Random Pixels posted a follow up to his two columns about WLRN, the Miami-Dade County School Board owned radio station, and it’s “collaboration” with the Miami Herald to start a morning news show.
In yesterday’s column, [click this link >>>] WLRN / Miami Herald News – A progress report, RP dishes yet another exposé about where all your generous donation money is going. Benefactors of WLRN would be wise to follow RP’s advice:
“Note to WLRN listeners: Bookmark this page and refer back to it during the station’s next pledge drive.”
The constant smack down of the Miami Herald (not to mention the School Board and WLRN) by Random Pixels is a heck of a lot more fun to watch than last night’s Super Bowl.
In fact, RP provided an entire season’s worth of entertainment to distract me from the pain. Much obliged.
Stephanie Kienzle
“Spreading the Wealth”
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