… Myron’s re-hearing before the North Miami Beach Code Enforcement Board on January 9, 2014? You might recall that EX-Mayor Myron Rosner and his wife, CIRCUIT COURT JUDGE SARAH ZABEL, filed an appeal to the 11th Judicial (Appellate) Circuit Court of the citations they received for their three separate code violations. The Appellate Court sent it back to the Code Enforcement Board for a re-hearing.
Thanks to Code Compliance M̶o̶r̶o̶n̶ Manager, Eric Wardle, who initiated a “Code Waiver Program,” which the City Council approved on August 6, 2013 by Ordinance 2013-8, all of Myron’s code violations were forgiven by an Administrative Waiver.
Can you say, “Blanket Amnesty?”
“What qualifies for a Code Waiver?” you might ask. Good question!
According to the City’s website, “Structures such as sheds, carports, driveways and awnings which were built without permits or built too close to the property line will qualify. Also fences which exceed the maximum allowed height and total required pervious area for a property will qualify.”
What does not qualify are “[a]dditions or conversions of garages or carports to living space…”
Ironically, Myron’s against-code “carports, driveways and awnings” are exactly what he was cited for in the first place, among other things.
And, while he did not erect an illegal shed, he did build a swimming pool too close to the property line.
And, while “additions or conversions of … carports to living space” do not qualify for amnesty, Myron also skated around this exception when he enclosed a patio with windows and electrical wiring for the purpose of expanding his “living space.”
It sure seems to me that Ordinance 2013-18 was tailor made to suit Myron’s little problem, eh?
Myron beat the system when he appeared before the Miami-Dade Commission on Ethics and Public DIS-Trust, which announced that it was deadlocked in its decision of a case filed against him for exploiting his official position. Myron was charged with abuse of power when building officials gave in to his demands by issuing illegal permits for all his planned construction, which enabled him to bypass applying for necessary variances.
Now Myron beat the system again, thanks to Eric Wardle, whose “Code Waiver Program” conveniently exempted Myron from having to comply with whatever little Code rules that North Miami Beach already has in place.
Even more disturbing, by approving this farce of a program, the City Council has handed Myron a pass to overbuild his property, eliminate almost all requirements for pervious area (green space), and just be a general nuisance to everyone on his block.

As you can see by the above Google Maps image, Myron’s property has almost no green space whatsoever. The massive extension to his home covers what little pervious area that should have been left undeveloped. The neighboring properties, however, all seem to be in compliance with the Code.
Then again, I’m pretty sure that none of Myron’s neighbors ever served as Mayor of the City of North Miami Beach.
I could be wrong, but I’m also guessing that none of Myron’s neighbors are married to a CIRCUIT COURT JUDGE.
It could absolutely be a mere coincidence that a former MAYOR who is married to a CIRCUIT COURT JUDGE just happens to get off on charges of ethics violations for bullying Code officials into granting him bogus permits in order to commit Code violations for which he was given amnesty.
I mean, stranger things have happened, right?
All together now:
Stephanie Kienzle
“Spreading the Wealth”
Why even have codes then?