(PLEASE NOTE: There is still mass confusion as to the exact date and time for the filing deadline to run in this special election. It’s either tomorrow at TWELVE NOON, or Monday at TWELVE NOON, or Monday at 5:00 PM. It is not posted on the City’s website, nor does anyone in charge appear to know. Therefore, to be on the safe side, I strongly suggest you file before TWELVE NOON TOMORROW just in case this is the actual deadline. You could try to call the City Clerk’s Office at 9:00 AM tomorrow to see if you can squeeze any information out of someone. I do, however, suspect that you’d have as much luck getting that as you would a public records request. The Clerk’s number is 305-895-9817. Good luck with that!)
As of June 13, 2014, Kevin A. Burns became an official candidate for the Office of Mayor of the City of North Miami. He has appointed himself as Treasurer, but has not yet filed any Campaign Treasurer Reports.
Mr. Burns joins Dr. Smith Joseph and Jean Rodrigue Marcellus as a contender for the seat in the 2014 Special Election to be held on August 26, 2014.
Since Anna L. Pierre has not yet filed, we can assume that Jesus’ endorsement is still up for grabs.
If you’re thinking of running for Mayor of North Miami, I suggest you get your butt over to City Hall ASAP! Time is running out.
And, if you act quickly enough, you might even have the chance to snag the coveted Holy Endorsement!
Stephanie Kienzle
“Spreading the Wealth”
Please ….will somebody else jump into this race instead of these tired glue factory horses … a new face is needed for North Miami with a vision and some accounting, budget, and fiscal expertise … We don’t need drama and baggage that these three candidates bring to the council … North Miami deserves better
Have you considered running?
Just asking.
I will qualify just like one of the glue factory candidates as I don’t reside in the city …however, I did see the candidate at my local Publix up in Broward County ?.. My interests are having my beloved friends still residing in North Miami along with family members
Ned, been reading your posts and appreciate them (as I appreciate Stephanie’s). Have you an opinion on who would make the better candidate or what to think about?
Stephanie – re: public records requests in NoMi. It was actually brought up by a citizen at the last council meeting and one of the council people – I think Keys – added her opinion of the matter to. Perhaps you want to help that along – the more feedback the better especially since this new manager seems to care about getting things right.
Thanks. I’ll give the CM a call to discuss next week. I think it’s more important right now to announce the correct election filing deadline. I’d hate for anyone who is considering a run to miss the boat. I certainly don’t want to be responsible for giving out wrong information, which is why I suggested filing tomorrow morning. I just hope people are paying attention.
There was confusion during the meeting too about the dates. It will be on the tape of the meeting online… but clearly someone at the clerks office ought to know! Also I may humbly suggest also calling Ms. Keys re records or even showing up to citizens forum if we would be so lucky to have you there. But I appreciate what you do as much as you can. I think your city lets people even fill in records requests online but I am not sure
Stephanie … It is the city clerk’s role to run this election under the city charter …that is where the buck stops!
Stephanie … I do like your Jesus seal of approval … Did you receive this approval from Ms. Anna Pierre? Lol
It isn’t the city manager’s role to run this election …it falls to the city attorney to ensure that the city crosses all the ‘I’ and ‘t’ with legal language with the city charter, county elections supervisor (oh boy that another long email that we can talk about) and the state division of elections … And the city clerk who communicates about election information to the general public, accepts candidates paperwork, ensures each candidate qualifies under the city charter, and conducts this special election with guidance and assistance from the county supervisor of elections … We have over a month to get this right …and North Miami is still screwing things up like always …just like the first development contract of Biscayne Landings with Mr. Swerdlow and Boca Developers …and the mess with poor oversight with the run away MOCA museum board.
It is Monday, June 23, 2014 at High Noon according to the published ordinance on their web site