The thing about Campaign Treasurer’s Reports is that they have to be accurate. I’m pretty sure that they also have to be signed by the candidate and the treasurer. I’m also pretty sure that if someone other than the candidate and treasurer sign the CTRs, it’s considered forgery. Even a fifth grader should know that forgery is a crime.
A review of North Miami Beach Faux candidate Yvenoline “Yve” Dargenson’s Affidavit of Candidate and two Loyalty Oaths that she submitted in order to run for city council shows her signature as follows:
Now compare her signature on the above documents to the signatures on the four Campaign Treasurer’s Reports submitted by Yvenoline “Yve” Dargenson:

While two of the signatures may (or may not) be those of Yvenoline “Yve” Dargenson, the one dated March 29, 2013 does not appear to be hers, and the one dated May 2, 2013 is clearly not her signature. I’m no handwriting expert, but the way the “D” is written in “Dargenson” in those two samples do not match the way she wrote “Dargenson” on her Affidavit, Loyalty Oaths or the other two Campaign Treasurer’s Reports. Interestingly, if those are forgeries, one has to wonder who actually signed them. It doesn’t appear to be her not-so-estranged husband, FRANNIX JEAN-MARY, who can barely sign his own name. But, those “signatures” are definitely suspicious. Right on top of the signature box, there is a printed caveat that states, “It is a first degree misdemeanor for any person to falsify a public record.” I’d say that signing someone else’s name would be considered a “falsification,” wouldn’t you?
I smell forgery!
Another interesting thing to note is the handwriting of Dargenson’s treasurer, Frannix Jean-Mary.
Someone who writes like a first grader completed her first three Campaign Treasurer’s Reports. But, her fourth one was completed by someone else. Someone with legible handwriting. Someone whose handwriting has an uncanny resemblance to none other than NMB councilman Frantz Pierre’s!
First, take a look at this sampling of Yve’s Campaign Treasurer’s Report dated April 12, 2013:
Now compare the handwriting to this sampling from her Campaign Treasurer’s Report dated May 16, 2013:
Now witness this sampling from a Campaign Treasurer’s Report dated March 11, 2011 submitted by Frantz Pierre, and tell me his handwriting is not the exact same handwriting as Dargenson’s above.
The handwriting is almost identical, especially the way “N. MIAMI, FL 33161” is written. The way the dates and dollar amounts are similar is also a dead giveaway. It’s probably not illegal for Frantzie to complete Dargie’s CTR since her husband, Frannix Jean-Mary can’t write his way out of a paper bag. But, the fact that she had L’il Frantzie P do her dirty work tells you exactly who is behind this Mystery Candidate of MIRAMAR.
There are other discrepancies in Yvenoline “Yve” Dargenson’s Campaign Treasurer’s Reports, which have already been submitted to the Florida Elections Commission in a formal Complaint. I’ll keep you posted on the outcome of that issue.
It’s also interesting to note that, other than contributions from La Maison de Pierre, most of the donations she reported are from OUTSIDE NORTH MIAMI BEACH, most notably MIRAMAR and North Miami, among other cities. Just saying.
Folks, we are fighting a battle for our city like one we have never before seen. Frantzie & Co. are on Haitian radio each and every day playing the race card in order to get out the vote of the “Haitian community.” By calling the rest of us RACISTS, when they are the actual RACISTS, they are appealing to the lowest common denominator.
Uninformed and uneducated Haitians who only get their information from Haitian radio are taking the race bait and getting reeled in. Frantzie and his protege, L’il Evil Yve, are skilled at Third World Politics. Their true intentions, as I’ve stated many times before, are to get and maintain a “Haitian majority” on the council. It worked in North Miami, and with the help of the Circle of Corruption, they are hoping it will work here.
Note that Dargenson was not only endorsed by the North Miami Circle of Corruption, but that her own Loyalty Oath was notarized by NORTH MIAMI city clerk Michael Etienne. That should not leave any doubt in your mind to which city Yvenoline Dargenson is loyal!
Third World Politics is NOT about service. It’s about power. The power to control all our resources and revenue, and funnel them ONLY TO AND FOR THE BENEFIT OF THEIR “HAITIAN COMMUNITY.”
The racist Circle of Corruption already calls me a racist, so I’ve got nothing to lose. Two can play the same game. I am going to appeal to the “North Miami Beach Community.” I’m speaking to all the informed and educated voters of NMB, be they white, black, Haitian, Hispanic and every other race and ethnicity of residents who live here and want to keep our government honest.
The Evil Duo of Frantzie and Yvie are doing everything in their power to hand North Miami Beach over to the criminal element that’s already taken over North Miami.
If you don’t want our city to be taken over by the racist Circle of Corruption, YOU MUST GET OUT AND VOTE ON TUESDAY, MAY 21, 2013.
The only way to ensure that North Miami Beach will not fall into the hands of dishonest, lying, fraudulent and RACIST corruptocrats LIKE FRANTZ PIERRE and YVENOLINE DARGENSON, you MUST VOTE FOR BETH SPIEGEL AND TONY DEFILLIPO.
Stephanie Kienzle
“Spreading the Wealth”
Did you see the mistake on the second picture when she initially incorrectly filled out the zip code of her primary residency? Before making it “33162” it looks like it was 33066. Google would identify that zip code as a Coconut Creek zip code. Not Miramar, but still an eye opening mistake that someone could forget their primary zip code.
