Just in time for award season, the trophy for “Most Outrageous Sense of Entitlement” goes to Natasha Louima of North Miami Beach, whose house was burgled on Saturday night, days before Christmas.
As sad as this story this is – Ms. Louima is a single mother of three and all her kids’ Christmas presents were stolen – she lost me at her opening line of “North Miami Beach has to do something about it.”
WSVN-TV’s report, Single mother’s home ransacked; Christmas gifts stolen, would normally tug at one’s heart strings. Sorry, but the minute she opened her mouth with that insanely asinine comment, I felt nothing but disgust.
Lest you think I’m insensitive, let me tell you that I’ve been there, done that. I was a single mother. Twice, as a matter of fact. I’ve also had my house broken into and my Christmas gifts stolen. Actually, the thief unwrapped all the presents first, took the perfume my kids got me, but had absolutely no interest in G.I. Joe or My Little Pony. Go figure. He got away with some other stuff, but the thing is I didn’t blame anyone but the thief.
I certainly didn’t say that “North Miami Beach has to do something about it.” Nobody had to do anything about it except me. It was my problem, not the city’s. Not the Mayor’s. Not the Police Department’s. Certainly not God’s. It happened. Oh, well. Shit happens.
Bad things happen. No one is immune. Kids get cancer. Cats get hit by cars. Tornadoes blow houses to smithereens. Sometimes it’s sad, sometimes it’s unfortunate. Sometimes it can even be devastating. Most of the time there is no one to blame. Again, oh, well. Shit happens.
As Channel 7’s anchor said of this burglary, “It is a crime all too common this time of year.” Yes, it’s sad and unfortunate. When people are victims of burglary, especially at Christmas time, donations of toys and hams usually pour in from a sympathetic community. Normally, I’d be the first to chip in, especially since I personally have been in Natasha Louima’s position. But all sympathy went out the window with her opening remark that “North Miami Beach has to do something about it.”
Sorry, sweetie, no one has to do anything about it. Especially not “North Miami Beach!” Maybe you should try being grateful that your children are healthy and that they have a roof over their heads. A little gratitude, not to mention some freaking humility, goes a long way.
Natasha’s young daughter, who was interviewed in the video, said, “He took everything from us. Everything.”
No, honey, he did not take everything. You still have your mother (ungrateful and demanding as she is). You still have your house, your furniture, your clothes. You have each other. And, but for the Grace of God, you have your health. Millions of other children who are starving or orphaned or have life threatening illnesses would give anything to trade places with you! Do you have any idea how lucky you are?
Natasha’s other daughter told the reporter, “It’s not fair.”
Damn right it’s not fair. I’ll tell you exactly what I told my own children countless times since they were old enough to speak: “Life’s not fair. Get used to it!”
Maybe Natasha should practice that own line on herself. Then teach it to her kids.
Yeah, my teeth are still gritting over her comment to the media.
I’m sure tons of people will rush to fix her problem. They’ll be moved to dip into their already tapped out pockets to make sure her kids don’t wake to a Christmas morning without presents. But they will do it out of the goodness of their hearts, not because anyone has to do anything.
Unfortunately, Natasha will probably not appreciate the kindness of strangers. Most likely, she hasn’t taught her children to be grateful, either. As sad as it is to have your house burgled and your Christmas presents stolen, the saddest thing of all is that no lessons will be learned.
And the real spirit of Christmas will be forgotten.
Stephanie Kienzle
“Spreading the Wealth”
1) As most people do, you missed the most important point. You are smart enough to write a blog, write eloquently and state your feelings in a nice quiet place. This nice lady, most likely doesn’t have your college educated back ground. She can’t process or speak the way you. She blamed NMB with lights and a camera in her face and no clue really what to say. This is not the point of the story.
2) you didn’t mention the kids. Holidays are for the kids. Good mother or bad. Smart mother or not. The kids have no gifts.
They actually do. As expected, good Samaritans have already come to the rescue. http://www.wsvn.com/news/articles/local/21012554157217/good-samaritans-help-family-targeted-by-thieves/
Hind sight is 20/20. They didn’t when you wrote this. As expected, you missed the point. I am googling the Wizard (of OZ), for his current location. Hoping to see if he has an extra heart.
If you really think “holidays are for the kids,” then you have missed a couple of important points. The first being that Christmas is a religious holiday meant to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. The second being that in this great country, we have abandoned that celebration in exchange for an orgy of spending money. And BTW, as the excerpt below illustrates, the author of this blog predicted (correctly) that someone would save the day “for the kids.” Foresight, not hindsight, is 20/20 in this case.
“I’m sure tons of people will rush to fix her problem. They’ll be moved to dip into their already tapped out pockets to make sure her kids don’t wake to a Christmas morning without presents. But they will do it out of the goodness of their hearts, not because anyone has to do anything.”
Thanks for getting the point! Maybe we can google the Wizard to see if he has an extra brain for “interesting.” Or at least a pair of reading glasses.
It truly is sad that some animal(s) victimized this family. That being said, I couldn’t agree more that demanding that someone HAS to do something about it is in bad taste. Hopefully those punks will get what they got coming to them….
Merry Christmas
I guess I have to agree your to 1/2 brains are smarter than the average bear. I love the religious reference. Obviously you go to church or believe in Jesus. But, you can’t follow his teachings. Do unto others as you would do unto yourself. Again, I am the idiot because logic would say that is what you are doing. Your children and x husbands must love you. Please don’t find me a brain, ignorance must be bliss.
Not sure what “to 1/2 brains” means, but thank you anyway. My children absolutely love me, one of my “x husbands” and his wife are good friends of mine, and the other “x husband” is dead, although I’m sure he still loved me when he kicked the bucket.
Jeez, Louise … all that, good looks, and brains, too! Not to mention a keen sense of humor and a killer sarcastic delivery. Hell yeah! I am that freaking wonderful! Screw Oz. The Almighty Bitch Goddess has spoken.
P.S. Who the hell are you talking about “religious references?” Surely you must be confusing me with someone else who posted a comment here. I guess that brain might come in handy after all, huh?
I am the 1 of the 1/2, and you are the 2 of the 1/2. Or vice versa. Who the hell needs a brain? It’s Christmas…just go out and buy something already!
I would. But the only thing open is Denny’s. Oh, and I think CVS. Ya know, I think I need an emergency lipstick. Thanks for reminding me.