Bill from Random Pixels just alerted me that Opa-locka is advertising for an Assistant Chief of Police. Not only will this lucky individual get to work “under the direction of the Chief of Police,” the dazed-and-confused former North Miami Commander Jeffrey Key, but get to call former-former-FIRED NMB city manager Kelvin Baker “Boss!”
One can only imagine the possibilities!
If you know any cops you want to get rid of in your city, please pass on this information as a public service message.
Thanks, Bill!
Stephanie Kienzle
“Spreading the Wealth”
This image should be taken down, the mistake of these officers should not indicate the department as a whole and really makes it seem like Opa-Locka is a joke, when in reality it’s a great department that does a lot for the city and there are several officers who dedicate them selves to its improvement. The department may have had its issues in the past but it has surely cleaned up in the past couple of years.
That image does not belong to me, but to Random Pixels. I suggest you contact him at randompixels.blogspot.com and bitch to him. He probably won’t listen to you, though, because he’s a pig headed, nasty old coot, who Twitter-trashes anyone who doesn’t agree with him, present company included.
So, yeah. I probably should take this down to stop giving him free publicity. I’ll do that once you let me know you got this message and write back. Then I’ll delete it forever!
Thanks for reading my blog.
Lol , is this what the United States is coming to. Election rally’s that resemble ones that take place in 3rd world countries. Way to move forward . dont get me wrong ,it’s probably the best country geographically but the ethics , poison food , corrupt cops and Donald trump just Top the list. It’s a such a shame paradise like Florida is a play ground for drugs prostitutes and backwards cops. That officer in the picture has ” sleeve tattoos” . How did he get hired as an officer ?? . It’s your standards that have dropped and so will society . This new viper team that can take away your rights at anytime , what the f%#k is going on here. I’m glad I will be dead before another 100 years when it’s even worse .