The big news yesterday was the arrest of North Miami Senior High School’s Adult Education Center principal, Jean Coty Ridore, on corruption charges, including “grand theft, unlawful compensation and official misconduct,” according to NBC Miami.
This newest North Miami scandal even received an honorable mention today in Marc Caputo’s POLITICO Florida Playbook, sandwiched between recaps of stories about who Marco Rubio follows on Twitter, marijuana decriminalization in Broward County and pythons in the Evergades.
In a scheme that’s more common than most people realize (although we may soon find out just how common it is), Ridore arranged to “hire” a handyman and place him on the payroll of the high school (without actually working there) in exchange for half his salary. Both Ridore and the handyman would illegally receive half of a public salary of a “ghost employee” that neither of them actually earned.
Unbeknownst to Ridore, the handyman was actually an undercover officer in the state attorney’s public corruption unit. This sting was set up by the SAO “after receiving anonymous complaints about Ridore’s hiring practices.” The Miami-Dade County Public Schools system was also involved in this investigation.
In a rare instance of actually earning her paycheck, State Attorney Katherine Fernandez Rundle took credit for this “multi-agency law enforcement effort.”
Without one iota of irony, which clearly escaped her, Rundle said in a public statement, “Thinking that you can use government money to benefit yourself is the mentality of a thief, not a public servant.”
The Miami Herald also quoted her as saying, “These are the kinds of bribery cases by public officials that really outrage every single member of the community.”
(On a side note, Kathy. Those of us who are frustrated by your own blatant public corruption know only too well how that outrage feels!)
The NBC Miami article also noted that, “The state attorney’s office said they’re other ghost employees.”
Now, isn’t that interesting?
As it turns out, several people I’ve linked to the North Miami/North Miami Beach Circle of Corruption also appear to be associated with Jean Coty Ridore. Could those people be Rundle’s next targets? One can only hope!
While the article doesn’t mention the connection, sources in the Haitian community have told me that Jean Coty Ridore is the self-proclaimed protégé of none other than the infamous Member in Good Standing of North Miami’s Circle of Corruption, Lesly Prudent.
This is the same Lesly Prudent for whom the position of “CRA Coordinator” was created by former North Miami Mayor Andre Pierre in exchange for free campaign ads on Prudent’s radio show.
This is the same Lesly Prudent who was criticized for stumping “for Democrat candidates during his daily half hour show,” as well as shilling for then mayoral candidate Lucie Tondreau, while he was on the City of North Miami payroll.
This is the same Lesly Prudent who is listed as the President of the now defunct BOGUS “non-profit” organization, Haitian American Youth of Tomorrow, Inc. (HAYOT), run by Fake Teacher/Carpetbagger, Carline Paul.
Yes, THAT Carline Paul!
She’s also been known to brag that Jean Coty Ridore gave her a job at the high school. We all know she’s not a real teacher, so one can only wonder if Carline was one of Ridore’s “ghost employees.”
Just saying.
Speaking of the Haitian American Youth of Tomorrow, the website of Carline Paul’s “non-profit” is (SURPRISE!) no longer working.
But, according to HAYOT’s Facebook page:
HAYOT ‘s mission is to invigorate our youth to live a morally fulfilling and productive academic life, through education and full participation in the political process and community affairs.
The principal address of Haitian American Youth of Tomorrow, Inc. is 1348 NE 147 Street, Miami, Florida 33161, which is the same residential property in unincorporated Miami-Dade County that lists Carline M. Jean (a/k/a Carline Paul) as the owner, for which she receives two homestead exemptions.
Interestingly, HAYOT is still registered as a 501(c)(3) tax exempt organization by the IRS, even though the company was administratively dissolved by the Florida Secretary of State on September 26, 2014.
HAYOT was the recipient of PUBLIC FUNDING from Miami-Dade County in the amount of $14,000.00 per year through the fiscal year ending September 30, 2013.
Even more interestingly, according to HAYOT’s Federal tax returns for the years 2011, 2012 and 2013, Carline only claimed receiving the sums of $12,610.00, $11,946.00 and $11,604.00, respectively, in “Contributions, gifts and grants,” per Part I, Line 1 of the tax returns.
