Just posted online in the Miami Herald is an article, North Miami’s Andre Pierre steps down as mayor. What reporter Nadege Green didn’t add, but I will, is “not a moment too soon.”
At his final council meeting, Andre was said to have blushed “while a number of prominent members of South Florida’s Haitian community lauded him for a successful four years in office.”
His most successful feat, which was I’m sure wasn’t lauded, was his ability to stay out of jail. Courtesy of State Attorney Catherine Fernandez Rundle, who never met an elected official she wanted to prosecute. Especially if she needs the votes of their constituents.
At the meeting, Andre had the incredible chutzpah to quote the bible by reading Psalm 27:1, “The Lord is my light and my salvation, whom shall I fear?”
Certainly not the law. At the risk of repeating myself … yet again … Andre’s long laundry list of questionable activities while in office most definitely earned him three hots and a cot at the South Florida Reception Center. Instead, he received a proclamation by Haitian leaders called “The People’s Resolution.”
I guess corruption doesn’t count as long as you fill in the blank spots with a few good deeds here and there.
I almost choked when city clerk The Hon. Michael A. Etienne, Esquire, credited corruptocrat mayor Andre Pierre with “being a champion of diversity.” Under his regime, almost every white, Hispanic and even some black department heads have been replaced by a Haitian. “Jobs” were literally created for his Haitian buddies (Hello, Lesly Prudent!). Let’s not forget “free” housing for friends and relatives of his Haitian colleague (Oh! Marie!). Almost all of North Miami’s funding went for Haitian events and Haitian causes (Meganaval, anyone?).
Andre’s last wish as mayor is to turn the reins of the regime over to his crony Lucie “Douce” Tondreau, who has been trained well how to follow in his footsteps. A vote for this NON-RESIDENT is a vote for the status quo. But, hey! What’s a little Coco among friends, right?
Seriously, though. If North Miami voters are happy with keeping the same corrupt government, run entirely out of the Sunshine, go ahead and cast your vote for The Coco Douce.
If you want to Say NO To Andre & Co., GET OUT AND VOTE!
Rain or shine, if you don’t get to the polls on Tuesday, you deserve the government you get.
Stephanie Kienzle
“Spreading the Wealth”
And down the road a ways in SIB, there are streets named after some pretty gnarly characters. Seems crime does pay in more ways than one and there’s a whole new meaning to that expression “honor among thieves”. Remember Abel Holtz? He’s got a street named after him close to that federal courthouse where he plead guilty to a felony. But I digress…just want to sincerely wish y’all a good result on June 4th.