Following in the North Miami tradition of just making up rules as you go along, I am officially declaring that Easter Sunday is the last day you can legally hang outdoor Christmas lights on your house.
For example, the rental property located at 17471 NE 19th Avenue, in North Miami Beach, which is owned by the wife of Golden Beach resident and former Commissioner Al Paruas, STILL has Christmas lights on display as of this morning:
Seriously! What’s up with that?
I don’t see any lights on the Parauas’ homesteaded residence located at 645 Golden Beach Drive, do you?

I also don’t see any rusty iron fences, sun weathered facia or crabgrass here, either. Just saying.
Then again, we should give old Al a break. He’s had his share of troubles.
Back in 2005, Judge J.D. Parrish of the Division of Administrative Hearings in Tallahassee, Florida, entered a Recommended Order to the Ethics Commission, requesting it to “enter a Final Order and Public Report concluding that the Respondent, Al Paruas, violated Section 112.313(6), Florida Statutes (2002). The Respondent should be subject to a public reprimand and the imposition of a civil penalty not to exceed $10,000.”
The Commish was accused of using his influence “to have his wife’s parking ticket voided” when she illegally parked in a handicapped zone. According to the Order (WHICH YOU MUST READ!), Mrs. Commish was a raging bitch when she was slapped with the ticket, nearly running over the police officer who cited her.
Oh, those wild and crazy little towns.
Too bad it really isn’t illegal to cite someone for having their Christmas lights up past Easter. But maybe I can get my hands on one of Myron’s Fake Notices of Violation and serve Mrs. Paruas with one.
I’m sure Myron has a few extra boxes of them lying around somewhere.
Stephanie Kienzle
“Spreading the Wealth”
Let’s get mad as hell and not take this anymore. This is but one minute example of so many people who would not live here if this was the last place left on earth, yet have no problem exploiting us by making money from unkempt rental properties and businesses they would not tolerate in the places where they do live.
So elegantly put. Thank you!
That is not the only house that still has Christmas Lights up, there is one in the 1900-2100 blocks of NE 171st Street (North side of the street) that still has them up and ON every day of the week. Maybe one of the council members can sponsor an ordinance making them a code violation after Three Kings Day
Sheesh, you never heard of Easter lights? Seriously, maybe they need help getting them down. Sometimes children come into town and are eager to dress up the old home for the holidays, forgetting that the folks can no longer “undress” the house by themselves. Maybe compassion, rather than government overreach, might be the order of the day. Like it or not, these renters are legal residents and have the right burn holiday lights every day of the year if they want. Gated communities have a whole slew of rules the “un-gated” do not suffer. In my opinion, that’s a good thing.
Easter lights? If only we had thought of that sooner, we’d be millionaires by now.
As for burning Christmas lights year-round, I guess one man’s treasure is another man’s trash. Not that I’d live in one, but there’s a reason gated communities have rules.
Yikes! I take back my comment. That’s pretty creepy if you ask me.