First there was the whole “Street Furniture” debacle during the 2011 North Miami Beach mayoral race when I tore City Attorney Darcee Siegel a new one … make that several of them … for her creative interpretation of our city’s laws so that incumbent mayor Myron Rosner could “legally” break them. Luckily, Myron’s ploy was an epic fail and he got voted out of office.
Despite the uproar, Darcee kept her job.
Then one year ago this month I criticized her and accused her of stonewalling the Marina Palms project. In the end, Marina Palms won out and broke ground.
Despite the disapproval by some members of the City Council, Darcee kept her job.
Now, a year later, at last night’s City Council meeting four out of seven members on the dais decided that, for no apparent reason, Darcee had to go.
The big question on everyone’s mind is, “Why?”
More importantly, “Why now?”
That’s the question of the year. In my most humble opinion, of course.
I watched the circus beginning at hour 3:29:59 of the meeting last night when Councilwoman Martell asked for the floor to make a point of order. She started off with, “This has become very difficult,” at which time Councilman DeFillipo had a Facepalm Moment.

(Dude, keep in mind – the camera is always watching. Just saying.)
Marlen’s biggest concern was that “the City Manager needs a management team that she can work with” and that “we don’t have a complete team.” Marlen then made a motion to terminate the City Attorney.
You could hear a pin drop at that moment.
Then again, since it was 11:12 PM, chances are the Chambers had emptied out hours before, so I’m just wondering if this late hour bombshell couldn’t have been dropped at a more convenient time.
The same way L’il Frantzie P conveniently (and quite smugly) piped in after an appropriate five second beat to “second it for discussion purposes.”
At that very moment, The P Man had successfully done what the Mayor had been trying to do most of the evening, as well as from Day One of his term, and that was to shut Phyllis up.
For once, Phyllis was speechless.
In fact, Phyllis looked absolutely stunned for what seemed like an eternity.

Unfortunately, of all the times over the years that Phyllis needed stifling, this was not the night.
For example, just before Marlen’s shocking motion to fire Darcee, Phyllis tried to argue that City Manager Ana Garcia should NOT have received a 5% raise and a 20% contribution to her 401(k), along with her one year contract, after the Mayor had already pushed this through with a 5-2 vote. He shut Phyllis down with the admonishment that they were not going to discuss a decision that had already passed. I’m guessing that even if Phyllis had brought this up before the vote, it wouldn’t have mattered. But that’s beside the point.
The bigger point is that where is this money going to come from? Was it budgeted?
Just asking, of course. But…
As a “point of order” (à la Marlen), I am compelled at this time to remind the World At Large that I’m still not dropping issue of “The Freaking 2.5% Ripoff.” This is the additional percentage of salary that the North Miami Beach Police Officers have been paying for over ten years toward their pensions for the right to retire after 20 years. Under the new proposed pension plan, the City intends to keep that money without giving the cops what they paid for.
But, after six months of employment, Ana gets a raise.
For putting together a “team.”
Darcee, obviously not deemed a “team player,” got cut.
And, like the Dolphins, they haven’t even made the playoffs yet.
Councilwoman Beth Spiegel started the discussion by stating she would absolutely not support firing Darcee, at which point L’il Frantzie P promptly walked out after he seconded the motion for “discussion purposes.”

Maybe he didn’t want to hear what Beth had to say which was, “I haven’t heard anything that would make me think that there has been a dereliction of duty or a malfeasance that would warrant terminating Darcee.”
Beth also reminded the Council that “we’re in the middle of litigation on the pension issues” and “Braha Dixie” and that there is no one to take over for her while these matters are pending. Not only would Beth not support the motion, but she gave Darcee her vote of confidence.
Phyllis then told Marlen she’d have to give her two examples of why Darcee needed firing. She wanted to know what the hell (my words, not Phyllis’) brought this on. “Share with us something so horrific that would make us want to terminate. Where’s the argument?”

