik se difisil.
Li pa ka kapab ajoute nimewo, men yon kandidati Jean Marcellus toujou pwomès yo pote anpil nesesè sekou komik nan nenpòt eleksyon an.
Sa a ansyen North Miami Manm Konsèy te demisyone desann soti nan plas li nan 2013 nan kouri pou majistra, se sèlman pèdi spèktakulerman nan kat lòt kandida nan yon jaden ki gen anpil moun nan sèt konkiran.
Men, pa anvan yo fè tit pou rele ansyen Majistra Andre Pierre yon “diktatè.”
reklamasyon Jean nan t’ap nonmen non te resevwa trou nan bouch la pa yon zanmi ansyen, ki t ap eseye koud l ‘ak pwòp bwat lèt l’ yo.
Oh, ak li te yon fwa yon jandam. Sa ki kapab eksplike poukisa li yon fwa te di nan yon deba majistra-a pran ke li “vle ofisye polis yo louvri fenèt machin yo ak balanse nan moun ki abite menm jan yo kondwi pa.”
Jean Marcellus pa gen yon sit entènèt kanpay. Li, sepandan, gen yon paj Facebook ak yon foto pwofil nan kanpay echwe l ‘kat ane de sa.
Distrik 2 Manm Konsèy Carol Keys kouri san okenn rezistans jouk Avril 3, 2017, lè politik Nouvo Ilyana Albarrán jete chapo l ‘nan bag la. Herald la Miami rapòte ke li “dènyèman te resevwa yon doktora nan zafè piblik nan Florida International University, te di lavil la ta dwe priyorite rezidan patisipasyon ak angajman. Li tou vle wè zòn nan anba lavil devlope kòm yon atizay ak amizman distri atire plis biznis.”
Politik Nouvo, Madam Albarrán te ranpli twa Rapò Kanpay Trezorye a, e yo ap yon dezas konplè. Li depoze yon sèl nan premye sou li a, 7 avril 2017, rapòte yon “lajan kach” don de $ 2,260.00 soti nan John Berry, yon nò Miami rezidan.
Pou yon sèl bagay, dapre Kanpay nan Florid & Kanpay Trezorye Manyèl, kontribisyon kanpay soti nan kontribitè an menm yo limite a $ 1,000.00 pou chak eleksyon an, ak donasyon lajan kach yo limite a $ 50.00.
Lè li depoze yon retounen amande sou Avril 17, 2017, li efase “lajan kach” don a $ 2,260.00 e li te ajoute yon prè soti nan tèt li nan kantite lajan $ 2,260.00. Sepandan, sou premye paj la, li te toujou ki nan lis tou de don an ak prè a, olye pou yo jis prè a.
Yeah, mwen souke tèt mwen, tou.
Sou ki pi resan CTR depoze 21 avril 2017, Madam Albarrán te sipoze li nan te rapòte kontribisyon ak depans sèlman nan 14 avril, 2017, men vise ke yon moun leve, tou. Li te rapòte yon $ 200.00 “lajan kach” don soti nan Nicholas Ingram sou 10 avril, 2017. Li te rapòte tou yon lòt $ 100.00 “lajan kach” don soti nan John Berry sou 21 avril, 2017, yon semèn plen apre dat la fèmen nan 14 avril, 2017 pou sa rapò peryòd.
Menm jan ak ke lòt kandida jeni, Jean Marcellus, depoze yon plent kont Ilyana Albarrán ak Eleksyon Komisyon an Florid ta dwe yon fatra konplè sou yon koupon pou achte parfe bon.
Evidamman di, Madam Albarrán gen absoliman pa gen okenn siy ki jan yo kouri yon kanpay, anpil mwens yon vil.
Nan twa Place yo kouri pou re-eleksyon:
• Majistra Smith Jozèf te leve soti vivan $ 34,749.99 yo epi te depanse $ 8,260.00.
