A little over an hour ago Channel 4 (cbslocal.com) posted a story, Man Killed, Brother Injured in North Miami Beach Shooting.
This is the fourth shooting death in as many months in a city that is no stranger to violent crime. It’s a city in which not even the police officers sworn to protect residents are safe from gunfire.
From all accounts thus far, the murder victim Chris Jonathas was an upstanding citizen. He had just graduated from college and was planning to attend graduate school to earn a masters in business administration.
According to the article, “Jonathas had gone to the home to pick up his half-brother for a job interview on Wednesday.”
I cannot even begin to imagine the grief Chris Jonathas’ family is going through right now.
They will never attend his next graduation, his wedding, the birth of his first child.
They will never be able to congratulate him on his first home, his first job, his first promotion, his first anything.
There will be no more firsts, only a final farewell.
The lack of respect for human life is unthinkable and frightening. Those who think nothing of pulling a trigger and killing a human being are soulless, barbaric animals. My only hope is that the monsters who commit these acts of evil will be caught and brought to justice.
In the meantime, however, the residents of North Miami Beach who live with these senseless murders see no end in sight. Despite the ridiculous claims that there are no gangs in North Miami Beach, these gang-style executions are on the rise.
The police can only do so much with the few resources they have left. It also doesn’t help that they’re discouraged from being more pro-active against crime in the current anti-law enforcement climate that’s sweeping the nation. The entire city of North Miami Beach has become just one more casualty in the war on cops.
CBS Miami’s article summed up the entirety of this problem in just one sentence:
Jonathas, who had moved to Pembroke Pines to live with his dad because he didn’t think the neighborhood was safe, was killed in the gunfire.
Unfortunately, his father was right.
Stephanie Kienzle
“Spreading the Wealth”
Unfortunately, the dismemberment of our police department began with CM Bonner and, regrettably, our Mayor. I am sensitive to blaming George for this because I know he is just 1 of 7 votes and because it appears to some that I am out to get him. I’m not. The facts are that the dismemberment of our PD started with he and Bonner, regardless of where it went from there.
We are on our 5th Chief of Police. 17 sworn officers were fired. A number of ranking members were demoted. Units were disbanded. Take home cars were eliminated. Assigned cars were eliminated. Until CM Garcia came along we had the oldest fleet of police vehicles in the County. I think 7 years, possibly 8, have gone by without the PD having a contract. Its annual increases for pay are one-half or less than other departments. The PD has been threatened with being replaced with an MDPD contract. The result? We have lost DECADES of talent and experience with veteran officers who, despite that they came to NMBPD with pride, have left to work for Aventura and SIB…our neighboring munis. There are a half dozen more very experienced veteran officers who are scheduled to leave in the next 4 to 18 months. We have had tremendous trouble recruiting new officers. Why? Who the hell would want to work with a PD that is so poorly valued and treated?
The irony is that NMB seeks to emulate the younger, more vibrant, pretty and affluent cities of Aventura and SIB. Some progress has been made and cudos to the admin and council, present AND past, for that. But face the music already.
The incremental changes that we are implementing in an attempt to make it appear that the tide is turning with respect to our attitudes towards the sworn men and women of the NMBPD is too little too late. We need to step it up, in a serious and meaningful way, or silently suffer the consequences.
Godpseed to the families of the victims. Cudos to Chief Hernandez and the NMBPD for doing their best under intolerable circumstances. As someone who has remained quite personally involved with the NMBPD, I can assure the residents that the hearts and souls of our officers are in the right place.
I need to remind readers that Bonner was hired by Myron’s administration, not the current one. Please keep that in mind.
Your observations about the PD are on the money, though. The word in the law enforcement community is that no officers want to work for the NMBPD because of the problems you mentioned. I’m not surprised recruitment has been unsuccessful.
I am surprised that ANYONE wants to be a police officer at all anywhere. The outright hatred of cops in this country is at an all time high. Officers are being killed on a regular basis just for doing their jobs. Even a routine traffic stop could result in tragedy. I can’t even imagine what it’s like to be a police officer in this environment. If we as a society do not stand up and support law enforcement, there will be total anarchy. This is inevitable.
I am aware that CM Bonner was originally hired by the Myron admin. I am aware that his hiring predated our current Mayor’s arrival. That does not change the opinion I have regarding the teaming I mentioned.
I know that you are aware. I just wanted to clarify that for anyone who doesn’t remember.
Stephani I agree with 100%. !if we dont start approaching and enforcing the law to the fullest , wrvare going to lose our country!