Month: May 2013
Libertarian Party of Miami-Dade Meeting with Guest Speaker Stephanie Kienzle
Libertarian Party of Miami-Dade Meeting with Guest Speaker Stephanie Kienzle Tuesday, Jun 11 7:30p Monty’s – Coconut Grove Miami, FL We are pleased to announce and invite you to our Libertarian Party Miami-Dade Networker event…
The Daily Douce: Coco Endorsed by the Circle of Corruption
“[W]here there is no law, there is no liberty; and nothing deserves the name of law but that which is certain and universal in its operation upon all the members of the community.” –Benjamin Rush,…
Miami Herald: NMB to unveil restored veterans’ memorial
Posted on Sun, May. 26, 2013 NMB to unveil restored veterans’ memorial By Brittny C. Valdes The Miami Herald North Miami Beach resident Bruce Lamberto, 50, restored a 1945 World War II Willy’s Jeep…
Everyone Loves Lucie
North Miami mayoral hopeful Lucie Tondreau was pretty clever with her I Lucie signs. But, I thought it wasn’t quite original enough. So, as a public service, I thought I’d help her out by…
Lucie Douce Dishes
Ladies, despair no more! In case you wondered what it takes to get your man… or rather, men, North Miami mayoral candidate Lucie Tondreau
Lucie in the Sky
On May 20, 2013, Miami-Dade County Circuit Court Judge Darrin Gayles effectively told former faux North Miami Beach City Council candidate Yvenoline “Yve” Dargenson, “YOU LIE!” and shamed her out of his courtroom. According…
The Daily Double Dargenson: CERTIFIABLE!
As she did on Monday, Miami Herald reporter Paradise Afshar Tweeted the proceedings of today’s hearing in Judge Darrin Gayles’ courtroom in the case of Beth Spiegel vs. Yvenoline Dargenson. The entire hearing took ten…
The Daily Dargenson: Let’s Get Real
“In selecting men for office, let principle be your guide. Regard not the particular sect or denomination of the candidate – look to his character…” – Noah Webster, Letters to a Young Gentleman Commencing His…
Beth Spiegel wins back her seat! Tony DeFillipo is our brand new Councilman! (Both actually live in North Miami Beach!) MAZEL TOV!
The Daily Dargenson: Strange Bedfellows
Attention Voters of North Miami Beach: You have less one hour to get to the polls to vote for YOUR representatives at City Hall. Campaigning at every precinct has been going on all day long…