Let me tell you about my new home town.
For one thing, there does not appear to be a blogger in The Town of Davie. Not yet, anyway.
Unless you consider the Sun Sentinel’s Davie Forum Blog, the “author” of which is one Peter Franceschina.
The Sentinel gives no more information about this blogger, er, I mean, author, other than that he’s on the staff of the newspaper.
When I clicked on the Davie Forum Blog link,
I got this page:
Figuring there was probably nothing current for the Davie Forum Blogger to blog, I clicked on the link labeled “more posts” to see some of his earlier blogs.
Whatever the Sun Sentinel is paying Mr. Franceschina to “author” the Davie Forum Blog, it’s obviously too much. Maybe I should apply for the job.
Moving right along…
I now have 91,991 neighbors all living within 35.7 square miles of “the most populous municipality listed as a ‘town’ in Florida,” according to Wikipedia.
But, wait! There’s more!
The Miami Dolphins training camp, which is now known as the Doctors Hospital Training Facility at Nova Southeastern University, is right here in the heart of Davie. Plus, as I’ve mentioned before, the Bergeron Rodeo Grounds is another draw for residents and visitors.
But, wait! There’s more!
Davie’s other points of interest include the Old Davie School Historical Museum, Flamingo Gardens, the Young at Art Museum, the Davie Golf and Country Club, and of course, a ton of colleges and universities. In addition to the world famous Nova Southeastern University, the nearby South Florida Education Center also houses the local campuses of the University of Florida (GO GATORS!) and Florida Atlantic University, as well as Broward College and McFatter Technical College.
Aside from yours truly, Davie is home to several famous (and almost famous) people.
NFL stars Jason Taylor, Bryant McKinnie, and Chad Ochocinco hail from Davie, as do MLBers Nick Castellanos and Jim Leyritz. Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson and his dad Rocky, also live here. Molly Hatchet lead singer Danny Joe Brown, pop star Austin Mahone, and rappers M.C. Hammer and Rick Ross all have homesteads here in my new home town.
Before I arrived, things were pretty quiet around this mostly sleepy town. But since moving to Davie (and apparently bringing some bad mojo with me), a woman was found murdered in her bathtub, giant African snails infiltrated from across the Miami-Dade County border, and just yesterday, a couple was arrested for shoplifting – with a baby – at the local Super Target.
Luckily, the Davie Police Special Response Team is ready for anything!

The best part about living in Davie is that when I go out into my back yard, I hear …
No boom boxes.
No gunfire.
No sirens.
Nothing. Absolutely nothing.
Just peace … and quiet.
Yeah, it’s weird.
I think I could get used to this.
But just in case I don’t, I already applied for an appointment to the Town’s Charter Review Committee.
I know. I can’t help myself.
Just shoot me now.
Stephanie Kienzle
“Spreading the Wealth”
You’ll love it. Don’t forget some of Browards events such as the Las Olas Food and Wine Festival, charity events at Bergeron, Flamingo Gardens has stuff going on all year round, the Boat Parade etc
Check out the restaurants in Hollywood. There are some tasty spots off of Harrison Street, try Lola’s. Yummmm
I followed you in NMB with just an interest in politics and now I follow you in Davie with more interest because I have lots of family live there. Me, I just live in North Cuba (Hialeah)
Unfortunately the taxes you’re paying are way out of proportion to what you’re getting living in Broward.
The school district had a Grand Jury opine that it was so corrupt it should be abolished. Now they want $800 million in property taxes and most of the same people who were there when the GJ met are still in Facilities and will be spending the money.
The County wants a sales tax increase for mass transit, which as you know from Dade is a bottomless pit into which you pour tax dollars.
A Federal judge opined that the county is run by lobbyists.
Sounds like a blogger’s paradise to me! Thanks for the tip. Now I will enjoy.