Last Wednesday the craziest thing happened.
A Waste Management truck pulled up behind my house and took my garbage away.

I’m telling you, it was a freaking miracle!
The really impressive thing, aside from the shiny new truck, is that the Waste Management sanitation worker didn’t leave so much as a candy wrapper behind. He took all the trash, and left only my can exactly where I left it.
I’m no garbage expert, but I’m pretty sure my garbage man sanitation technician knows exactly what he’s doing.
I’m no budget expert, either, but do I know how to do research.
For example, the Town of Davie, where I live, encompasses 35.7 square miles, in which 91,992 residents have their garbage picked up by Waste Management.
According to Town Manager Richard J. Lemack, there are 454 general employees and 254 police department employees on the payroll, or a total of 708.
In comparison, the City of North Miami Beach is home to 41,523 residents living within 5.3 square miles, approximately 1/6 the area of Davie. At the present time, NMB has 434 full time employees, including police.
To put this into perspective the Town of Davie has one employee per 130 residents, while North Miami Beach has one employee for every 96 residents.
One of the reasons for the ratio discrepancy is that Davie outsources its sanitation department. Thus, fewer employees per capita are needed to service the residents.
According to Town of Davie Commissioner Bryan Caletka, who responded to my query about garbage, “The Town has received waste collections services from Waste Management or its subsidiaries since January 1971. Prior to that date, I located a waste collection franchise with Maurice Nanoia, DBA as All Florida Sanitation Service from 1968 – 1970. I have no history regarding waste collections services prior to 1968.”
It does appear that Waste Management is working out very well for the Town of Davie.
On a personal level, though, let me tell you about my sanitation technician. When the truck pulled up to pick up the garbage, he hopped off the truck and walked the half block or so on my street to pull the cans to one spot. He even picked up bagged trash that was just left on the ground and not in cans! The driver then backed up the truck so the man on the ground could dump all of the garbage into the back of the truck.
Seriously. It’s really that simple!
I happened to be in the back yard at the time and had a chance to chat with him. I asked about his job and how he feels about Waste Management. He was only too happy to tell me he loves his job and how well he’s treated by his employer. The message he told me to pass on to the sanitation workers in North Miami Beach? “Tell the guys not to worry. Waste Management will hire them all. It’s a great company.”
This is not the first Waste Management employee I’ve talked to since I moved to Davie. A couple of weeks ago I called the company to ask about getting a new recycle can. After waiting on hold for something like 10 seconds (I am not exaggerating!), a woman at the customer service desk answered, took my info and promised a new can within two days.
I took the time to ask her about her job with Waste Management, and she told me she couldn’t be happier. Like my garbage man, she also said the company treats their employees really well, adding that it’s the best company she’s ever worked for. The woman also told me that Waste Management’s number one priority is customer service, which was obvious, because two days later, like magic, a brand new recycle can appeared on my front step like this one:
Just think, you, too, can have a shiny new recycle can!
I’m told that the deal being negotiated with Waste Management includes WEEKLY recycling (which is what I have here in Davie) at a cheaper rate than the city currently has for bi-weekly recycling with Miami-Dade County.
In addition to saving North Miami Beach taxpayers almost three million dollars a year, all the sanitation workers will still be employed – either with the city or with Waste Management. The ones that are hired by WM will be paid the same exact salaries they’re getting now and be guaranteed a job for at least five years. Many of them will still work in North Miami Beach, where they will be most needed when this new market opens up.
“But, but … I like my garbage man!”
Chances are good that you’ll still have the same garbage man.
But, if you like sitting on hold when calling the North Miami Beach Customer Service department, if you like doling out almost $44,000.00 a year for insurance claims, and if you like laying out over $5 million for new tools, trucks and equipment (per Union Prez Janice Coakley), then by all means, keep your sanitation department.
But you should also keep in mind what one NMB resident had to say in a recent email:
I thought you might like to see the fine job of my nmb garbage guy…lol! I attached pics….he was nice enough to get out of the truck and pick up the garbage bag that fell while he was putting it in the truck….you can see the truck going down the street on one of the pics….maybe you can tell the head of sanitation to give that guy employee of the month for at least getting out of the truck and picking up the bag….lol
On Tuesday, August 18, 2015, the North Miami Beach Mayor and Council will vote on Resolution No. R-2015-71 (beginning on page 58 of the Agenda), for the purpose of contracting with Waste Management for sanitation AND recycling services. This is a golden opportunity to finally save the city millions of tax dollars and upgrade the level of service for the residents.
It’s a no-brainer of a deal.
Don’t screw it up.
Stephanie Kienzle
“Spreading the Wealth”
So the city officials have been wasting so much $$$$ while trying to appeal to the electorate, pacify the workers and scream conspiracy. Is this really the one, is this the vote we’ve been waiting for since Swashbuckler Bonner was manager? This is such a no brainer, I dare a council person not to vote for this. I can’t believe what a deal we are getting, finally. It’s actually a better deal from what was in the previous contract with WP, even though I believe we would have saved $ 500K had the city voted over a year ago to outsource. I won’t hold my breath, but then again, the majority of the council did seem to be embracing this forward thinking idea, jeez.
Thanks Stephanie this is very enlightening information. In these pass few days I have found some very eye opening information about NMB sanitation which has changed my mind and my position on privatization. The opportunity is here and I also hope we don’t screw it up. Thanks again.
I appreciate your comment, Saundra. Thank you for posting and reading my blog.
I watched the council meeting on TV tonight and the city finally got it right. It was a no-brainer just like your article stated, well, that is it was a no-brainer for people with brains, for people without them, well you know the story.
Take Kazan for example. Tonight he was up to his usual mis-information campaign of speaking without knowing what he was speaking about, throwing out irrational numbers that made no sense, and just being the typical buffoon that he also presents himself as.
A picture is worth a million dollars, as he walked into the camera’s eye after the vote by his highly esteemed, mentor for life, pathological liar Phyllis Smith voted for the outsourcing, as those with brains, always knew she would. The look on his face was as if he had just seen a ghost, and if he had hair, it would have stood straight up. he was the only person in the room astonished by her vote.
I heard Kazan freaked out. Was it on camera? I missed it! Il watch it again when it’s posted online just to catch the look on his face.
It’s amazing that someone who actually thinks he knows more than everyone else is truly so clueless about the real motives of other people, and especially what they really think of him. How sad is that?
Have you guys seen the south side of sunny isles blvd around oleta park from biscayne all the way to sunny isle bridge ? There is garbage all over I think that belongs to DOT ,but you telling me you cant send anybody to pick iit up ? I am about to do it myself, with A big sign letting everybody knows the incompetent government ! Another thing; the police should get more proactive ! Around ASA college, people smoking weed. All the time !please my beloved officers, be proactive ! T you !