• Philippe Bien-Aime te leve soti vivan $ 32,605.00 yo epi te depanse $ 13,214.52.
• Repons Carol te leve soti vivan $ 43,120.00 yo epi te depanse $ 25,760.00.
Li apati yon spektatè nan, 2017 North Miami konsèy vil eleksyon an ap pwobableman ap okenn kote tou pre kòm plezi kòm sot pase yo la, men kalite bèl avantaj yo yo pi wo kounye a.
Prèske tout lavil vwazen li yo, epi sitou North Miami Beach, yo te atire pwojè devlopman nouvo, ak jwi ogmante gwo nan valè pwopriyete. North Miami se finalman te dirije nan bon direksyon an. Koulye a, se sètènman pa tan an yo mete yon kanpe nan pwogrè li yo pa eli kandida anti-devlopman nan biwo.
Ou pou ki matyè, idyo.
Jis di.
Kòm sa yo, VotersOpinion se andose tout Place twa nan sa a eleksyon manm Gran Konsèy vil la.
LOl…base on your report, it appears that none of the candidate is worth to be voted into office?
Development is needed in North Miami but it SHOULD consider the residents, to some extent. Chinatown is a good example of what not to do. I have met with Hector Medina several times and have heard him speak at council meetings. He is not anti-development. The problem in this city is that the desirable areas in N.Miami are guarded heavily by their councilperson(s). I dont blame them they represent their constituents. As far as property values they are on the rise, organically. N.Miami’s location will be it’s saving grace. 15mins to Aventura Mall, 20mins to Downtown Miami, 15mins to Wynwood, 20 mins to the beaches. Access to I95 on 125th and 135th, Oleta Park, our tree canopy, and soon SoleMia which will rival Midtown shops with a possible Movie theater.
I agree that the city’s location is its best asset. The same thing goes for North Miami Beach. Both cities have such amazing opportunities for responsible development. NMB is making great strides. It’s time that North Miami start doing the same.
When one says “development is needed” it’s like saying – “breathing is needed.” But no one is talking about what kind of air we are breathing or what kind of buildings these developers are going to bring.
Every single home owner in North Miami is a potential developer. Now, are you saying we need high rises, luxury condos, mixed used buildings…no you are not. That’s because you (and Stephanie) believe the term “development” means something. It doesn’t. Developers are just businessMEN, who just want to close the deal.
Perhaps this investigation will shine a new light on “developers” or as I like to call them, opportunists.
You have no idea what I believe. You’re also entitled to your opinion. Even if it’s wrong.
Awww Stephanie, you’re so cute thinking this is about “candidate(s)”
Or maybe it is about candidates…to you. To me, this is about the City of North Miami. No one lost, no one won. “Winning” a chance to do your job is not winning…making the city into a success is winning. To me, Carol, You and every resident in there, even the “losers” win.
I love reading on you expose dirty politics that happen in city government and let the us know about whats really going on behind closed doors of city hall. Because of this, I’m really surprised that you would endorse the current Mayor, especially since so many of us are not happy with him. I would love to see someone new take his place.
On a different note, the number of contributions Keys received since even before Ilyana came into the race is ridiculous! Who needs that much money to run a campaign???? You would think the lady is running for president.. Bien-Aime seems alright I guess. I hear some people like him, but listening to him during the city council meetings gives me the biggest head-ache. I’m not in his district however so it doesn’t really matter.
I would love to see North Miami progress like North Miami Beach has, just driving through NMB makes me so happy!
Hello??? Not sure why you’re complaining about the money Ms. Keys is spending. A professional, well-run campaign raises money and spends it. DUH!
Sarah – I couldn’t agree with you any more.
Stephanie – looks like Lance needs to refresh your memory.
And yes, that’s exactly what the City of North Miami needs – a professional, well-run campaign….to run the district right into the ground.
You’re obviously upset that your candidate(s) lost. I hope you get over it more quickly than the crybabies who still can’t believe Hillary lost. That shit’s getting old.