Marlen responded to Phyllis’ question by stating that the two reasons are “Marina Grande and Mr. Bonner.” She did not clarify those points, but went on to say that the Council wants “a supportive team.” Marlen also noted that this Council made major changes in the city, including the Police Department and the City Manager, and that it’s only logical to fire the City Attorney.
There’s that “team” thing again. If the new City Manager is looking for “a supportive team,” may I suggest she attend the NFL draft in April. Maybe she’ll have better luck than the Dolphins did last year.
At minute 3:38:54, the Mayor said, “This is definitely out of the blue.” But, all of a sudden it got him thinking about the pension issues that had already been discussed, and oh yeah, that whole Marina Palms issue where he and Darcee “had a very well publicized difference of opinion on that issue,” and yeah, she violated our charter, but “I didn’t come in here thinking about this, but you know what, my colleague just refreshed my memory.” So, yeah, while we’re on the topic, and even though this comes at such a shock to me, now that you mention it, “I’m backing my colleague here on this” and let’s just fire the bitch.
Okay, so I’m paraphrasing a bit here. But that was basically the bottom line.
What I do know, however, is that as “out of the blue” as he claims this was, George did want to fire Darcee last year over the Marina Palms issue. He never put it on the table because he knew he didn’t have the votes. I am going to assume that he wouldn’t have chosen to back his colleague’s motion if he didn’t believe he had the votes this time. Which brings me to…
Councilwoman Beth Spiegel’s next statement to Councilwoman Martel, which was, “You said that we have an obligation to deliver to this Manager a supportive team.” Beth then raised her voice slightly and exclaimed, “Ms. Manager, I hope that you had nothing to do with Councilwoman Martel saying that because each one of our charter officers deserves loyalty from the other.”
I believe that’s what they call “teamwork.”
Just ask the Dolphins.
Beth went on to say that it’s not our obligation to deliver “a supportive team”

to the Manager. I think it’s our obligation to be supportive of our Charter officers.”
At which point, Marlen desperately tried to get a word in.

Phyllis then added that this city will pay a very heavy price for letting our Council go at this time, and that it’s not prudent at this time when there are two major court battles being fought. “Neither one of the attorneys up there could possibly step in and take that role.”
But that’s okay, Phyllis. We got what’s-her-name to take Darcee’s place. You know, that one in legal who’s the most senior. After all, she’s been here a whole freaking year at least! What’s her freaking name again? Yeah, that’s the one.
At this point, Councilwoman Barbara Kramer decided to speak after she got over her initial shock. She expressed her surprise and stated that this “came out of nowhere.” She was concerned that this was such a huge decision to be made at this late hour.

If you think about it, when was any major North Miami Beach City Council decision not made at a late hour?
Barbara said she “wanted to know more about this” and looked at George, who responded with, “Vote however you want to vote. There’s a motion on the table. There’s a vote comin’.”
The Mayor asked for a show of hands.
The P Man asked for a few more seconds.
The final tally was four to three to fire Darcee.
Barbara walked off.
George said they had to choose one of the Assistant City Attorneys to take Darcee’s place.
Beth walked off.
Phyllis walked off.
Darcee told George he didn’t have a quorum.
Barbara came back.
They had a quorum.
They didn’t know the names of the Assistant City Attorneys, so they simply chose the one “who’s been here the longest.” With a year and two months under her belt, Dotie Joseph won the Oscar.

