Head on over to the Random Pixels Sunday blog for some dirt dishing at its finest. Bill Cooke slams some of the more infamous, or “ethically challenged” as he put it, top cops in South Florida who have done a grave disservice to the profession. As much as I have come to expect fraud and corruption from elected officials (and get a thrill from exposing them), it pains me to see those individuals who are charged with upholding the law and protecting the public go down in flames. And yet, it does happen. Unfortunately, as Bill Cooke points out, all too often.
In the column today, Random Pixels relates the sad tale of Broward County’s latest scandal plagued Sheriff of “the largest fully accredited sheriff’s department in the country” in Q: What happens when you turn over a rock in Broward County? A: Scott Israel and his supporters slither out.
Read it and weep.
Stephanie Kienzle
“Spreading the Wealth”
Thanks, Steph. (I’m blushing again.) <3
No need. You are AWESOME!