If it weren’t for LeoAffairs, I’d never know what’s going on in North Miami Beach. Just posted early this morning:
In all fairness, I did get a text late last night with details of one of the shooting incidents, but I’m waiting to see how long it will take the North Miami Beach Police Department to issue a press release before I report them.
I’m not holding my breath.
Here’s the thing. The Police Department’s Public Information Officers are loathe to reveal to the public that major crimes happen in our city. They deny this is true, of course, but it’s quite obvious that they’d prefer to keep shootings under wraps as long as possible. The PIO protocol appears to be taken directly from the Jimmy Morales Rules of Disseminating Public Information. The less we know the better.
Especially bloggers.
I’m well aware of the fact that “talking to the blogger” is against the NMBPD’s Rules for Dealing with Media. The real irony is that when I attended one of the recent South Florida Media Coalition meetings held in North Miami for “PIOs and News Media,” Major Kathy Katerman was surprised to see me and asked me what I was doing there. She arched her eyebrows incredulously when I told her that I was invited because I am considered Media.
Imagine my surprise when some of my North Miami peeps later told me they were being asked questions about me, such as what was I doing there and who invited me.
Trust me, Major. I was invited! Unlike L’il Frantzie P, I don’t make a habit out of crashing parties.
I find it curious that I’m conveniently considered Not Media when it comes to attending media events. But when it comes to issuing a directive to North Miami Beach Police Officers stating, “Do NOT talk to the blogger!” all of a sudden I am Media.
Make up your freaking minds already.
In any event, if you aren’t reading this column OR LeoAffairs, you probably didn’t know there were any shootings in North Miami Beach over the weekend. I suggest you bookmark both websites if you like to be informed. Just saying.
The Powers That Be would have you believe that we are Mayberry R.F.D. Um, sorry, not even close. We’re more like the Wild, Wild West.
I suggest you duck and cover.
Stephanie Kienzle
“Spreading the Wealth”
If we all know that time is of the essence when it comes to reporting these shootings, and we all know that they will probably never report them, why are you just not reporting the three shootings already? I mean, they already dislike you; do you think they will dislike you less if you wait to report the obvious? I mean, the cat’s out of the bag already.
I can only report what I know, which is the shooting that took place at 1563 NE 171 Street is suspected to be drug related. According to one of my sources, approximately 20 rounds were fired, yet no one got hit. I don’t have details on any of the other weekend shootings. I’m waiting for the other cats to get out of the bag, okay?
Sometimes I forget you are only human…:-)
Yeah, I know. It’s a killer, huh? I’d love to be Wonder Woman.
Yes!!.. There was at around 2:23 AM Drive By… 171 & 16 because I live around the corner.. Then Friday Night at G-5 Strip Club there was another at 4:47am …. Then another In Washington Park last week can’t get in to details…
My husband and I appreciate your involvement. They may not want my husband to talk to you but they sure as hell can’t stop me. The shootings are getting crazy and the financial attack on the officers is more than crazy. Enough is enough already.
Well… A family member of mine Retired from NMBPD… & unfortunately im still A resident… So i see & hear every thing that go’s on.. This City is so F$&@ up NOW!!… These politicians are screwing everything up and if there were so worried about the city’s finances maybe they should pay their own personal bills (taxes) on time (Mayor)…. like the rest of the City residents and business owners like myself… It’s like the blind leading the blind no one knows what the hell they’re doing and now they are screwing with the residence after they screwed their own employees (PO)… That protect this city and put their lifes on the line every day.. If you want my honest opinion I think the delinquent taxpayer is jealous of what everyone else in the city is receiving once they retire..
Of course you are media. Anyone that says otherwise is just wishing you’d go away. With the lack of reporters in SoFla left, it’s ridiculous (but not surprising) they’d even try to limit anyone willing to take on the job of uncovering truth. Wait… maybe they don’t want that…:) PS Maybe you can get a LEO Affairs to start in North Miami. That site looks informative! Keep up the amazing work, “media” or not
I can’t “get a LEO Affairs” in North Miami, or anywhere else for that matter. That’s up to each individual PD to create one. Luckily for North Miami residents, you have a professional Public Information Office. You don’t have to depend on bloggers or LeoAffairs to get informed. Count your blessings.
Well I hear there’s plenty going on that does not exactly get reported by the PIO. I say cities without LEO Affairs are bound to have more secrets… Just sayin’
Maybe in some cities, but you don’t really have to worry about North Miami. Just sayin’
PS Maybe someone from NM will take the time to start a forum thread there. They’d have to be able to be anonymous though… I imagine…
Stephanie, I really respect you. There is plenty going on… North Miami? The city of non-transparency…
I’m only talking about the NMPD PIO. Not City Hall itself.
Yes you might want to learn more.
That went off and my computer crashed… I meant you might want to, “just sayin'”…. yet I am sure you have your plate full with some serious issues in NMB. Good luck with it.
Well, my “eagle eye” son caught my reply (he reads your blog too) and yes you said “PIO”… got it…. I hear you. Good night….
I am now officially confused by all your comments. Alrighty then. G’night.
FYI…. Another Shooting last night at around 10 PM at 158 & 10th Ave. This city is really getting out of control… (NMBPD What Shooting.???)….. LMFAO!!!… I wish I would’ve known about this Blog years ago because it is on like donkey Kong..!!!…
As the 101st subscriber to this blog, you won a free lifetime subscription. Congratulations and welcome!
I read about the 4th shooting in four days from my peeps on Leo. That’s sorta like a grand slam. Mazel Tov, NMB! You won the pennant.
There is so much i need to get off of my Chest …. About 2 or 3 Months ago my neighbor works at Grenalds park as a janitor at the elementary school. So while she was walking home at night I heard someone yelling really loud. A burglar was inside of her house so she calls 911.. While she is standing outside of her property. After her call to 911 the suspect was still inside the house for about 12 to 14 minutes .. (I was there) the police officer didn’t show up till 45 minutes after her call to 911.. So as the officer arrived he informed us that all of the officers were tied up on other calls and that they were short staffed.. Putting our citizens at great risk. because of the layoffs that occurred. Us citizens don’t blame the police officers of North Miami Beach. The mayor (AKA) delinquent taxpayer. Is the one to blame I don’t think he has a clue on what goes on every day and every night what goes on in the streets of North Miami Beach. Not only is he raping the pensions from our Police Officers and benefits he is putting our great citizens at risk with everything that is occurring with shootings almost every night… I feel as a resident of North Miami Beach if all of these shootings took place in eastern shores changes big changes would be made I know that for a fact.. When does it end !!!!! when does it END.!!!!!! We have cancer in our city. (Mayor) And wait there’s more I shall explain some other time again … I am a professional business owner I have to make money so I can pay my taxes on time not like other people that live on the East side… thank you again for your time in this matter I hope everybody reads this… Because it’s all “TRUE”… Good Day to all..! Peace Out..!!!!
Go Stephanie.!!!!!! Tell it like it is..
Officers appreciate your efforts Stephanie. No matter how the brass treats you, you have the respect of the pee ons.
Thanks! That means a lot. I don’t consider you the “pee ons.” You’re the ones doing the heavy lifting. The residents and I appreciate what all of you do for us!