The lawsuit against North Miami Beach Councilwoman Phyllis Smith for alleged absentee ballot voter fraud is on hold again.
On June 12, 2015, her lawyer Joseph S. Geller filed a Notice of Mandatory Continuance because, as an elected member of the Florida House of Representatives, he gets to legally squirm out of lawyering. This hall pass is good not only when the Florida Legislature is in session, but for a full fifteen days before and after said session.
On July 24, 2015, he did it again.
Joe filed another Notice of Mandatory Continuance, for the purpose of excusing himself from representing Phyllis because a “special session of the Florida Legislature has been called beginning August 10, 2015 and ending August 21, 2015. Accordingly, no hearings may be held within 15 days prior, or 15 days subsequent, to the Special Session, and the matter shall stand continued during that time.”
Ordinarily, Joe wouldn’t have to put on his lawyer hat until September 8, 2015, except for the fact that …
The Miami Herald reported this morning that Joe Geller is one of a couple dozen legislators who have requested to be excused from the special session.
The Big Question that needs to be answered is whether or not Joe Geller requested to be excused before or after he filed his Notice of Mandatory Continuance.
The Herald also does not specify the reason he will not be in attendance, or if he will be absent the entire two week session.
Calls to House Speaker Steve Crisafulli and House Communications Director Michael Williams have not yet been returned. I will update y’all as soon as I receive details.
UPDATE: Michael Williams, House Communications Director supplied me with an email dated July 23, 2015 from Cody W. Rogers, the OPS Clerk to Representative Joseph Geller, which reads:
- This is not a request to be excused, but a request for “a one day extension” to request to be excused; and
- This email is dated THE DAY BEFORE Joe filed his Notice of Mandatory Continuance.
I’m still waiting for a copy of Joe’s actual request to be excused from the Legislative session. I’ll keep you posted.
Stephanie Kienzle
“Spreading the Wealth”
Big Joe can always be found at the buffet table at the shrimp platter at lobbyist receptions or buffet table at all-you-can-eat restaurants. He’s not hard to find.
This sure sounds like a Florida Bar complaint in the making. Abusive behavior on Big Joe’s part lying to the Court.
You’re GOOD! I can hardly wait until you get “the rest of the story.” Good day ; )
Yeah, I’m good. And I can tell by the thumbs down that Joe and his Minion of One (a/k/a Mr. Unregistered Lobbyist) don’t like it. I guess when I’m good, I’m very, very bad.
This is insane! The NERVE to lie to the courts or maybe they don’t matter. “Little” people would not even try to pull a trick like that, then perhaps they were raised differently.
Another Great Job Steph ! It’s always nice to know that the schmuck Kazan and the phone installer Richard the Loon read your blogs. The dead giveaway is the “thumbs down” .
I know they read the blog even though they won’t admit it. When I posted a blog about my “battle” with Random Pixels, Kazan circulated an email, which someone forwarded to me, saying, “She does not like being attacked.” I cracked up when I read that because the truth is I love it when people “attack” me. It gives me a perfect opportunity to respond, prove that they’re idiots and give them a very public spanking. I live for that!
Stephe you are good and I do not know where or how you dig up your information but it is verifiable as correct. Joe Must Go and so does his client. They are both unethical. There is an old saying in spanish that I will translate into english. Tell Me who you hang with and I will tell you what you are. Lets pray that justice is done finally in North Miami Beach.