Attention Voters of North Miami Beach: You have less one hour to get to the polls to vote for YOUR representatives at City Hall. Campaigning at every precinct has been going on all day long and the candidates are melting out there in the heat. Please do them a favor and come out to show your support.
Of course, I would love for you to cast your votes for Beth Spiegel and Tony DeFillipo. It’s up to you, but if you don’t realize by now that their opponents are not worthy of your votes, there’s nothing more I can do to convince you.
Except, maybe a few last parting shots to help you decide.
For starters, Eye Spied a cozy little convo in the parking lot behind City Hall this afternoon between FAUX candidate Yvenoline Dargenson, who got her ass whooped in court yesterday by Judge Darrin Gayles, and Hillel Hellinger, who is hanging on by the skin of his teeth to snag votes.

A few words about L’il Evil Yve are in order. As I told you in Ydiots Among Us, according to her website’s page entitled “About Her,” she claims to have a degree in Early Childhood Education and Sociology/Anthropology. Well, I did some digging (but, of course!) and found her degree from FIU in Sociology/Anthropology, but could not find proof of her Early Childhood Education degree. Another lie perhaps? Wouldn’t be surprised.
Secondly, on the same webpage, she claims that she has “worked as an Educator and Social service provider for over 18 years thus keeping me in touch with the needs of the community.”
Oh, really? She didn’t specify which community! Sources who attended the hearing in Judge Gayles’ courtroom on Monday told me that she testified that the reason all her ATM transactions took place in and around MIRAMAR, where she lives, is that as a “public affairs specialist” for the Social Security Administration, she is “assigned to Broward County which includes MIRAMAR and Davie.
So, let’s see. She claims she has worked “for over 18 years” as a service provider in “the community.” That “community” is NOT NORTH MIAMI BEACH! Not only does she NOT live here, but she doesn’t work here, either. She has absolutely NO CLUE what the needs of OUR community are!
As for Hillel…
Forget it. He’s not worth kvetching about.
What are you doing sitting there reading this blog?
Stephanie Kienzle
“Spreading the Wealth”