Before the meeting was officially adjourned, Barbara said for the record that she voted against Dotie’s appointment because she doesn’t think we have anyone here who can get anything done.
To which George replied, “That ship has sailed, my friend.”
No one I spoke to today saw this coming. Then again, I did not speak to any of those who voted to ditch Darcee. I’m guessing they weren’t at all surprised.
I could be completely wrong about this, but as I sat watching from the peanut gallery, the whole thing looked totally orchestrated to me. For some reason, it reminded me of the time former City Manager Keven Klopp was dumped “out of the blue.”
Just saying.
I still think there’s a whole lot more to this story than meets the eye.
And I sure do intend to keep on digging.
Stay tuned…
Stephanie Kienzle
“Spreading the Wealth”
There is more to the story than meets the eye. This was a well planned “hit” on the City Atty. I don’t know that the plan is necessarily illegal or whether there have been Sunshine violations. But Mr. Open Doors and Transparent Mayor said it was “out of the blue” to him and it most certainly was NOT. That was an outright lie. Now that leaves me wondering why the plan was supposed to be denied. The Mayor is maybe a little more transparent than…mud. But I hear there ain’t nothing quite like a few Subpoenas to brighten things up a bit. Now watch closely while some folks “erase” their phone logs and email logs, appointments and tell stories of alibis. Hint hint to those who sit high….emails, phone records and the like, never get “erased” but just slightly more difficult to find.
Yeah, the messenger usually gets shot. Good thing I have thick skin, especially when it comes to criticism. I just duck. That usually works.
if this was pre-planned it would seem to be a clear and bright violation of the Sunshine laws.
Stop stealing North Miamis script! Run the meeting til 3 a.m. and all of the pain in the ass citizens will have gone home. Welcome to my world. LOL!
I told y’all the toxicity would spread to NMB. No one cared. Too late now.
Like all corrupt systems they all begin to turn on each other!
[This comment has been removed due to inappropriate comment and unsubstantiated allegations.]
A week or two ago Steph did a blog that I commented on. I disclosed that I would run again. But, even then, some folks prefer deceit over truth so long as you talk nice to them. So these folks would rather have a friendly corrupt Frantz Pierre than a brutally honest David Templer. Go figure.
“the truth is devastating” and many prefer opiates
I am told that Grand Jury Subpoenas generally uncover unmistakable patterns, making things go from “out of the blue” and “into the light”.
This Mayor is nothing more than a irresponsible, vindictive bully. He recalls an incident a year ago so he goes forward with her termination. I don’t see how the citizens can trust a man who is always delinquent in paying his property taxes. Is not responsible with paying his mortgage. Has a personal business that’s being sued. Has made horrible decisions that have made a negative impact on public safety for this community and continues to steal money from the police officers (2.5%) from each paycheck. This Mayor continues to make horrible financial decisions in his personal life and you want someone like that overseeing millions in your tax dollars. Let’s not forget also Martel was FIRED as a city employee. She was incompetent enough to get fired then, you think anything has changed since. A leopard doesn’t change it’s stripes. So there you have it, The Mayor & Martel (Dumb & Dumber) making yet another decision to put this city in worse shape then it already is.
Why has not the Miami Herald provided a story on this? I guess the importance of our NMB cannot even make negative news?
Our “reporter” wasn’t even at the meeting. We are no longer important enough to rate a Carli Teproff or Nadege Green. You guys get stuck with me.
you are so obviously better at news than they are anyway.
They may know all the j-school rules and regulations but you do actual journalism, and that’s what our communities actually need. Not government print presses.
It’s clear there’s a violation of Sunshine Law here. Martel, Mayor & Pierre’s statements seem rehearsed and the topping on the cake is Defelipo’s visual reaction and nervousness before Martel even made her motion. It’s great too when Martel mentioned all the changes they’ve made to the police department. So let me get this straight, her and her cronies have made changes to the pd that have royally f&$ked things up and have no longer made the agency competitive to others, and she wants to give herself and her cronies a pat on the back. Now she wants to make another “change” and terminate the city attorney. I’m sorry residents, I’ll serve you to the best of my ability but thank god I chose to raise my family elsewhere.
Really, NMBLEO? You know this how?
Oh, that’s right. You are a brilliant crime-fighting LEO. You also have been a prosecutor, but gave up law to really make a difference on the streets.
Or maybe you are just another troll or shill for the dipshtzes who oppose everything and anything involving change.
If you are indeed real LEO, its no wonder we have a crime problem in our city.
Our city is finally changing for the better. There is so much deadwood at City Hall. Lets cut it out, dump it out, and move forward.
Struck a nerve I see?!?! Hahah, Martel or Georgie, is that you??? We know what your all about and I was here before you got here and I’ll be here after your incompetent culo’s leave.
for the record you didn’t say anything construction and gave no argument that the change being proposed here is at all for the better
This whole thing cracks me up.
It’s hilarious, but really sad, how people have selective memories.
Let’s go down the list of who is allegedly beholden to whom.