Not only did Carline Paul only report $36,160.00 of the $42,000.00 in grant money she received over the three year period from Miami-Dade County, but most of the income she did report receiving was paid out in her own salary over those three years, totaling $27,843.00 (Part I, Line 12), including her own payroll taxes (Part I, Line 16 and Schedule O).
Of the PUBLIC FUNDING that Carline didn’t usurp for herself, $6,442.00 was spent on “Professional fees and other payments to independent contractors” (Part I, Line 13).
The balance of PUBLIC FUNDING she received from Miami-Dade County, or a mere $1,875.00, was spent on “Printing, publications, postage and shipping” (Part I, Line 15).
I can’t help but wonder how HAYOT’s stated mission “to invigorate our youth to live a morally fulfilling and productive academic life, through education and full participation in the political process and community affairs” was accomplished with $1,875.00 worth of “printing, publications, postage and shipping” in a three year period.
Just saying.
And, lastly, the Circle of Corruption wouldn’t be complete without mentioning the NMB Connection, vis-à-vis Frantz Pierre.
As far back as 2011, L’il Frantzie P and Lesly Prudent were conspiring to take control of North Miami Beach City Hall by installing Prudent as the City Manager.
That idea of Frantzie’s obviously never came to fruition, but in his never ending quest to rip off North Miami Beach for tax dollars to fund his BOGUS “non-profit” organizations, sources tell me that newly arrested North Miami Senior High’s night school principle Jean Coty Ridore is also The P Man’s soccer-mate in the “Social Harmony Club,” an adult men’s soccer league.
This would be the same “Social Harmony Club” that scammed $4,000.00 from the North Miami Beach Police Department’s Law Enforcement Trust Fund in 2010, a donation for which the organization has NEVER been held accountable.
Not surprisingly, Social Harmony Foundation, Inc., headed by Frantzie Crony Pradel Vilme, was administratively dissolved on September 27, 2013. Now no one will ever find out where that money went.
But, never fear. The Soccer Show must go on!
On June 1, 2015, Pradel & Co. formed another BOGUS “non-profit” by the name of Social Harmony Corporation, located at the same address of 1733 NE 162 Street, North Miami Beach, Florida 33162, that all of Frantzie’s BOGUS “non-profits” go home to roost.
The North Miami/North Miami Beach Circle of Corruption continues to widen.
If State Attorney Katherine Fernandez Rundle is serious about cleaning up public corruption, she’s gonna need a bigger net.
Stephanie Kienzle
“Spreading the Wealth”
your investigation is amazing! public corruption should be a treasonous offense at this point
In a perfect world, it would be. In Miami-Dade County, however, public corruption is the norm.
She has been a busy lady heading up all these corporations:
1. President at Afrovisions Cleans All, Inc. (What could this be?
2. Director at United Haitian-Americans of Florida (Unhaf), Inc (Accepts money on behalf of old Haitians)
3. Executive Director at Haitian American Youth of Tomorrow, Inc. (Accepts money on behalf of young Haitians)
4. Director at Afrovisions Pr/ Advertising & Educational Consultant, Inc. (Has a vision of accepting money and advertising it)
5. Haitian American Children’s Foundation, Inc. (accepts money on behalf of Haitian minors)
6. Principal at Vote for A New Miami-Dade, Inc. (Principled Principal?)
7. President at Sosyete Koukouy of Miami, Inc. (Accepts money on behalf of Haitian Culture)
NMB Lady cannot cannot understand how any city council keeps handing over tax payer dollars to scammers. When any group asks for money it is the job of the council to check out the veracity of the request. How hard it is to run a background on the officers, or invite the recipients of your scholarships to the council meeting? Scammers do what they do. Relieving us of our money is their job. The job of council people is to be good stewards of the public coffers.
Afrovisions is the only semi-legitimate company of Carline Paul’s. Even then, it’s only used to promote whichever political candidate pays her the most as an “info-tisement” on her radio show.
Oh, and the “education” part is so she can “teach” absentee ballot voters how to “vote correctly” (her words, not mine). Which really translates into, “If you pay me, I’ll scare up enough absentee ballots to get you elected.”
I’ve been screaming about all the fake “non-profits” for years and warning both city councils about donating tax dollars to these scam artists. NMB finally put a stop to it, but North Miami – not so much.
I can only imagine how much of our hard earned tax dollars have lined the pockets of these fraudsters over the last decade or more!