Well, let’s just take a look, shall we?
Last fall, the Dade County Police Benevolent Association proudly endorsed:
It’s also worth noting that in the November 4, 2014 election, the PBA endorsed Terence Pinder for the Opa-locka City Commission, who is currently serving two years’ probation after cutting a plea deal to drop racketeering charges, and Daphne Campbell, who’s been under investigation by the IRS for medicare fraud since 2012.
While Pinder won his race and Campbell got re-elected (which many people credit to her “expertise” with absentee ballots), the PBA’s pick for North Miami Mayor lost to Dr. Smith Joseph.
In the most recent North Miami election, the PBA chose to endorse Carpetbagger/Fake “Teacher” Carline Paul for North Miami’s District 4 Council seat.
As of last night, we all know how well that turned out because…
Yeah, I’m still catching my breath on that one!
And just how badly did the PBA’s pick lose?
Can you spell L-A-N-D-S-L-I-D-E?
It’s a beautiful thing!
The Police Benevolent Association’s Mission states, “Throughout the years, the PBA has established a positive identity in Miami-Dade County and proven ourselves as a strong force in bringing about change.”
The Dade County PBA also claims, “Public office holders are vital to law enforcement. The PBA strives to establish positive working relationships with elected officials and to learn candidate’s positions on matters of importance which will impact public safety and the way law enforcement officers carry out their duty to protect the citizens of Dade County.”
As such, a PBA endorsement should mean something.
Like law enforcement officers, who must abide by a code of ethics, public officials should be held to the highest standard of ethical behavior and should be expected to abide by rules and laws.
A PBA endorsement should be bestowed upon the candidate who possesses unquestionable character, honor and integrity.
A PBA endorsement should hold candidates accountable to its own standard of the very qualities demanded of professional law enforcement officers.
A PBA endorsement should NOT be given to someone who lies about her residency or her profession.
A PBA endorsement should NOT be handed out like door prizes to cronies of corruptocrats like Police Chief Leonard Burgess and others in exchange for political favors.
The Dade County Police Benevolent Association’s endorsement of ethically challenged losers like Kevin Burns and Carline Paul was an extremely poor reflection on the values and ethics of the law enforcement profession.
And, apparently, a PBA endorsement does not impress voters, either.
Because …
Yeah, I don’t see that getting old any time soon.
So, just how much is a PBA endorsement worth?
Let’s ask Carpetbagger/Fake “Teacher” Carline Paul …
Enjoy your endorsement, Carline.
And don’t let the door hit you on the way out.
Stephanie Kienzle
“Spreading the Wealth”
A PBA endorsement is as valuable as the garbage Waste Pro dumps into their trucks!
The PBA has been blinded by Lenny Burgess. He’s bringing this police department down and they’re looking the other way. Probably because they feel Burgess is a “friend”. I bet that’s how they choose who they endorse instead of looking at the bigger picture.
Well, they obviously don’t choose their “friends” wisely.
Driving around NoMi today, I see campaign signs in yards and on fences for both Teacher and Desulme. Just goes to show you the ignorance of many around the town that have no idea who is running against who. SMH
Hi.I would be not be so quick to assume ignorance, I don’t think that’s fair or nice. Maybe people don’t want to make themselves standout or even be targets of vandalism from crazies – and can you blame them? Good for them they are even allowing candidates to post signs.
Now, a question you could ask them is if those people even voted, or if they just didn’t care and let whomever put a sign in. Another question. I think it is best not to assume in a situation like this, then make a harsh judgement… Just sayin’… It appears best to ask questions then draw conclusions and be critical when they are other possibilities. Even another possibility would be there are two people living there and they have different attitudes…. I would not assume ignorance … You know what Assume does…
Political signs are just signs. Like “thumbs down” on this blog, they mean nothing. And remember, signs don’t vote.
What about the U.S. Rep, State Rep, and County Commission endorsements for the Teacher? What does that say?
I would say “no comment,” but … You already said what I was thinking.
Stephanie, the pic of Daniella Levine Cava with PBA reps is disingenuous. Please don’t include Daniella in your condemnation of the PBA. She was a very worthy County Commission candidate who knocked off a disgusting member of the CoComm.
I personally have nothing against Levine Cava, but your opinion that her predecessor was “disgusting” is just that. Your opinion. I’ll leave it at that.
As for the pic, it was a screenshot captured on a public page of Facebook.
I thought it was appropriate.
Indeed, Daniella is indeed one of the best things to happen to this city in a very, very long time. Total integrity. I don’t know how she can be in politics, very thick skin (and love and support of family and very good people.)
If all were like Daniella, though, Stephanie would be out of a blog and we’d miss her humor and writing!
I see peckerwood Evan snuck in that picture too. Looks like the PBA will let anyone into their club.
No comment.
Evan Ross is a good kid. Just because he openly supported Carline Paul for the District 4 Seat and he is known to be Chief Lenny Burgess’ right hand in politics, doesn’t make him a bad person. His name should not be tainted simply because of who he supports.
Thats a joke, right? Putting those sentences together?
I’m pretty sure that was sarcasm. No, actually, I’m positive it was.
Evan Ross is a sycophantic little dickweed. He will suck up to anyone that makes him feel important. Lenny Burgess is a bumbling idiot for glomming on to that snot nosed kid and thinking he won’t get stabbed in the back when it’s convenient for the little peckerhead.
Dickweed? ROFLMAO!
OMG, thanks for the laugh. I needed that.
No seriously, Lynda Bell was a disgusting County Commissioner who did nothing more than pad the pockets of her family and buddies. I did not say she was a disgusting human being. Which may or may not be true. But yes, she was a disgusting Commissioner.
As far as ignorance, I stick by the statement Barbix. Your explanations make no sense whatsoever.
My statements make total sense. If you want to know why someone put two signs, go ask them, don’t make assumptions. I, myself would put two signs to be civic, and/or to not inflame my neighbors (who may disagree) – and mainly because my husband and I (and sometimes kids when they were younger) would disagree on who we wanted to support. It is always best to ask questions, then make assumptions… Again you know what “Assume” means… go google it, it is too purple for this website
Here’s to open dialog and communication. We don’t need personal attacks. If you have something to say, talk about the issue itself – not ad hominum stuff about “your explanations… make no sense”. We are on the same side I think if you also care about open dialog and seeking truth.