I woke up to the devastating news that
20 people (UPDATE: at least 50 people) were killed in a popular gay nightclub in Orlando early this morning. The gunman was killed in a gunfight with the SWAT team. The mass shooting is being classified as an act of terrorism by the FBI, and it has now come to light that the killer was an Islamic extremist named Omar Mateen from Port St. Lucie and allegedly born to Afghan parents.
As unspeakable as this is, absolutely no one should be shocked. Anti-gay violence by Muslims is the norm in Europe and the Middle East. It was only a matter of time before it spread to our shores.
Last July, I posted Where is the outrage?, begging the leadership in the gay community to take its collective head out of the sand and start demanding a response to the savagery.
The response to my pleas?
As always, the Daily Mail (UK) was the first to report that the shooter was a suspected Islamic extremist. According to the report, the terrorist burst in “wearing a suicide vest,” and shot over 40 people, killing at least 20, in the “early hours of this morning.” The suspect is not known to live in the Orlando area.
The loudest voice in America against radical Islam, Pamela Geller, has been standing up against this extreme form of Islam for years, which treats gays (and women) as human garbage. Despite the push back she receives from gay and human rights activists, who vilify her as if she were the enemy, Geller forges on in the battle.
In a column posted this morning, Pamela Geller wrote:
Where is gay leadership? Condemning me or my colleagues who oppose the most brutal and extreme ideology on the face of the earth.
Where are the left-wing, the gay and LGBT organizations denouncing the Islamic texts that inspire such mayhem and murder of gays? Where is that fierce gay leadership condemning Muslim oppression of gays under the sharia? The silence is deafening.
They were loud and proud against our ads. They were holding press conferences condemning me. Gay organizations in America say nothing about this, but loudly condemned my ad campaign highlighting Muslim oppression of gays under the sharia. Why haven’t we heard from this City Council, or this Human Rights Commission, SFHRC head Theresa Sparks, but most especially the enemedia that scrubs their coverage of motive? They called our ads hate and issued a resolution condemning our AFDI [American Freedom Defense Initiative] ad campaign (the first of its kind) against our organization for merely quoting Muslim political leaders, spiritual leaders and cultural voices in the Muslim community who call for the torture and death of gay people.
Where is the outrage about the root causes of this murderous attack?
Pamela Geller gets constantly attacked for telling the truth about radical Islam because of the insanity of “tolerance” and “political correctness.”
Unfortunately, she is one hundred percent correct!
Please tell me there will be finally be outrage.
Please tell me that the lives of 20 innocent human beings, who were viciously murdered for no reason other than being gay, will finally be the impetus to fight back.
Please tell me that we will finally get serious about eradicating the violent extremism of radical Islam, which has been infiltrating America at an alarming rate in the last decade.
Please tell me that enough is finally enough.
As of today, there have been a total of 74 Islamic terrorist attacks in America, 45 of of them since 9/11.
We do not need any further proof that the United States is and has been under Jihadi terrorism.
This latest act of terrorism cannot be chalked up to “workplace violence.” This latest act of terrorism cannot be blamed on lack of “sensitivity training.” This latest act of terrorism cannot be excused as “cultural differences.”
It most certainly cannot be blamed on George W. Bush.
This latest act of terrorism cannot and should not be tolerated.
Radical Islam is a dangerous, intolerant cult, and its only goal is to obliterate western civilization.
When are we going to stop allowing this violent extremism to continue flourishing in America under the guise of “tolerance?”
When will enough be enough?
Stephanie Kienzle
“Spreading the Wealth”
wait til motive is established, just better journalism this way.
Wow,so sad I hope people wake up they will blame gun owners not the twrrosts the guy probably purchased the gun illegally like most criminals who commit these horrible acts do
Damn straight. Of course the far left will blame Israel and want to outlaw guns. They’d like to outlaw Israel too.
Marc, the motive is blinding. Open your eyes.
Seems while this act terrorized the nation it’s planning and execution do not fall under either the normal conception of terrorism or radical islamic terorrism.
according to the FBI the guy wasn’t even a practicing muslim but as you point out raised in an Afghani family.