A reader posted a comment on my last blog mentioning that I “get awards for scooping.” Other than a couple of shout outs from the Miami New Times (which blew me away!), I’m not sure what “awards” he was talking about. Then I remembered something that had completely slipped my mind.
A few years back I came across a story about a blogger named Chaz Stevens whose dirt digging abilities led to the arrests of three Deerfield Beach elected officials for charges of corruption. He quickly became my idol and mentor. Advice he personally, and generously, gave helped me in my “investigation” of North Miami Beach EX-mayor Myron Rosner, who eventually got arrested for campaign finance fraud and other felonies. Whatever small contribution I was able to make to that victory, I actually owe to Chaz Stevens.
As an aside, in case you’ve been wondering what Chaz is up to these days, wonder no more. According to the Broward New Times, Chaz has his hands full by suing the City of Lauderdale Lakes for “lack of transparency.” The article claims that the city has been stalling his public records requests for the last eighteen months. (North Miami, take note.)
One thing Chaz told me was, “If you’re pissing people off, you’re doing something right.” I obviously took that to heart.
Another was, “Always shoot for criminal stuff (FS 838).” Copy that, Chaz!
But, the best was, “When you are threatened to be sued, you have arrived!”
Ya hear that Charles M. Baron, Esq.? Keep those threats of lawsuits comin’!
In honor of the work Chaz did to uncover public corruption, he received accolades from Kessler International, a company whose World Headquarters is in New York City. Kessler also introduced The Corruption Hunter Award – The Chaz, to be awarded to “outstanding individuals that have demonstrated initiative and persistence in their efforts to demand accountability and transparency in government.” Kessler set up The Chaz Award website and asked for nominations.
Thanks to several of my readers and friends who nominated me, last year I got a letter from Kessler International that I received The Chaz Award for 2011. Michael G. Kessler, the President and CEO, advised me that a press release would be issued and that I would “soon be in receipt” of my award.
I’m still waiting.
As they say in Hollywood, “It’s an honor just to be nominated.”
But, it’s freaking cool as shit to WIN!
Even if I have no press release or any idea what I’ve won.
Other than a letter.
But, that’s okay. As they say in Hollywood, “I’m honored to accept this award!”
Stephanie Kienzle
“Spreading the Wealth”
Keep-up the good work.
Your truest rewards are those you receive for making life better for your neighbors who don’t have a clue who you are!
Thanks, Peter. In the words of Michelle Malkin, I’m “just a blogger.”