On the heels of three terror attacks on three continents – Tunisia, France and Kuwait – in one day, the FBI and the Department of Homeland Security issued a joint bulletin on Monday by the FBI and the Department of Homeland Security of a “heightened threat of attack” just in time for our Independence Day.
Irish citizen among those killed in Tunisia terror attack. http://t.co/EsoTBpQvLO
— CNN Breaking News (@cnnbrk) June 26, 2015
On Friday, thirty eight people were killed while enjoying a day at the beach in Tunisia.
Chilling pictures of gunman on Tunisia beach moments after attack http://t.co/UDNp7XLa7D pic.twitter.com/6ZHtESso2U
— Sky News (@SkyNews) June 27, 2015
The murderer was a soccer loving, break dancing, student, who just happened to be an Islamic terrorist. His uncle claimed he was ”just like the other young men’ who liked to play football or go to a cafe after praying in the local mosque.” He was seen “praying to Allah” after slaughtering 38 people.
In France, a terrorist beheaded someone before blowing up a US-owned factory injuring two, while in Kuwait, the Sunni terrorist group ISIS claimed responsibility for blowing up a Shiite mosque during Friday prayers, killing 27 people and wounding 227.
But, hey. What’s a little jihad among friends?
ISIS claimed responsibility for all three attacks.
And they’re not done.
After all, this is the “holy” month of Ramadan, where devout Muslims are called to “religious spirituality and devotion … jihad and martyrdom,” according to the Middle East Media Research Institute Project (MEMRI TV), which documents media reports from all over the world about jihad, terrorism and anti-Semitism.
The latest video posted by MEMRI on June 16, 2015 was of a speech made at an Al-Aqsa Mosque during which the cleric warns his flock about the “True Nature of the Jews.”
This was at the tail end of his sermon, preceded by instructions to talk to the Jews (whom Allah apparently turned into apes and pigs) “with wisdom and good admonition,” but when not addressing them directly, they must remind the world that “Allah placed them at our service and turned them into a means to expose their true nature through their own mouths.”
For the uninitiated, this practice of deception is known as taqiyya, in which it is acceptable for a Muslim to lie to anyone about anything as long as it’s for the “good” of jihad.
The cleric also preached how the Israelites must either convert to Islam or leave the Holy Land. He also claimed that they will never leave the Holy Land, and that in the end they will all be killed.
Yeah. We’ve heard that before. Good luck with that, too.
On Monday in Egypt, the top public prosecutor Hisham Barakat was killed in a car bomb attack.

He was the “highest-ranking state official” to be killed by terrorists since the Islamist president Mohamed Mursi was ousted. The Egyptian ISIS “affiliate urged followers to attack judges, opening a new front in an Islamist insurgency in Egypt,” as reported by Reuters. “The Egyptian judiciary says it is independent of the government and military. But some of Egypt’s judges have drawn accusations of blatant bias by handing down lengthy jail terms and mass death sentences against Islamists.”
So Egyptian judges are targeted by Islamic terrorists for meting out harsh sentences against terrorists.
How “peaceful.”
Despite the attacks on American soil on September 11, 2001, and despite the worldwide murderous attacks on “westerners” since then, Americans have become complacent. It’s almost as if we have slipped back into a pre-9/11 mindset that another Islamic terrorist attack can’t happen here.
It can and it has.
Seventy one times to be exact.
This is not counting the attacks thwarted by law enforcement agencies, the most recent of which was a plot hatched by a 23 year old New Jersey resident by the name of Alaa Saada. He was arrested last week by the FBI and the Joint Terrorism Task Force on terrorism charges.
This Yankees fan worked at a Staples store in Fort Lee, New Jersey before he was arrested for supporting ISIS, and conspiring with two others of plotting terrorist attacks in the United States on July 4, 2015.
Those terrorists might be facing long prison sentences, but on Friday in Orlando a Federal judge released a man who was accused of allegedly “teaching another man how to participate in jihad missions overseas.”