No, I did not notice that, but I like that you picked up on it. As they say in baseball, Good Eye!
I examined the same more closely. I’m not sure it does say 33066, but it looks like she started writing 3306 before correcting herself. The list of Florida zip codes beginning with 3306 are:
33060 – Pompano Beach
33061 – Pompano Beach
33062 – Pompano Beach
33063 – Margate
33064 – Pompano Beach
33065 – Coral Springs
33066 – Coconut Creek
33067 – Pompano Beach
33068 – North Lauderdale
33069 – Pompano Beach
Interesting to note as well, is that the zip codes for Miramar are: 33023, 33025, 33027, 33029 and 33083.
Either way, all of them are in BROWARD COUNTY, not Miami-Dade County.
Even more interesting is that when I searched the “954” number she included in her Affidavits on, here are the results:
(954) 294-7609
Marie C Felix
Full Name: Marie C Felix
Gender: Female
Email Address:
Current Address: 2101 Cove Lake Rd City & State Pompano Beach, FL 33068
The mystery that is Yvenoline “Yve” Dargenson gets curiouser and curiouser, no?
Good luck to all genuine candidates; Beth; Tony; and Hillel on Tuesday, May 21 in the NMB runoff election. The Campaign Treasurers Reports are quite important. They show sources and persons that give and receive campaign funds. This makes it hard for “behind the scenes” persons to take control of our City and its 80 million per year budget. Forgery cannot be allowed to interfere with the importance of accuracy and accountability in Campaign Treasurers Reports. Stephanie, keep up the good work!
Thank you. I’m doing the best I can, but I need THE HELP OF EVERYONE IN NMB TO KEEP OUR CITY GOVERNMENT HONEST!
I think that that zip code digit might have started out as an “8” and she caught herself and overwrote a “6”. But, anyway you have nailed the collusion between her and the irrelevant little piss ant, he definitely filled out that last treasurer’s expense report. The dollar amounts are a dead flat out give away.
This despicable little half wit has to go and go far far away like all the way to the state pen. What the hell has the world come to when clowns like this get elected to office??? He’s really beginning to piss me off; hell it ain’t beginning I am pissed off!
Damn good work Stephanie!
Thank you!
If you “Ms. Kienzle” does not consider yourself a “racist” and obviously have a hatred towers Haitians who are guess what? “Black”! I am a Haitian American born right here in USA! It’s EVIL woman like you that makes CIVIL woman like me, think that the world will ALWAYS have RACIST people like you! Your main focused on your SORRY AS ARTICLE was how you are belittling Haitians and pretty much pointing out that we are “dumb and uneducated” if the candidate did “something wrong” focus on that! Why are you using such hatred towards “MY PEOPLE” Haitians? It’s simple BECAUSE YOU ARE A RACIST AND MADE IT CLEAR THAT YOU DO NOR CARE WHAT “we” American citizen think of you! That’s just another way of you openly admiring that you’re a RACIST!
Yes, my dear, we can all clearly see how “civil” you are. Not to mention “educated.” Your attempt at creative writing is quite pitiful.
I’d red pencil your essay, but I’m afraid it would be a waste of graphite to even try. I strongly suggest you go back to grammar school and, this time, pay attention.
If you decide to take another stab at this task, a very useful tool you might consider using is Spell Check. Unfortunately, that won’t help with your horrific grammar and, unfortunately, neither can I. If and when you have a more cohesive essay to submit, however, I’ll be happy to reconsider your work. Until then, my dear, I regret to inform you that you will not be passing my class.
“Ms. Kienzle”
I’m not running for office so I don’t GIVE A FUCK WHAT YOU SAY! I could care less about my “writing” on your sorry as RACIST BLOG! If I cared, I review my “GRAMMAR” before I sent it! With that said! Your RACIST ASS CAN BURN IN HELL!
Ms. Kienzie,
I’m not running for office so I don’t GIVE A FUCK WHAT YOU SAY! I could care less about my “writing/grammar” efforts on your sorry as RACIST BLOG! If I cared, I’d review my “GRAMMAR” before I sent it! With that said! Your RACIST ASS CAN BURN IN HELL!
Your mama must be so proud of you.
Carine, are you really as ignorant as you sound? Stephanie is obviously referring to those Haitians who are uninformed or uneducated, much like yourself. If you were educated or informed, you would be just as disgusted with people like Frantz Pierre who ruin the reputation of the entire Haitian community. All he ever talks about is how racist everyone else is and that they are out to get him, when he is beyond corrupt. Calling someone corrupt is not being racist, it’s being honest. I guess if Stephanie is getting under your skin then you can’t handle the truth.
Call it what you want! All I see on this “BLOG” is a bunch of RACIST individuals! Hope you guys sleep feel at night!
Carine is so blocked! I have no patience for racists that accuse others of racism. Takes a lot for me to block someome from the blog, but she earned it…
Oh darn. I was having fun toying with her. It’s not her fault that she’s ignorant and uneducated. I’m sure she was just raised that way and can’t help it. I guess I would have gotten bored with her soon anyway. Racists can only entertain you so long.