17 thoughts on “North Miami Mayoral Candidates Forum

  1. I hope somebody asks Smith-Joseph why he has spent over $200,000 of his own money to run for Mayor of N Miami, a city he has lived in for only a few years, if that.

    1. I think its great he is spending his own money and does not need money. I think he is the lesser of two evils – has no judgements against him – no history of doing questionable things in the city – and very bright. He is an east-sider too so that tricks things up a bit. My 2 cents.

      1. From Smith-Joseph’s web site, “He is married with three beautiful children.” Where do his wife and children live and in what county do his children go to school if still in school? Is he married, separated, divorced, whatever?

        1. I have no real dog in this race and I have no idea the answer or things about his personal life. What I know is Burns is highly questionable. I choose the guy who has no track record in NoMi for bad/questionable stuff. Let’s see what he does. If more of the same then more of the same. My 2 cents.

  2. Kevin Burns with all his issues, did a terrific job tonight at the mayoral forum…he understands how things work and is able to hit the ground running, which NM desperately needs. Smith Joseph not so much, he spoke in very general terms and thinks government works like a business…he is not ready for primetime.

    1. Well NoMi needs to run like a business with all the problems they’re having. I’d rather have someone in office that has managed to pay his own bills – and if you look at some of the fiscal decisions on record Burns has made you may have a different tune…

          1. okay – and the more times we say it the better! people need to know his. and based on the debate at least smith joseph seems the adult in the room. one adult plus one great city manager = a great ticket.

          2. Not sure what forum you attended, but smith joseph was no more an adult than the others. Again, he spoke in generalities and showed his approach to governing as similar to running a business, which it is not. He seemed to have aligned himself with ex-mayor Pierre, another questionable player and so far Smith Joseph does not demonstrate any real vision for NM. We should just let the city manager work with someone who already understands the workings of government as opposed to saddling him with someone unfamiliar with the intricacies of how government is different than business.

          3. Wow, I don’t know how you came up with Dr. Joseph’s “alignment” with Andre Pierre. I saw nothing of the sort! If anything, Pierre would be backing Lucie’s endorsement of Marcellus, especially since he served with Marcellus in the same administration. I think you’re reading something that isn’t there at all!

            I also think you’re way off base to believe that the city manager should “work with someone who already understands the workings of government.” Aleem Ghany knows exactly what a city manager should be doing, and he doesn’t need the interference of someone who has a vested interest in the hiring and firing of key personnel, as has been done in the past. A Mayor (and every council member) must know their place in the food chain of city government. This is NOT a strong mayor form of government, even though some of North Miami’s (and NMB’s) previous mayors have been totally unclear on that concept. North Miami needs a mayor who is willing to let the city manager do the job he’s suppose to do, instead of worrying about catering to the whims of a council. The elected officials need to shut up and legislate policy, and then go home and let the city manager manage the city. Period.

  3. I love your blog and respect your commitment to getting out the truth. However, you have so far made no mention of the shared podium at the Holy Family church that reportedly occurred with Smith Joseph & Andre Pierre, who gave his endorsement and told the congregation that the mayor must be a Haitian no matter what. If this did in fact occur than not only do I have to question Smith Joseph’s alignments and judgment, but I also have to raise the question of using a church, non-for profit, for political activity. Clearly, no one appears to be squeaky clean in NM politics, but let’s stick with the devil we know.

    1. Jay, this is the first I’ve heard of this. I will, however, find out if this is true. I will report back what I find out.

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