Commissioner Jorge Gonazalez, a/k/a The Crybaby of North Bay Village, just got spanked today by the Miami-Dade County Commission on Ethics and Public Trust.
Because some kids never learn.
During the contentious (aren’t they always?) campaign to hang on to his North Bay Village Commission seat last November, Jorge Gonzalez got his feelings hurt when his opponent, Mario Garcia commissioned a mailer attacking him for his bad business practices, questionable ethics, and lack of fiscal responsibility.

The first thing Señor Gonzalez did was file a lawsuit in the Eleventh Judicial Circuit Court.
He also got some free publicity in the Miami Herald.
Then Jorge filed a complaint with the Ethics Commission, claiming that none of the accusations printed on the mailer were true.
As Kevin Veriker wrote in his North Bay Village Reality Based Community blog, “The Commission on Ethics found that these points were true twice in fact. First when retired Supreme Court Chief Justice Gerald Kogan found that these things were true in November 2014 and that there was no probable cause to admonish Garcia because if you say it and it’s true, it’s legal and ethical.”
Case dismissed!
Still, Gonzalez was not satisfied. He threw another temper tantrum until Joe Centorino’s Ethics Commission agreed to re-open the investigation and hear it again.
The Commission examined the accusations printed on the now infamous mailer, and determined that they were <GASP> ALL TRUE!
But, the hilarious part of the Ethics Commission’s (No-) Probable Cause Memorandum is:
While the complaint is silent as to any supposed “damages” suffered due to the alleged false statements, Gonzalez provided the following information as evidence that the flyer’s false statements “exposed [him] to hatred, contempt or ridicule or caused [him] to be shunned or avoided or injured in his … business or occupation”:
Because Jorge Gonzalez is the first politician in the history of the world who has ever been exposed to “hatred, contempt or ridicule!”
As to the “damages” he sustained as a result of the mailer, the “evidence” he presented is even more laughable than his infantile behavior; to-wit:
- A blog post from entitled, “The Crybaby of North Bay Village”, which ridicules Gonzalez for his filing of civil and ethics complaints in response to Garcia’s flyer.
- Gonzalez claims that he has been told by certain people that others have made fun of him or criticized him for what was printed in Garcia’s flyer. Garcia claims the property manager of his condo stated that he overheard negative comments about Gonzalez based upon the flyer.
- Gonzalez provided a hand-written statement of his 11 year old daughter on notebook paper, which claims someone criticized her dad based upon the flyer.
- Gonzalez provided a November 16, 2014, news article, which appeared in the Miami Herald entitled, “Incumbents keep seats in North Bay Village”. The article reports that on election day a voter outside the NBV voting location said that he voted for Garcia and not Gonzalez because Gonzalez “had too many legal issues”, referring to the bankruptcy involving debts that Gonzalez incurred.
- Gonzalez claims that he has seen various comments posted on Facebook and a local blog criticizing and ridiculing him in connection with the statements made by Garcia in his flyer. Most appear to be blog posts and comments by NBV Reality Based Community blogger Kevin Vericker.
As for Jorge Gonzalez’ claim of “damages,” the Commission ruled that, “The blogpost from entitled “The Crybaby of North Bay Village”, which ridicules Gonzalez for his filing of civil and ethics complaints in response to Garcia’s flyer … does not ridicule him based upon the actual information contained in Garcia’s flyer. Rather, it accuses Gonzalez of being a “crybaby” and ridicules him for the filing [of] complaints themselves.”
The Commission also noted, “Gonazalez furnished various comments posted on Facebook and a local blog, criticizing and ridiculing him. Most of these comments were made by NBV Reality Based Community blogger Kevin Vericker … It is clear from a reading of the posts that Mr. Vericker consistently criticizes Gonzalez on a whole host of issues, which have nothing to do with the eight flyer statements … Similar to the Crybaby article mentioned above, the comments and blogposts also criticize Gonzalez for his actions of filing civil complaints of wrongdoing based upon the flyer, not the actual content of the flyer itself.”
OMG! We bloggers are just so awful to politicians!
We ridicule!
We criticize!
We make them cry!
In its infinite wisdom (and for once, I’m dead serious!), the Miami-Dade Commission on Ethics and Public Trust determined, “Lastly, it should be noted that Gonzalez was ultimately successful in defeating Garcia and was re-elected as Commissioner-at-large by a majority of voters. The electorate did not avoid him.”
In other words, the flyer didn’t work.
DAMMIT! Back to the drawing board.
In the meantime, by asking the Ethics Commission to revisit his complaint, Commissioner Jorge Gonzalez, a/k/a The Crybaby of North Bay Village, has just proven he’s an even bigger ass hat than we originally thought.
A word of advice, Jorge.
Cut the crap, wipe your eyes and put on your big boy pants!
Stephanie “Notorious” Kienzle
“Spreading the Wealth”
“Can’t stand the fire, get out of the kitchen”. This is too much! What is wrong with this man?
His panties obviously got twisted. Ouch!
Are you for hire to write for me. You are hilarious but also DEAD ON!!!!! Keep up the good work.
I’ll write for you any time! When’s our re-election?
Off the chain!
Can’t wait for your book.
Thanks, Omar. I had fun with this one. It practically wrote itself.