The Orlando Sentinel reported that Marcus Robinson, a/k/a Abu Taubah, who had already been convicted on weapons charges and tax fraud, and who had faced a potential sentence of 20 years for his alleged “recruiting efforts for an al-Qaida base overseas,” is now a free man.
Comforting thought.
I would never suggest that we should lock ourselves behind closed doors and cower in fear of Islamic terrorism. In fact, I’m advocating the exact opposite reaction.
Terrorists thrive on instilling fear in “non-believers.”
Show no fear.
They call us “infidels.”
I’m good with that.
Regardless of how much they despise us and everything we stand for, America will always be the land of the free and the home of the brave.
God Bless America!
Stephanie Kienzle
“Spreading the Wealth”
Stephanie I am glad that you brought up this subject that very few people have the guts to write about. I m a Christian and as a Christian we are supposed to support Israel. In 1915 the Armenian Genocide began in Turkey. Greek Christians where also slaughtered buy the Turks and this country did nothing about it. It is because they put special interest instead of doing the right thing. The Armenian Christians where part of the Assyrian Christians who they almost completely wiped out. Now they went after the Coptic Christians who are the descendants of the Apostle Mark in Egypt. I recently saw a program where Coptic Christians living in Texas have to have security at their place of worship because of radical Islamic threats, plus their Churches where vandalized. This is right here in America. My God look at what they tried to do to Pam Geller who was just exercising her free speech rights.
It seems like nobody cares that millions that have been killed and many Muslims who are not Muslim enough have also been killed trying to save many Christians and Jews. They have also killed thousands of Homosexuals. My question is why is GLADD the gay lobby saying nothing about this? These killing have increased in huge mounts in the last 3 years. I am not for all-out war but we should arm the Kurds with the proper equipment to fight these lunatics. Israel is blessed by God and they will survive, but America better watch out because ISIS is already here. Thank you for reporting on what is really happening. They have a huge Mosque in Ft. Lauderdale and I will be damned if they try and put one near my place of residence.
Rafi, thank you for your comments. I realize this is not the typical VO blog, but I feel very strongly about this issue. Regardless of whether any of my regular readers are interested in this topic, if I can reach even one person with the truth, so be it.
The MSM whitewashes the Islamist problem, but I won’t. The terrorists kill Jews, Christians, Hindus, homosexuals, women, children and, as you put it, other Muslims who don’t believe in their evil ideology.
Pamela Geller has been accused of “Islamiphobia” for speaking the truth, and her life has been continuously threatened for defending free speech. The same people who vilify her completely ignore that the Islamists are the ones who are stifling free speech, and killing anyone who disagrees with them.
One of the NMB crackpots, who likes to tell everyone else how to behave, claims to champion free speech, but at the same time told me I “insulted his prophet.” Oh, really?
Well, I’m not a Christian, but the “artwork” entitled Piss Christ, which depicted a crucifix in a glass of urine, insulted me.
So what? I’m not going to kill anyone because I was insulted!
No one is guaranteed the right not to be insulted. In America, however, we have the right to express our opinions. We also have the right to expect not to be beheaded because of our opinions.
I wonder who the person in N.M.B is that is insulting you. Do not pay attention the local community needs to know what is going on maybe you will be that voice that warns those in our neighborhood that this is an apocalyptic cult. The MSM Isw owned mostley by shareholders who are from many bad middle easter countris even F
Stephanie, the fact that you were chastised for insulting his prophet is what’s wrong with people like him. He should be more concerned about the atrocities his prophet helped create rather than your opinion about the atrocities his prophet helped create.
This dude’s insulted by everything. No one takes him seriously anyway.
My computer turned off but what I was trying to write is that the MSM stockholders are have heavily invested in the networks.Cair owns 3 percent of Fox, but I think that is a rino channel anyway pushing Jeb Bush. I get my news online at Drudge and My Local from you.I wonder what the Mosques are going to do when one day they get sued for not performing a gay wedding.