Enough about North Miami for now. Last night’s North Miami Beach City Council meeting was very exciting, especially if you like watching councilman Frantz Pierre squirm.
As uncomfortable as it was for The Spork Weasel of NMB to be sitting there while the City Attorney Darcee Siegel went on the offensive about FRANTZIE’S HAND PICKED NON-RESIDENT CITY COUNCIL CANDIDATE YVENOLINE “YVE” DARGENSON (remember her?), it was extremely gratifying for everyone else in the room.
At hour 1:29:14, Darcee asked the council for permission to send a letter to Florida Attorney General Pam Biondi for her opinion on whether or not the council has the authority to reimburse councilwoman Beth Spiegel for her legal fees. You will remember that Beth had to sue Frantzie’s candidate NON-RESIDENT Dargenson because, as we all know now, L’il Evil Yve, who ran for office in NMB, actually LIVES IN MIRAMAR!
Darcee also read excerpts from the deliciously satisfying final opinion of Judge Darrin Gayles, who stated, among other things, “I simply do not find Ms. Dargenson’s testimony credible,” and that “there really is no other evidence, substantial evidence as to her domicile in North Miami Beach.”
Even though the council might eventually be able to pay for the lawsuit, the truth is they should all sue FRANTZ PIERRE AND YVENOLINE DARGENSON for DEFRAUDING THE RESIDENTS OF NORTH MIAMI BEACH! They should reimburse Beth, NOT US!
For the record, Beth Spiegel abstained from the vote “for obvious reasons” and the motion passed in the affirmative 6-0.
Darcee then brought up the problem of the Charter Review Committee, which is also in question since FRANTZ PIERRE appointed NON-RESIDENT DARGENSON to that important city board, despite the fact that SHE LIVES IN MIRAMAR. Darcee asked the council to consider removing her from this Committee, which is supposed to be comprised of North Miami Beach RESIDENTS.
The mayor specifically asked for the council to “take a stand” that her appointment was “flat out unacceptable in our city.” He asked for “an affirmative vote from this council that specifically says, ‘You, Ms. Dargenson, we are removing you from this Charter Review Committee because you, in our opinion, are not qualified to serve on it,’ and then we can vote on actions” regarding the Committee itself.
Whoa, Dude. YOU GO, GEORGE!
In what can only be described as a true WTF Moment, at hour 1:38:50, a motion to remove Ms. Dargenson from the Charter Review Committee was made by none other than THE P MAN HIMSELF!
Frantzie must have been sweating up a storm as he literally could not contain himself when he practically interrupted the mayor’s final words by piping in with his shocking statement. I’m guessing he nearly wet himself with anxiety. Talk about doing the Pee Pee Dance!
Not so shockingly, Phyllis had a question.
She wanted to make sure the city wasn’t liable for removing NON-RESIDENT Dargenson off the Committee. (Darcee said we are not.)
Even less shockingly, the council voted unanimously to ditch the bitch.
Newly elected councilman Tony DeFillipo moved to kick her off the Library Board, as well. Quickly seconded and approved.
Fast forward to hour 2:37 under City Council Committee Reports, Frantzie grabbed the mic and cried out, “Good Morning, Vietnam!”
Okay, not really.
What he did squeal in his very special smarmy way was, “Good evening, North Miami Beach!”
I think he welcomed Tony DeFillipo to the council, but I’m not sure since he always talks like he’s got marbles in his mouth, but I digress. He did say something about “summertime” and “sifty first.” At least that’s what I think he said.
L’il Frantzie P then went on to say something about “crime” and that y’all should be rest assured that he’s doing something about it. He said, and I quote, “Crime is something that I take. Dearly. When it comes to North Miami Beach.”
He then made one of his famous empty threats by stating that he has “made contacts on the state and federal level” and that “very soon,” we will all know “what has transpired from those contacts.”
I have a very strong hunch that “very soon,” The P Man will be more than a little surprised to find himself on the receiving end of some of those “contacts” he thinks he’s made.
Just saying.
As for his concern about “crime,” I, too, would like to see one less criminal on the street. Therefore, let me suggest that Frantzie do his part by turning himself in to the State Attorney’s Office and making a full confession. This selfless act would be considered a great service to the taxpaying citizens of not only North Miami Beach, but all of Miami-Dade County, by saving us the cost of a trial.
Unfortunately, now that Pee-Aire is a full fledged, dues sucking member of the Circle of Corruption, he will never own up to his crimes and misdemeanors until he’s forced to do the perp walk. He’s also probably waiting for criminal attorney Ben Keuhne to be finished with Myron.
Lastly, Frantzie had “an assignment” for “Madam Attorney.”
Yes, you can barf now.
He wants Darcee to write a paper entitled “Residency Requirements.”
Phyllis looked literally stunned when he, of all people, brought up that he would like to see copies of deeds, mortgages, drivers licenses, voter registration cards and “at least two or three utility bills … that shows that a resident is INDEED a resident of our city.”
What unmitigated CHUTZPAH!
He claimed that “what happened during this election was a waste of time. It was our time. It was our energy, and it create nervousness unnecessarily.”
News Flash, Frantzie: YOU CAUSED THE PROBLEM!
He closed his bullshit speech with his usual smarmy, “Remember, I love you all.”
Could you vomit from that?
Seriously, folks. I’m not usually at a loss for words, but of all the despicable things Frantz Pierre has said and done, this one really takes the cake.
If there was EVER a reason to get this despicable excuse for a human being out of City Hall, this was it. Not only did Frantzie NOT take responsibility for personally causing the biggest mess in North Miami Beach election history, but he actually feigned concern that such a thing could possibly happen. He rivals Myron in terms of utter shamelessness.
Yeah, that perp walk can’t come soon enough.
Paging Ben Kuehne. Hurry before he wets himself.
Stephanie Kienzle
“Spreading the Wealth”
I love your writing style. I really enjoy reading your “rants”. Keep up the good work!
Thanks! Keep coming back.