A Report Card for Mayor Lucie Tondreau
Written by Mark Sell — BT Contributor
December 2013
First rule: This is not your high school lunchroom

Ed Koch, the late great mayor of New York, was fond of asking, “How’m I doin’?” as he walked around his city streets.
It takes guts to ask, and most of us are too cowardly. Hiding from the truth is easier if it’s going to cost you in the end. Strong medicine, like sunlight, disinfects.
So here’s a six-month report card for Mayor Lucie Tondreau of North Miami from this corner of the peanut gallery. We can give her neither an A nor an F since her June election — and she’s too complex to be dismissed with a mediocre C. She’s in danger of squandering her potential, but many of her problems appear fixable.
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