Despite the ceaseless praise by Team Burgess Head Cheerleader Michael Etienne, North Miami Police Chief Leonard Burgess has once again proven that his job is way above his pay grade.
In June, Chief Lenny had his lapdog public information officer contact the media to report all the “feel good” stories about the North Miami Police Department.
In response, PIO Natalie Buissereth invited Channel 4 and Channel 10 to cover “Operation Safe Streets.”
This is Chief Lenny’s pet project which gives his most photogenic team members the opportunity to smile for the camera once a month as they “conduct a crime sweep across the city.”
Their goal is to confiscate toy guns, oust squatters and cite code violators, in a “concentrated effort is to show the community that officers are watching.”
Buissereth told Channel 4 reporter Peter D’Oench that “the message of Operation Safe Streets was that lawbreakers entering North Miami should realize that the city had a “Zero Tolerance” policy for crime and is cracking down.”
On July 1, 2015, only a few days after Team Lenny swept the streets, a man who apparently did not get the Zero Tolerance Memo, used a real gun to rob a Walgreens right down the street from the police station.
While that was taking place, Chief Lenny was distracted with more important things.
Like … Basketball Summer Jam.
And stuff.
Less than a month after Operation Safe Streets, real guns were also used in two separate shootings by criminals who weren’t aware that North Miami’s streets are as safe as Aventura’s!

Go figure.
The North Miami Police Department PIO also made sure there was a media blitz as Team Lenny was out in full force on the first day of school busting moms for dropping their children off in the wrong spot.
Natalie Buissereth made sure to publicly admonish parents to “get up a little bit early, take the kids to bed a little bit early” in order to obey drop off zones.

Days later, though, the mom of two 15-year old twin sisters had bigger problems than getting her kids to bed early or obeying school drop off zones when real bullets came flying through their bedroom window and sent the girls to the hospital with gunshot wounds.

Just a couple of days ago, real robbers with real guns, who obviously didn’t realize that North Miami was really Aventura, entered a home through a window, held the owner at gunpoint, struck him in the face, and took off with all the electronics they could carry.
Uh oh, you know what that means.
Time for another Team Burgess Facebook Photo-Op of Walk and Talk!
While Lenny runs around telling everyone what a great job he’s doing as Police Chief, a predator cop is still on the loose.
But, here’s the best part.
According to the terms of a Last Chance Agreement, which was allegedly entered into by the City of North Miami, Police Officer Jodlyn Antoine and the Dade County Police Benevolent Association (PBA), it appears that Antoine is already in violation and should be terminated.
However, it also appears that the PBA has ABSOLUTELY NO KNOWLEDGE of this Last Chance Agreement!
Yesterday, I sent the following email to the City Manager, Mayor and Council yesterday:
Other than an immediate response from Councilman Scott Galvin, who promised to follow up, the silence from Aleem, et. al., is deafening.
I’m also not holding my breath while I wait for a copy of a “FULLY EXECUTED Last Chance Agreement” since one most likely does not exist.
Someone sure has some ‘splainin’ to do!
But, leave it to good ol’ Chief Lenny. He wastes no time creating photo ops for celebrity basketball, ping pong challenges and, of course, flag football games, but then he totally screws up the one thing he’s supposed to get right.
Which is to keep the residents of the North Miami safe by ridding the city of its criminal element.
Starting with the predator cop in his own police department!
Then again, Chief Lenny couldn’t even figure out how to get his own Last Chance Agreement properly executed.
So, yeah. The job of North Miami Police Chief is way above his pay grade.
Stephanie Kienzle
“Spreading the Wealth”
I read this bogus agreement which Burgess claims was jointly agreed upon with the PBA. The first clue that the PBA had nothing to do with it is the Ebonics grammar that runs rampant throughout the document. Every other sentence reads “on account of”. “On account of” the fact that North Miami is full of illiterate idiots, and “on account of” the fact that the PBA attorneys are professionals who don’t author documents written in Swahili, it’s obvious that the agreement is one huge smoke screen and distraction. Maybe Burgess is naive to think Antoine having his nose up Daphne Campbell’s butt will get him something if he gives the predator a pass. Lenny Burgess needs to do his j-o-b first and understand that once he does what’s right and ceases to operate based on his misguided belief of what’s good for him politically he won’t have these problems looming over him. He’s his own worst enemy.