If you blinked, you missed it.
Within two hours – literally – the Miami Dade Commission on Ethics and Public Trust found probable cause against a public official and then dropped all charges.
Way to go, Joe!
Joe Centorino, that is. The Executive Director of the COE.
Sometime after 2:00 this afternoon, the Miami Herald published an article entitled, Ethics Board finds cause to charge North Miami official. I can’t give you the link because that article has already been updated to read, Ethics Board drops charge against North Miami official.
According to the dropped charges, North Miami Assistant City Manager Lumane Pluviose-Claude “violated a rule that forbids hiring people whose family members hold high ranking positions in the same agency or government body.” Those family members would be Dr. Claude’s husband, Marc, and her son, McLamy, for temporary jobs in North Miami. Dr. Claude told the Commission that the hiring of her husband had nothing to do with her and that she had “urged the then-finance director not to hire” him. As for her son, he worked as a summer camp counselor after having been a camper there for years.
Since no other details have been published, I have no clue about the circumstances surrounding her husband’s employment.
Her son’s employment as a camp counselor is completely believable since my son was also hired in the same position at North Miami Beach’s summer camp after years of attending as a camper. My son’s friends were also hired as well when they aged out as campers. This is standard practice with city run summer camps. That complaint was bogus. In my humble opinion, of course.
Apparently, the Commission believed Dr. Claude on both counts since all charges have been dropped.
The miracle here is the speed with which the Commission on Ethics and Public Trust actually came to this conclusion. One wonders when, or even IF, a hearing was even held.
Is that even legal?
Oh, wait. This is the ETHICS Commission we’re talking about. They don’t need no stinkin’ laws!
So there you have it, folks. Despite the fact that it took over three years for North Miami Beach EX-Mayor Myron Rosner’s trial before the Ethics Commission to end up in a No Decision, we now know the COE is perfectly capable of doing something at lightening speed.
I have no idea if it was the right decision or the wrong decision.
At least they made one!
Yes, that was for the ladies. I, too, could spend an entire day watching Jon Bon Jovi sing.
Or pretty much anything else for that matter.
You can thank me now.
Stephanie Kienzle
“Spreading the Wealth”
Way to go trying to throw the previous City Manager under the bus! I hope he reads this so he can run this by his attorney since everyone know that Vernon Paul was the first one to go against then for their shady dealing and wanted no part of how that place operates.
Dr. Claude how do you say “defamation” or try maybe “slander” in Creole?
Cuz if you keep it up you may be learning not to do that unless you want to pay up.
All righty then!
The Ethics Commission…ha ha!
Let ‘me go Joe in his finest hour. Acting as the lap dog of a corrupt State Attorney and weighing every political decision prior to bringing on judgement. Do us all a favor Joe, pick up your trunk full of cover ups and high tail back to Boston. You are an embarrassment and a shell of a man.