In yesterday’s column, All About Yve, I wrote that the only way North Miami Beach NON-RESIDENT Faux Candidate Yvenoline “Yve” Dargenson will communicate with ACTUAL RESIDENTS of North Miami Beach is if they’re on Facebook.
Today, I take that back.
North Miami Beach ACTUAL RESIDENT Fortuna Bichachi Smukler tried to contact Dargenson through Facebook to make sure she would show up at the Washington Park candidate forum tomorrow night, since she obviously couldn’t be bothered to attend the Eastern Shores forum on Monday.
Yesterday at 10:31, Fortuna wrote on L’il Evil Yve’s personal Facebook page:
Yvie has not responded.
Then at about 11:00 pm last night, Fortuna tried again by posting this message on Dargenson’s “public figure” Facebook page:
No response as to that one, either.
She didn’t even respond to Mario Chico, who wants her to get “jesus” for him.
This is certainly strange since Facebook seems to be her main method of communication. Could it be that she stopped Facebooking? Or did she simply stop communicating with anyone from Eastern Shores? Considering she hasn’t dared to show her face in ES, my guess it’s the latter.
Which leads us all to wonder …
Will the mysterious North Miami Beach NON-RESIDENT Faux Candidate Yvenoline “Yve” Dargenson deign to show up at tomorrow night’s forum? Or will she dis the residents of Washington Park, too?
My guess it’s the latter.

Then again, L’il Mizz Ydiot probably doesn’t even know where Washington Park is since she lives in MIRAMAR, BROWARD COUNTY.
Even if Yvie did google WP and figure out where it is, I’m pretty sure she also doesn’t want to take the chance of running into me.
L’il Mizz Flower Planter wasted no time getting on the radio to complain that I’m a bitch. As if that were an insult! (Thanks for the free publicity, sweetie.) But, she’s obviously too much of a chicken shit to meet me face to face.
Hey, Yvie! Sooner or later you’re gonna have to face the music. Get a thicker skin and quit bitchin’ about me. You can’t run forever. The minute you decided to run for public office, your life became a public record.
And I became your biggest nightmare.
Deal with it.
Stephanie Kienzle
“Spreading the Wealth”
Can someone please tell me how she can list herself as a public figure on her Facebook page?
She is a “public figure” if she says she is. No one polices your page unless someone reports you for violating the terms of service.
why businesses, municipalities, public figures and adults in general use Facebook?
Facebook is a good way for businesses and candidates to get their products and names out to an extremely wide audience. There is no cost to have a Facebook page. You can also buy advertising and target your ad to a specific group. Yve’s ad pops up on my page constantly so she probably targets NMB residents. Facebook is also a great way to get in touch with old friends and meet new ones with like interests, such as politics, the arts, science, etc. It’s also great for sharing photos and personal stories. You can make your page as public or as private as you want, choose specific people to share with, and block people, if necessary. Yvie blocked me from posting comments on her page. I wonder why.
Hey, don’t blame her. She is simply following marching orders. I want to know why she is allowed on the ballot. A 3rd grader can run a residence check. “Oh, I forgot to establish residency” is not an excuse that anyone in our city should accept. She is sitting on boards and making decisions for people who live here. It’s an outrageous situation and no one is being held accountable? You need 2 forms of ID that match up and a current utility bill just to put your kid in camp NoMiBe!. Someone in city hall needs to grow a pair.
Just curious, but what area code did Fortuna dial when she spoke to Yvie’s husband? Was it 954 or 305???
Fortuna told me that she called the 305-787-3800 number as requested; however Dargenson also listed a 954-294-7609 on the Loyalty Oath she signed on March 29, 2013.