The Miami Herald ran a story on Saturday, May 4, 2013, entitled North Miami’s upcoming city elections expose racial tensions. Reporter Nadege Green did a great job with her in depth research of the problem that’s prevalent not only during election season, but all year round. She attributed most of the tensions to “simmering tensions between the growing Haitian population and long-time white residents,” but I believe it goes much deeper than that simple explanation.
While it appears that the non-Haitian candidates and residents interviewed claim that “unifying the city” is the first priority, from what I have personally observed in both North Miami and North Miami Beach, it appears to me that far too many individuals of Haitian nationality are more concerned with “power” than with “unity.”
For example, the article quoted comments made by District 2 candidate Joseph Haber and longtime resident Judith Feldman indicating that they wished to “bring unity back to the community” and that there is “very little discourse going on.” At the same time, Ms. Green also quoted a more telling comment by resident Gernier Origene, who stated, “The Haitian community has a voice. Years ago we didn’t have that power, we didn’t have the force.”
The glaring difference in attitude is broken down to four words: “Unity” and “Discourse” versus “Power” and “Force.”
Origene then went on to say, “The white people don’t like to hear that.”
That statement speaks volumes. What I hear Mr. Origene saying is that “the white people” are the enemy.
Does he feel the same way toward Hispanics? Or Asians? Or American Indians? Or even American blacks? Is it only about Haitian “power” and “force” against everyone else?
For mayoral candidate Lucie Tondreau, however, to say that an innocuous comment made by her opponent Kevin Burns was “an offense to me and my community” is THE root of the problem.” If she wants to represent the City of North Miami, shouldn’t ALL RESIDENTS, and not just the Haitians, be “her community?” I’m sorry but Non-Haitians should be concerned about her attitude. With good reason.
District 2 candidate Carol Keys stated that “the politicians sitting up there use the race card and incite the people.” I believe she’s absolutely correct in her assessment. Current mayor Andre Pierre and his cronies constantly get on Haitian radio and spew their lies and hatred against anyone who isn’t Haitian. When caught red handed, they use the excuse that they were misunderstood because Creole is “too hard to translate.” This is total bullshit, of course. Unfortunately, those who use Haitian radio as their only source of news and information don’t know any better and believe everything they hear. This only perpetuates the problem of “racial tensions.”
Andre and his supporters also like to cry “racism” whenever he’s criticized for his unethical or corrupt actions, as if no white person has ever been accused of being corrupt. Those of us who ran North Miami Beach EX-mayor Myron Rosner out of office at the polls in 2011 would beg to differ.
Corruption knows no skin color or ethnicity. Dirty politicians come in every color of the rainbow. And in every nationality.
Labeling this a Black vs. White issue, as opposed to a Haitian vs. Everyone Else issue, is huge mistake. When you have folks like Joseph Gourgue sending emails stating, “we have now three (3) Haitians elected in NORTH MIAMI BEACH and we are just getting started!”, or the wife of NMB candidate Jean D. Berrouet posting on her Facebook page in Creole, “A vote for a Haitian in NMB is a vote for change for our children’s future,” or one Jionel Pierre posting this comment on the Facebook page of North Miami District 2 candidate Mary C. Irvin (NOTE: This comment is STILL on her Facebook page but is only viewable by her Facebook friends, not the general public. Obviously, I am NOT one of her Facebook friends. Oh, darn!):
this adds to the impression that Haitians are only concerned with attaining “power” through “force,” and not at all interested in “unity” or “discourse.”
I see it as nothing but Haitian Supremacy.
Which is just as despicable as White Supremacy!
It reminds me of the KKK, only without the white robes.
Racism, or in this case, Nationalism, is an insidious disease that eats away at the very fabric of civilized American society. It’s disgusting and deplorable, and until those Haitians who advocate “taking over” by “power” or “force” understand that this obnoxious attitude will only increase animosity toward them, there will never be “unity” or “discourse.”
The Haitian Supremacists need to cut the crap already.
In other words, if you want the “racial tensions” to end, stop thinking of yourselves as “the Haitian community” and start acting like American Citizens.
Stephanie Kienzle
“Spreading the Wealth”
Please explain this , Thanks
Translation please
Rolling On Floor Laughing My Ass Off.
Nicely done Steph. Excellent piece.
Working in a city full of Haitians, I can attest that they really are a different species.
One must ask oneself….is this the best the Haitian community can do when it comes to candidates for the NMB Council? Berrouet paints himself as a educator and community advocate but has anger issues and supports vile language used in songs targeted to youths. His family stupidly makes racist statements publicly, which ramped up the negativity during this campaign. That resulted in taking a closer look at what kind of person he is. They should have kept their mouths shut. I hope the Miami Dade School Board has taken notice. Dargenson embarrassed herself on so many levels it’s not funny. Anyone who lies, is evasive and has trouble remembering where she lives or where her kids live has no place on the council. It’s not about going around shaking hands….there are tough decisions to be made regarding budgets, development, police issues, etc. She’s clearly not qualified.Please don’t vote for either one of them.
The time has come to move to a better situation…..This city should have it all by now. The only fix is to stop thinking it’s ever going to revert into a spectacular city. I’m sorry I use to see the great bones of this city and in vision a great future. I commend your strength & will power Stephanie.
Thanks, Franz. I definitely feel like I’m fighting an uphill battle here. But as long as I can wake up enough people in NMB and North Miami to get them out to vote, I’ll continue to have hope. It ain’t over ’til it’s over.
When it is, though, I’m moving to Texas.
Know you understand the REAL struggle the D Rep is in. With 2.5 million haitian living with no papers, with FREE medical care, yes FREE.
Worst stuff NGO (gringas mostly) pushing the works so that D Rep gives them citizenship automatically, or huge sanctions against us.
If you have time just Google Sonia Pie / Solange Pierre the Robert F. Kennedy Foundation gave her free heart surgery on behalf us US Tax paying folks while 40 million gringo’s has no health care insurance whatsoever.
She died about a year (1-2) aprox because she forget to take anticoagulant pills.
Big enemy she was. Ill keep you posted.
Edited to correct errors. Thanks and Love ya !!!
“Reporter Nadege Green did a great job with her in depth research of the problem that’s prevalent …but I believe it goes much deeper than that simple explanation.”
I think this edit says what I think about Nadege’s depth of research.
on another note, there’s obviously a lot of identity politics at play in all areas of life involved in power and money.
It’s not more surprising that some Haitians will use the same tactics employed by their contemporaries across South Florida who got off boats with lots of corrupted luggage.
With the kind of corruption witnessed at even the highest most “respected” levels of politics why would it be any different at the local level. Shit slides downhill.
Cut Nadege some slack. She works for the Herald, which doesn’t have many resources anymore to afford its reporters the “luxury” of investigative journalism. She does the best she can with what she has.