The fun really never ends in North Miami and North Miami Beach!
For starters, L’il Frantzie P has a brand new housemate. Adding to the collection of eight, count ’em, eight registered voters “living” at North Miami Beach councilman Frantz Pierre’s home located at 2120 NE 171 Street, NMB, FL 33162, someone in La Maison de Pierre has either birthed, adopted or married one Marie Marcellus.

How do I know this? Because North Miami Beach Faux candidate Yvenoline “Yve” Dargenson received a $50.00 cash donation from her on April 16, 2013.
This brings the total bodies living under the roof of Pierre to FIFTEEN PEOPLE – ten adults and five of Pierre’s children. According to property records, his 2,369 square foot home has three bedrooms and two bathrooms. Anyone wanna guess the sleeping arrangements?
Then again, North Miami mayoral candidate Lucie Tondreau claims to be “living” in a rented bedroom of a tiny 1,246 square foot with her four minor daughters, and sharing a single bathroom with the husband and wife who own the home, Roussaint and Delfine Ermonfils. This property is located at 1005 NW 128 Terrace, North Miami, FL 33168. According to, the Ermonfils also have two sons, Jose 21 and Rousner 18, living under their roof, too.
Frankly, I can’t imagine living in a three bedroom house with NINE PEOPLE sharing one bathroom, but maybe it’s just me.
The truth is that either Frantzie and his housemates are claiming they live there for the purpose of voting for him and his hand picked candidates, or he really does live like a cockroach.
In Lucie’s case, we already know she only “moved” to La Maison de Ermonfils in order to run for mayor of North Miami. Considering she got caught on tape by Volney Nerette (of all people!) bragging that she has four kids with four different fathers because her lady parts are “so sweet,” it wouldn’t surprise me that anywhere she hangs her hat is her “home.” I hear that tape has been played all over Haitian radio and she’s now dubbed Mayor Coco Douce, which is French for Fresh Coconut.
Oh, dear!
By Frantzie’s violating his own city’s Charter by overpopulating his home, and Lucie’s spreading her “wealth” around, neither of them are actually committing crimes according to the law. (At least, in Frantzie’s case, he hasn’t been caught. Yet.)
One does have to question their moral character. Or, I should say, lack thereof.
We already know the skullduggery that Frantzie is capable of doing, from filing false police reports to stealing city water to allegedly framing city employees. You just KNOW there’s more to his story. Hopefully, we’ll see him doing a perp walk one of these days.
As for Lucie “Coco Douce” Tondreau, if she and her lady parts are elected as mayor, North Miami will become the laughing stock of the county. (North Miami Beach thanks you.)
Folks, I cannot make this stuff up.
In North Miami Beach on May 21, 2013 PLEASE VOTE RESPONSIBLY!
In North Miami on June 4, 2013 PLEASE VOTE RESPONSIBLY!
Stephanie Kienzle
“Spreading the Wealth”
Here in the Dominican Rep. you can see 50 – 60 haitians living in a smaller scale.
They are 2.3 millions -ilegals- and hey want DR citizenship, fast , free.