Mr. Templer was allegedly under the complete control of Susan Fried, Stanley Price and Ron Book.
So were former council members Marin, Chernoff, et al. Oh yeah, I forgot about the Marina Grande people pulling the strings.
Darcee, Ms. Speigel and Ms. Smith allegedly did the bidding of Bill Borkan. He bought and paid for their appointments and elections.
I will not bother going back to the salad days (yeah, right) of Mischon, Bob Taylor, et al.
How’s that for the truth?
Truther, you are an idiot. A moron. You spread lies like disease. Come out of the closet and show your face.
I have never been introduced to or spoken with Ron Book. To the best of my knowledge I was never asked to vote on anything he brought forward.
I am friends with Stan Price and Susan Fried. Susan is a friend of the family for many years. I met Stan through Susan. Stan and I are colleagues in our professional fields. However, you dumb ass, despite the respect they may have for me I had voted AGAINST some of their items and I have been battling Stan on a current project.
Come out of the dark. You are just a negative person, looking to cast blame and doubt without scrutiny. Pathetic.
Well, now we are getting somewhere. You ackowledge a close relationship with Fried and Price.
“To the best of my knowledge” regarding Book sure sounds like lawyer speak to me.
Is that what you told the Grand Jury?
I am pretty sure I am smarter than you. That doesnt say much.
But Not as smart as Speigel, because she is the smartest person in all of Northeast Dade.
More lunacy from a coward afraid to show his or her face. What Grand Jury are you talking about? I have never been asked to speak to a Grand Jury at the State or Federal level.
You remain exemplary of an idiot so let me make something crystal clear to you…I don’t know what Ron Book looks like other than that he is a white guy who once had a beard. I would not know him if he stood next to me in line at Publix.
You want someone to be nice to you? Stay with Pierre. You want effective? Make a change dumbass.
There’s no way I am voting for Pierre. I will even give some money and go door to door for any CREDIBLE opponent who runs against him.
Mr. Templer, you are NOT a CREDIBLE opponent. The goal to getting rid of Pierre is to replace him with someone better, or not as bad.
You are still angry about your loss to him. i understand that. But it is time to move forward, not backwards.
Can’t we just name a building or street for you instead of having to endure your campaigning or GOD forbid four years of you as a Councilman?
Well, at least the mayor and other Council members don’t appear in Facebook pages with lobbyists.
Why does Barbara Kramer allow her picture posing with a lobbyist to be used as that lobbyist’s profile picture?
That is just over the top inappropriate.
I bet this guy Ross picks up some new clients in NMB based on your endorsement!
I did not “endorse” him. I am telling you he is a good person, and a good friend. If you consider that an “endorsement,” knock yourself out.
Oh, and BTW. If Evan picks up new clients as a result of my “endorsement,” nothing would make me happier. Unlike some of the people you’ve been attacking on this blog, Evan is one of the good guys!
ANON – I don’t usually respond to people who don’t identify themselves, but I’ll respond to your comment. Barbara Kramer is my friend. She was my friend before I ever did lobbying work, and if she resigned from office today, she’d still be my friend.
The picture posted on my Facebook page is from an event to combat homelessness in Miami-Dade County. As someone who’s expierenced homelessness, I’m incrediy proud of the work that Barbara does with the Miami-Dade Homeless Trust. I’m also incredibly proud to call her my friend. She’s a wonderful person and a tremendous public servant.
If you want to attack me, that’s fine. It comes with the territory. But before you take shots at Barbara, find me an elected official with more integrity, who’s more responsive to their constituents, or who has less of an ego than Barbara Kramer.
Don’t have a “dog” in this fight….there is a Spanish saying though…”quitate tu ‘pa poner me yo”, look it up, I won’t translate. However, when will the voters have a honest, credible measurement of whom are the good guys? As they also say “all politics is local”, NM/NMB is but a microcosm of what ails all of us. Good government will only be good when we elect good principled, honest, ethical individuals. The question is, where/who are they?.
You have you been busy Stephanie. I believe you were asking the “Why Now” question regarding the latest North Miami change or firing, excuse me “resignation” of the Chief. We here in the peanut gallery wish you were using your talents to expose the truth of that matter, but we understand you have your own city’s problems to attend to and wish you the best of luck. And yes here’s to Good Government as the recent poster said.
I know I live in NMB, but I’ve been “reporting” North Miami politics since your 2011 election. Before 1989, I was a resident of North Miami and I still have relatives who live there. So, I do have a vested interest in your city as well. In addition, the people behind the political scenes have their tentacles in both cities, so borders are meaningless when it comes to fraud and corruption.
Interesting that you brought up the recent firing and “resignation” of two top employees from both cities, and the mysteries surrounding both. Must be something in water…
Ha, yes the water must have contaminants called lack of transparency and/or cronyism and/or self-serving agendas or a combination of them all in differing proportions. Maybe the toxic dump AKA munisport AKA interama AKA biscayne landing is affecting both cities – they DO connect the cities, right? Hmm… I never thought about the connection. We here wish you the best in your quests for truth. Thanks for being out there. It is too bad people have such a hard time with good ole honesty.