UPDATE: The Miami Herald article by Lance Dixon was just posted: North Miami mayoral candidate disqualified for writing bad check
According to two sources, and confirmation by Miami Herald reporter Lance Dixon, North Miami mayoral candidate Jean Marcellus has been disqualified because, get this…
He’s a loser in every sense of the word, right?
In any event, North Miami’s Mayor Smith Joseph gets to keep his job for another two years!
How awesome is that? TOTALLY AWESOME!
As soon as Lance Dixon’s article is posted, which should be shortly, I’ll post a link.
Congratulations to Dr. Mayor Smith Joseph!
Stephanie Kienzle
“Spreading the Wealth
It seems that NM City Clerk Michael Etienne made sure that Marcellus had time to give the city his bad check but made sure Janet Reed was not allowed to complete her registration. WHERE ARE THE AUTHORITIES?
I hope Janet Reed has filed an ethics complaint
No comment.
OK Mayor Joseph, you’re in. Now can we get down to the business of ejecting that good for nothing, piece of garbage that calls himself a chief “Lenny” Burgess once and for all? The politicians don’t have to worry about jockeying for position anymore and Aleem knows where he stands and doesn’t need to kiss anymore ass than he already has. Housecleaning time!!
Hoorah! That “Chief” really needs to go! I’m just not sure if Aleem has what it takes to run the city. I really thought he was a true leader, but I guess I was wrong. Once the election is over, the council should take a serious look at where the city is headed, especially the police department. Under Burgess, it’s gone to seed. There are so many excellent officers in North Miami, it’s such a shame to see their reputations ruined because of the lack of leadership. Morale is almost as bad as it is in the NMBPD! A real chief, who truly cares about his officers could turn it around before it’s too late. I hope the Mayor and Council wake up and do something fast. If the residents lose trust in the police department it’s all downhill from there.
Didn’t you know? The city manager was sworn in and promptly handed over his testicles in a brown paper bag. He literally took them off, placed them in a bag and said “Here, take my balls. I won’t be needing them.” Then he wobbled off like a weeble, sans balls of course.
Then the chief clapped his hands together crying “oh goodie more Chica Ricas for me!” and Juriga put on his hefty bag Superman cape and climbed on his desk yelling, “It’s a bird, it’s a plane, no it’s Super Illuminati Larry!”
Cardona and Brea-Burden celebrated by stuffing their face at the nearest all-you-can-eat buffet.
Oh hell, I just hurt myself laughing! #AchingSides
What is the Janet Reed update?
More will be revealed…