North Miami resident and teacher Ossie Randle has a problem. It seems that trash keeps piling up on the streets of his residential neighborhood, he surmises from passing cars, and complaints to the city have fallen on deaf ears.
The Miami Herald reported in On a trash tour: Litter prompts North Miami man to take action that Mr. Randle has taken it upon himself to pick up the trash by himself on a weekly basis. The article stated:
When he moved to his North Miami home four years ago, he immediately noticed a problem: The area is surrounded by mounds of trash. So two or three times a week, he heads out with his picker and hamper to collect it. In minutes, he fills giant bags with refuse.
Randle says he wants North Miami to do a better job of keeping public streets and sidewalks clean, like the neighboring Miami Shores.
He blames city leaders: “If you go to Miami Shores, which is only some blocks away, it is a difference like day and night. Miami Shores is clean.”
Mr. Randle is also angry about the excuse given by the city manager’s newest public information officer (and the Police Chief’s Chief Apologist) Cyncia “Not My Problem” Raymond, who told the Herald, “We constantly monitor all areas for trash and litter.”
So here’s the thing.
Let’s face it. Some people are inconsiderate slobs. Those who wouldn’t dream of littering their own yards or streets seem to have no problem driving through other areas and throwing their trash out the window. Nothing is going to change this.
But, why is it that cities like Miami Shores, the streets through which the same slobs drive, manage to keep their streets litter free, while North Miami can’t seem to get it together?
The glaringly obvious reason is that North Miami’s Code Compliance Department is now being run by the North Miami Police Department under the supervision of Donald “I’ll Take That License Plate” Blanchard, who obviously has better things to do with his time than make sure his department does its job.
Apparently, Police Chief Leonard Burgess is also too busy to make sure the Code Compliance Department is up to speed.
Because …
And, of course, Chief Lenny’s personal favorite …
Stephanie Kienzle
“Spreading the Wealth”
The problem is also the people who live in the City. I have a commercial property in North Miami and see the local residents dropping their styrofoam food containers with rice and chicken bones, on the street. Dropping their empty beer and soda containers anywhere. Peeing next to buildings. When code enforcement comes out they fine the owner of the property who has to hire someone full time to pickup the mess. The residents need to be taught to throw their empty food and drink containers in garbage cans not the street. That may be a lost cause so unfortunately the properties do not look as good as they should.
It’s the slobs who empty their cars, vans, etc and some of the people themselves who SEE the slobs and say nothing. I walk on the “trail” in Aventura early and there is a man who makes it HIS business to pick up the “little” litter, palm tree fronds, etc. I checked and he does not work for the city. If you drive down Biscayne, there are big billboards reminding people to “Take their trash with them and not litter”.
Barbara. I see you care. Call the and demand. The government work for us. We have lost that sense.! Call for anything ! Any suspicious activity, loitering, littering etc. call ! When criminals see that somebody cares, they go some place else ! T you for caring !
North miami beach the same,maybe north miami or D O T On the north side of oleta park, south of sunny isle blvd. the whole side from ne 35 ave to suunny isle bridge is full of garbage and A bunch of homeless destroying the whole area. Another thing is the school ASA , what a disaster . I walk around the area and people Smoking weed all over. Nmb police does nothing ! Only. A couple of the police officer doing a little dtive once in a while ! If dont put pressure on the politicians we are going to lose our beautiful area !
The distressing thing is that people come to this country to escape the very conditions they then re-create. If you throw your crap on the ground, you will soon live in a litter strewn neighborhood. I reported a truck in NMB that openly dumps trash and clippings in alley ways. I sent pictures of the offending truck. The offenders haven’t stopped dumping, just moved to another alleyway. I see their “work” when I walk my dog. This company should be banned from ever working commercially in our city again. If we don’t practice “behavior modification” nothing will change. Oh, there is an app for that- “FIX IT NMB”