#LessCrunchy, More … #Lamborghini?

Planned Parenthood I want a LamborghiniI’m not sure which is worse.  Dr. Deborah Nucatola discussing late term abortions performed with a forceps in between forkfuls of warm goat cheese arugula salad and sips of Merlot, or…

A second video has been released by the Center for Medical Progress in which Mary Gatter, the President of Planned Parenthood Federation of America’s Medical Director’s Council, was caught on film “haggling over the price of fetal tissue,” as reported by Mediaite.com.

But, I didn’t have to read the article to be horrified – again – as I watched a video of Ms. Gatter discussing how much a 10-12 week fetus, or “intact specimen,” would be worth, and that Planned Parenthood would be “willing to alter its method of abortion” to produce a “less crunchy” specimen.

During the “negotiations,” Ms. Gatter said she wanted to “figure out what others are getting.  If this is in the ballpark, then it’s fine, if it’s still low, then we can bump it up.”

Then she cracked, “I want a Lamborghini.”

Yes, she was joking.

But it wasn’t funny.

As you might imagine, people are repulsed.  The reaction has been tremendous, filled with demands for Congress to defund Planned Parenthood.

The organization fought back with a statement by Vice President of Communications, Eric Ferrero, who claims that “the source of these videos is a group of extremists,” and that the videos were “deceptively edited.”

Planned Parenthood also tweeted:    

I’m quite sure that Planned Parenthood didn’t expect the flood of responses from people, many of whom had no previous opinion of this organization, and never took sides on the abortion issue.

Present company included.

 Despite the desperate propaganda pushed by this organization, common sense prevailed.

As I said, I never was involved in the abortion debate.  I have always felt, and still do, that this is a private decision between a woman and her doctor.

That being said, however, I am troubled by second trimester, or late term, abortions.  Still, I deliberately avoided this topic because, well, as selfish as this sounds, it wasn’t personal to me.

Unfortunately, after watching this whole sordid scandal unfold, I cannot look away.  I am now witness to something I will never be able to unsee.

After watching the first video, I was reminded of the Nazi medical experiments on humans during World War II.

This second video only enforced that image.

All this talk of selling baby parts would make Mengele proud.

For those of you who can stomach this modern day Nazism, here’s the latest video:  


Stephanie Kienzle
“Spreading the Wealth”

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2 thoughts on “#LessCrunchy, More … #Lamborghini?

  1. I saw that today and there is more to come. I am watching Dana Loesch Show on Dish Network and she was saying that the Center For Medical Progress has plenty more videos from plan parenthood to come. Sadley but this stuff shuold be stopped. If you or I where caught with a bag of weed we would be in jail but someone can brag about crushing and crunching babies and selling harvesting babie parts to sell is still out in the public.

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