While we’re on the topic of elections, let’s not forget that in less than a year North Miami Beach will hold its regular election. With the mayoral and three council seats up for grabs, this one is guaranteed to be hotly contested.
Surprisingly, according to the City’s website, no one has filed yet to run in the election scheduled for Tuesday, May 5, 2015.
The time to qualify for a run in North Miami Beach’s 2015 Municipal Election has come and gone. According to Part I, Article III of the City’s Charter, “Each candidate, at the time of qualifying with the clerk, must have continuously resided in the City of North Miami Beach for at least one (1) full year.”
Traditionally in NMB, the qualification period ends at 12:00 noon on the last Saturday in March of an election year, which in 2015 will be Saturday, March 28, 2015.
That means that anyone who had contemplated running for office in the next election had to have already established a BONA FIDE residency in North Miami Beach as of Friday, March 28, 2014 in order to satisfy the the “one (1) full year” of residency requirement.
And yes, Hans Mardy. That means you, too!
As I reported on May 7, 2014 as part of my Frantzie Watch series, Hans Mardy claimed to be living in North Miami on his Facebook page as of May 5, 2014, at least one full month after he should have already set up house in North Miami Beach in order to run next year.
As of today, Señor Mardy still lists North Miami as his home base on Facebook:
As a side note of interest, which really means nothing at all except for the giggle factor, Andre Pierre is one of Hans Mardy’s Facebook friends.
Just saying.
Granted, Facebook isn’t the ultimate authority on residency since users can say they live anywhere they want, including Uranus.
However, if Hans intended to claim residency in North Miami Beach for purposes of running for office, you’d think he’d have updated his Facebook page in time, right?
Yeah, I’m thinking it’s no coincidence that “Hans” rhymes with “Frantz.”
Just saying.
A more accurate source of information about people is a website called BeenVerified.com, which yields all kinds of information, including relatives, possible associates, criminal records, bankruptcy, liens and judgements. (Yeah, it’s well worth the price!)
According to my search of Hans Mardy today on BeenVerified, he still lives in North Miami, where he was “last seen” as recently as “03/2014.”
When Hans ran for office in the 2011 North Miami Beach election, he filed a Campaign Treasurer’s Report showing that he lived at 16558 NE 26th Avenue, Apt. 6I.
Two years later, when Hans Mardy ran in North Miami’s 2013 election, his Campaign Treasurer’s Report stated that he lived at 11905 NE 2nd Avenue, Apt. 314C.
On October 28, 2013, Hans also filed to run for State Representative of North Miami Beach’s District 107 for this upcoming election in August, claiming to live at the infamous House of Non-Profits, a commercial property located at 1733 NE 162nd Street. After he received his Acknowledgment Letter from the Florida Division of Elections, he failed to qualify by never filing the required Campaign Treasurer’s Reports and he dropped out of the race.
Now all of a sudden, Hans has been seen and heard at NMB City Council meetings, claiming to live here, and announcing he’s running again in 2015.
Obviously, Hans Mardy moves around.
A lot.
Even more obviously, good old Hans Mardy keeps his carpetbag packed and ready to run.
Whenever and wherever there’s an election!
At least he’s consistent, right?
I’ll end this column with what I think is one of the funniest comments ever posted on one of my blogs by a reader:
Hans Mardy has a real dilemma to deal with. He already moved his residency to NMB so he could run in next May’s election. He never counted on Juicy Lucy being taken down, because if he did, he most certainly would be running for Mayor of North Miami. When he loses badly in the NMB May election, he can attribute it to sounding like a real idiot at the Eastern Shores Candidate Forum as stated below:
“The next question is for you Mr. Mardy…you ran for office in NMB in 2012, then moved to North Miami and ran for office there in 2013, then moved back to NMB in 2014 to run in the 2015 election, how do you manage to get your security deposit back after breaking your rental leases so often?”
Yeah, I’m LMAO!
Stephanie Kienzle
“Spreading the Wealth”
Stephanie- wanted to get you this story- making national news – seems bad behavior is fanning out north of the md border. You may want to reconsider that move ! A bird in the hand……run with it! http://mobile.nytimes.com/2014/06/28/us/in-broward-county-fla-spate-of-judges-in-dui-arrests.html
OMIGOD! More politicians behaving badly! I’m imagining the possibilities right now. Just think of all the people I can piss off when I get there.