The future of North Miami Mayor Lucie Tondreau’s seat will be decided by a 33 minute appellate court hearing held this morning. The case of Burns v. Tondreau, et al, was heard this morning by the 3rd District Court of Appeals. A decision was not rendered at the hearing, and according to Miami Herald reporter Nadege Green’s Tweets, the Judge gave no indication when he will make it public.
For those of you who don’t “do” Twitter (for shame!), here are Nadege’s Tweets from this morning’s hearing:
I tweeted Nadege to ask:
There you have it! If you were on Twitter, you’d already know this, too. Get with the program, people! Do I have to do everything for you?
Stephanie Kienzle
“Spreading the Wealth”
Now, Steph. It wasn’t long ago that you CORRECTLY told Biscayne Park and North Bay Village meddlers to butt out of CNMB’s affairs. Because you reaped, so do you wish to sow?
I have absolutely no clue what you’re talking about. If you think I’m meddling in North Miami’s affairs, my answer is that (a) I have always covered North Miami (despite my temper tantrum when I broke up with them), and (b) I’m not an elected official voting on North Miami’s affairs.
If you meant something else entirely, you’ll have to fill me in. I’m still blonde.
thanks for posting and covering. everyone can watch it here too
A CourtCam? Cool!
Still, I’d still rather follow Nadege. She tweets, I listen.
It was very interesting. Watch the one about the fishing tournament before it too :). Maybe I am just an old nerd! Have a nice day
Nothing wrong with being an “old nerd.” We rock!
(I think I’ll pass on the fishing tourney, though.)
Dear Fred, welcome to last year. She’s been covering the goings on in the north end including North Miami for quite some time now. North Miami also happens to abut NMB and is relevant to what happens in our City. For an elected official to weigh in on and request votes on what happens here is just plain dumb. There’s a huge difference between a journalists comment and a politicians interference. Duh.
Thank you. I honesty dont understand what the need for any negativity or “divisiveness” is, as they say. I in general try not to respond because it is just increasing the drama, and as I have gotten older I have realized these people often just want to find problems (without the focus on positivity which includes sharing of info here like stephanie does)…. so thank you for saying something. to that guy above, peace to you and sharing of info is better than none plus with all the money out of mainstream journalism we need more bloggers like this one. peace to all. be the change you want to see – gandhi