North Miami Beach “Councilman” Frantz Pierre is up to his old “non-profit” scams once again.
As I first reported in La Maison de Pierre on March 28, 2013, two of his cronies managed to pilfer a total of $14,000.00 from the NMBPD’s Law Enforcement Trust Fund (LETF) on August 17, 2010.
The first organization, “Center for Family Empowerment,” which company is nowhere to be found as a legitimate corporation either with the Florida Secretary of State or with the Internal Revenue Service, was allegedly run by a woman named Marie Eleazard. While falsely registered as a voter in Frantz Pierre’s home at 2120 NE 171 Street, North Miami Beach (but living in MIRAMAR), she conned $10,000.00 from the LETF, with Frantzie voting in favor of her request.
The Social Harmony Foundation, Inc., a/k/a “Social Harmony Club,” a/k/a the registered fictitious name of “Social Harmony, Inc.,” which is run by Frantzie’s cohort, Pradel Vilme, scammed $4,000.00, also with Frantzie’s blessing.
Although the Social Harmony Foundation, Inc. was administratively dissolved for non-filing of the 2013 annual report, it was reincarnated as the New & Improved Social Harmony Corporation on May 27, 2015 as a “Florida Not for Profit Corporation.”
Both of the fake “non-profit” organizations, “Center for Family Empowerment” and “Social Harmony Club,” claimed to be located at 1733 NE 162 Street, North Miami Beach, FL 33162, also known as Frantzie’s “House of Non-Profits,” where Frantzie & Friends set up all their Faux Non-Profit ventures so they can make a quick buck on taxpayer dime.
Undaunted by Federal Tax Laws, the president of Social Harmony Corporation, Pradel Vilme, is hosting a New Year’s Day party this Friday, ostensibly in celebration of the “213th Year of Haiti’s Independence.” He sent out a Invitation Letter and Program Schedule for the event.
This event will take place at the “LEDARP CENTER,” which is located at … yep, you guessed it! … 1733 NE 162 Street, North Miami Beach, FL 33162.
In a pure twist of irony, the Program Schedule for Pradel’s event states:
“SOCIAL HARMONY CORP, a 501 (C) (3) corp., would like to take this opportunity to thank you and everyone who have participated and volunteered in many events before and now. We believe and remain certain that the experience with us was fruitful. As you may have seen and portrayed that we are dedicated to bring harmony in the community with different views on subject matters of importance communal to the people with regard to ethnic, social, political, and religious affiliation. SHAC is instituted with a vision to bring the community together with the spirit of one people, one community with peace, love and success.”
There’s only one problem.
Although “Social Harmony Corporation” was formed as a “Florida not for profit corporation,” it never filed for 501(c)(3) status with the Internal Revenue Service.
The Registered Agent and President of the new “non-profit” corporation is none other than Pradel Vilme, who threatened to run for North Miami Beach City Council in the May 2015 election. He never followed through, possibly because I busted him for being a bona fide resident … of MIRAMAR!
On October 10, 2014, I put Vilme on notice that:
The North Miami Beach City Charter clearly states in Article III, Section 11 that, “Each candidate, at the time of qualifying with the clerk, must have continuously resided in the City of North Miami Beach for at least one (1) full year.”
Although Pradel Vilme has again tossed his name out there as a possible candidate for the May 2017 election, as of 2015, he still claimed two homestead exemptions on his house in MIRAMAR, while he has not yet claimed a homestead on the property he owns at 18211 NE 10 AVE, North Miami Beach 33162-1267. If Vilme has any intention of running for office in May of 2017, he’d better prove he lives in North Miami Beach by the end of March, 2016.
Just saying.
Pradel Vilme lists his MIRAMAR home as the mailing address for the North Miami Beach property. He also owns three other properties in Miami-Dade County, none of which he claims as a homestead. The mailing address for those properties is 1733 NE 162 Street, North Miami Beach, FL 33162, a/k/a “LEDARP CENTER,” which is owned by Vilme’s company, Ledarp Enterprises, Inc.
Homestead exemptions and residency issues, however, are the least of Pradel Vilme’s problems.
In fact, it is a violation of the US Internal Revenue Code 501 to seek tax deductible donations on behalf of a company that is not a legitimate 501(c)(3) organization. Pradel Vilme has been doing just that since he first formed the Social Harmony Foundation, Inc. in 2009, which was a men’s soccer club and nothing more.
In fact, IRS Rev. Rule 66-149 specifically states that a “social club is not exempt from Federal income tax.”
The MIRAMAR resident now runs another “Social Harmony” corporation, which is also falsely claiming to be a 501(c)(3) for the purpose of hosting an event where “Participation is ****FREE**** But Donation is welcome.”
Vilme and his good friend, Frantz Pierre, have been running these and other “non-profit” scams for years. I’ve written about them extensively, but they continue their illegal ventures with impunity. Most con artists – and especially those who happen to be politicians – have absolutely no shame. They cannot be embarrassed or humiliated into changing their evil ways.
Unlike this blogger, the Internal Revenue Service isn’t in the business of embarrassing or humiliating corruptocrats.
It is, however, in the business of zealously enforcing the tax laws and prosecuting violators.
The IRS is one of the most feared agencies in the federal government.
And the Complaint Department at the IRS never closes.
Just saying.
Stephanie Kienzle
“Spreading the Wealth”
It would seem that the Florida AG’s office and the IRS would do something but … it is business as usual. Why?
The same reason that the State Attorney’s Office refused to prosecute Frantzie for perjury when he lied under oath to obtain a restraining order against his political opponent during the 2011 election. She also refused to arrest him for absentee ballot fraud that same year despite the fact that he was caught red handed with about five ballots, claiming she won’t prosecute for “less than double digits.”
As you already know, the Florida AG will thank you for reporting the crime, and then pass the buck to another agency.
The only state agency that takes complaints seriously is the Florida Elections Commission, and even then it’s a long shot.
Hopefully, the IRS will do its thing this time.