Month: October 2015
#DirtyPolitician Games: Mark @Weithorn2015, Master of Hypocrisy
Miami Beach Mayor Philip Levine seems to be the whipping boy of the blogosphere these days. By extension, anyone he appears to be supporting in the upcoming November 3, 2015 election is also lumped in…
#DirtyPolitician Mark Weithorn: Ethically challenged. Breaks the law. Wants your vote.
Miami Beach city commission candidate Mark Weithorn is so desperate to win the election, he’s been stooping to even lower new lows. Then again, considering who his political bed-mates are, no one should be surprised. …
Lauderdale Lakes Mayor and Commission: “We
Kelvin Baker”
“In fact, we love our new City Manager so much, here’s a blank check. Here’s a pen. The sky’s the limit!” That’s essentially what the Lauderdale Lakes elected officials said when they green-lighted a sweetheart…
The Ridore Family Business: “Teaching” for Dollars
Monday’s arrest of North Miami Senior High School’s Adult Education Center principal Jean Coty Ridore for grand theft, unlawful compensation and official misconduct may have been an isolated incident. Or, it may have been just…
Is KFR finally closing in on the North Miami/NMB Circle of Corruption?
The big news yesterday was the arrest of North Miami Senior High School’s Adult Education Center principal, Jean Coty Ridore, on corruption charges, including “grand theft, unlawful compensation and official misconduct,” according to NBC Miami….
Déjà vu: Murder in North Miami Beach
Exactly one week ago today, there was a (still unsolved) murder in North Miami Beach. A male victim was found dead on the ground, the victim of a shooting. Last night it happened again.
That’s what campaign donations are for, Hillary!
The Miami Herald posted an article today regarding Hillary Clinton’s campaign stop at Broward College in Davie, Florida. The article noted, “William Cachinero, an assistant special agent in charge of the Miami field office for…