Two years ago, North Miami mayor Andre Pierre was in danger of losing his throne. In fact, he was so desperate to knock challenger Carol Keys out of the race that he allegedly had his henchman destroy 17 of her billboard signs. As CBS Local reported on March 29, 2011, someone took a box cutter and cut out giant holes in her signs in order to keep voters from realizing there was a viable alternative to his thugocracy.
In what I thought was an absolutely brilliant move, Keys covered her vandalized signs with plain red and white signs that said, “Do you want the criminals who did this running North Miami?”
Apparently, that’s exactly who North Miami voters wanted running their city because Andre Pierre was re-elected by 51.69% of the vote, thus avoiding a runoff. At least that’s the official tally. We’ve since learned that North Miami is rife with voter fraud, as is North Miami Beach, so no one really knows if Pierre won fair and square. Serious doubts linger.
Fast forward to the 2013 election, and almost nothing has changed. Even though he’s now termed out of office, make no mistake – Andre Pierre will not let go of the reins so easily. His long time crony, and Swerdlow employee, Lucie Tondreau has been chosen and groomed to take over the seat Andre is being forced to vacate. She has been well trained to follow in his footsteps. The fact that she doesn’t even live in North Miami is beside the point.
The troublesome thing about Lucie’s connection to Michael Swerdlow is that silly little thing called CONFLICT OF INTEREST. Of course, under Andre’s “leadership,” there is no such thing. If Lucie wins, that special brand of unethical governance will continue.
Lucie expects voters to believe that just because she works for the Biscayne Landing developer, as mayor she will vote in the best interests of the residents and NOT in the best interests of HER BOSS, Michael Swerdlow.
In terms of pure crassness, it’s even harder to determine who is worse – Andre or Lucie. Pierre’s fondness for throwing F-bombs in public and Lucie’s boasting to strangers about how Douce her Coco is, only prove that both are in dire need of an etiquette class. Paging Miss Manners!
Aside from their lack of class, all the “radio personalities” have been on the air today urging North Miami voters to “VOTE HAITIAN.” This morning on WLQY-1320 AM, Pimont Bouk was telling his listeners that North Miami is a “Haitian City,” and that they must “vote Hiatian!”
Oh, really? I’m guessing the 66% of the non-Haitians living in North Miami would take issue with that.
Just saying.
This reminds me of another infamous race baiting elected official by the name of Ray Nagin, the former mayor of New Orleans who once proclaimed that his was a “Chocolate City,” only to now find himself indicted on 21 corruption charges including wire fraud, bribery and money laundering.
Yeah, that worked out well for him.
One can only hope Andre’s future also includes an appearance before the grand jury. Wouldn’t that be fitting?
North Miami voters, if I shouted from the rooftops all day long, I couldn’t stress to you enough how urgent it is that you GET OUT AND VOTE TODAY!
Tell Andre Pierre that you’re tired of fraud, corruption and the lack of ethics that has permeated YOUR government from the moment he took office.
Stephanie Kienzle
“Spreading the Wealth”
Clearly, the 66% of the non-Haitians living in North Miami do not take much issue with Mr. Bouk calling North Miami a “Haitian City”, because if they did, they would get out the vote and North Miami would not be in the situation it finds itself today. I say if Coconut Douche wins this election, you should completely stop blogging about North Miami and concentrate your efforts on North Miami Beach. At least we got rid of our (non) resident douche and there may yet be hope for us.
Coconut Douche?
After hearing from Lucie how much action her coco has seen I think that raggedy thing needs more than douche. I bet it smells NOTHING like a coconut and more like the Biscayne Landing hazardous waste dump before the EPA got there.
Oh this is getting really gross. Funny. But gross.
Shame on that 66%.
Most of them stayed home and did not vote. Now we will have a non-resident in the mayoral seat, continuing the legacy of corruption and incompetence.
The ones who didn’t bother to vote deserve the government they get.
I have been a resident of Arch Creek East for just four years. I don’t understand how someone who is not a resident of our city can run for mayor? Residency should be a requirement…a non-resident is not going to have our best interest in mind.
Also, my neighbors talked about what a big push was made to get residents in Keystone and 135th out to vote. Really? A big push? One flyer was left on my door prior to the May election and that was it. I don’t see how you can call that a big push. If the city government is ever going to change in NM, campaigns must be run more aggressively by the “east” side candidates!
Additionally, if we hope to save 135th street from FIU’s plans, it is going to take a lot more effort than what I have seen since living here. It appears this type of battle over the street has been on-going for a long while; however very little is communicated to new residents. I can understand how those who have been on the front lines fighting over this issue can be losing hope. Maybe because I haven’t lived in the area all my life I am not considered a good resource. Maybe it is believed because I am a newer resident this issue doesn’t matter as much to me. And honestly, I don’t plan on making NM my long-term home; however, I would join the fight because it is the right thing to do…I feel left in the dark about what is going on. If you are reading this, please post the names of any organizations or groups which focus on this issue so I can become more involved.
The best hope now is to fight harder because if you stop fighting you will lose!