Why should North Miami and North Miami Beach grab the spotlight on municipal scandal? Why should Myron Rosner and the Two Pierres in a Pod (a/k/a Andre and Frantz) have all the glory for being known as the most corrupt politicians in our Northeast Corner of the County?
Well, move over NMB and North Miami! Make room for the only sitting elected official (so far) in this tri-city area who is a real live convicted criminal. Sunny Isles Beach Vice Mayor Isaac Aelion can add three first-degree misdemeanors to his growing resume. As the Sunny Isles Beach Reporter joked, he’s “doing hard time” on the dais of the Commission.
Yeah, that “punishment” really sucks.
Even though the Public Corruption Unit of the Miami-Dade County Commission on Ethics and Public Trust charged him with three “criminal violations of state law with his role in creating, mass-producing, and circulating an anonymous political mailer,” Aelion eventually pleaded no-contest. He was sentenced to one year of probation and ordered to repay $4,000.00 in costs and serve 35 hours of community service.
Oh, and he got to keep his seat on the dais.
The investigation took place during the Sunny Isles Beach municipal election in November, 2010 when the Ethics Commission was alerted to “possible misconduct” by then candidate Isaac Aelion, who was running for Seat 4 on the Commission. It turned out that candidate Isaac Aelion was directly responsible for sending out an anonymous mailer attacking his opponents, and not reporting this expense (or even own up to it) on his Campaign Treasurers Report.
With help from the State Attorney’s Office and the U.S. Postal Inspection Service, not to mention the brave owner of a printing shop who testified that Aelion did order and pay for the “anonymous” mailer, the Ethics Commission filed the charges and eventually convicted him. Even with all the irrefutable evidence that the three agencies uncovered and exposed, Aelion still refused to admit guilt.
Oh, and he got to keep his seat on the dais.
What is it about shameless elected officials who refuse to take responsibility for their actions even when caught red handed? Gee, let’s ask Myron how that works.
To me, this is a clear case of having absolutely no conscience whatsoever. I can only surmise that it must be a genetic mutation wired into the brains of politicians and other vermin who seek office for the purpose of misrepresenting the Public Trust, and which can only be surgically removed by professionals.
There really should be an app for that.
Stephanie Kienzle
“Spreading the Wealth”
Tim Elfrink covered the story of Aelion’s conviction in the Miami New Times. Comments were posted by someone using the alias “What really happened” (believed to be Aelion) who takes the position that Aelion is actually a “HERO” for breaking the law. Yes…you see according to WRH he saved Sunny Isles Beach from “bad elements” but had to sacrifice himself in order to accomplish this. To use WRH’s own words, “At the end of the day he saved the City.”
Well if Aelion saved our City – how can we thank him? Is there an accolade great enough to pay homage to Aelion’s breaking the law, then lying to investigators and arrogantly flaunting his misdeeds with words like “he saved the City.”
That’s a new twist on reality! “I did a bad thing, but it was for the greater good.” How do crooked politicians sleep at night? Wait, I know! Let’s ask Myron?
Stephanie! You are spreading the wealth of laughter in Sunny Isles. Isaac looks good in stripes.
I made sure I got his good side.
All I can tell you is that I’ve known Isaac since 2006. He has been nothing but kind and generous to all, including the local Little League and visiting teams. He is a very humble man. He supports all sorts of programs that enrich and enhance this city. I am proud to call him a friend.
Those that didn’t get voted into office in 2010 need to stop crying about it and looking for ways to bash people. You lost, get over it! The people spoke and they said loud and clear they didn’t want you to lead the city. Stop being bitter.
As far as the SIB Reporter, its full of baloney. Its run by those same bitter losers that didn’t get elected.
I’ve known quite a few “kind and generous” people who break the law. One thing has nothing to do with the other. I hear Ted Bundy was quite a charmer, and we all know how that worked out. I’ve seen first hand the dirty tricks people play to get elected including, but not limited to, playing loose with campaign finance reporting. A lot of them do even worse things (such as Myron with FOUR felony charges), but that doesn’t make Aelion’s crimes less heinous. He had the misfortune, combined with stupidity, of getting caught. A member of my own family was extremely “kind and generous.” Mostly with other people’s money. But that didn’t make her any less likeable. The nicest people are susceptible to corruption, especially when they run for office. Or worse, if they get elected. Even the most upstanding individual is capable of being lured into compromising his values, and it usually involves one of three things: Money, sex, power. Not necessarily in that order.
Dear Loving,
How do the good things Aelion has done (even if politically self-serving) undo his crime? When something is true, it is not bashing. It is embarrassing. As it should be. People who don’t break the law nor redeem themselves after doing so don’t usually become “of interest” to accountability blogs. Don’t confuse holding our representatives accountable with bitterness. People who think that will not stand up for their rights, and that is exactly what all crooked politicians want so they can continue with their crooked ways with little to no interference.
Your comments align you with the criminal in this scenario as opposed to the blogs that expose his crimes. Aelion’s crimes were unknown to voters when they cast their votes, so the results of the election may very well have been different if Aelion had not broken the law to win. It’s worth mentioning that Aelion’s opponent was endorsed by the Miami-Dade Police Benevolent Association.
The Public Corruption Unit of the State Attorney’s Office exists for the purpose of investigating individuals who are suspected of criminal activity. Isaac Aelion was convicted in a court of law. Being nice to the local little league (which happens to be great public relations for Aelion) cannot in any way make up for breaking the law to win an election.
You make a huge mistake in trying to minimize the enormity of what Aelion did and every time a corrupt politician gets away with criminal activity it is because people like yourself don’t think it is a big deal. It is a very big deal.
I would take Aelion as my commissioner any day over you. Stop being bitter over your loss.
You state that he supports the Little League for PR purposes….yet what you don’t know is that he doesn’t even do it in name for himself but rather as a representation of the city itself. The team he sponsored didn’t say Commissioner Aelion, he insisted that it say City of Sunny Isles Beach.
When my son couldn’t go to summer camp because we were denied a scholarship by the city he came out of his own pocket, way before he even thought to run for the commissioners seat, to pay for it. I had not known him long at that time and couldn’t even confirm it was him because it was an anonymous donation.
Let me ask you, what have you done for this great city of ours? What have you done for the children (our future) in this great city of ours? When was the last time you volunteered your time to help or mentor or anything in this city?
While the trio was driving around wasting gas tugging along their mobile billboard they should instead have been out visiting the parks and mentoring the children. No, the children can’t vote so instead they were driving seniors to the polls to ensure their votes on Election Day. But alas the city spoke and elected those they felt deserved to be in office, not those that had their own agenda.
The simple fact that you are on this blog that mainly covers North Miami Beach and North Miami speaks volumes of your true identity, agenda and personal vendetta.
The simple fact that the SIBR, who I am sure tipped off VO, is bringing this issue that occurred 2 years ago and has long since been closed is further proof of your preparation for your next election bid.
@ Loving
So Aelion did a nice thing for you and your family. And you feel indebted to him for that kindness to the point that you would actually PREFER to have the “convict of the month” as your representative over a qualified candidate with no criminal record. That makes no sense. Your loyalty is interfering with your logic, which is probably a necessary thing in order to come up to bat for Isaac.
I also don’t understand why you are so angry and making this personal when the problem is Isaac’s misconduct and unflinching effort to sweep this under the rug. You want to talk about mentoring children? You’re on the wrong side of this argument, Loving. Publicly supporting a criminal because he once threw money your way is not the right example. Children must be taught that rules matter and that we must own up to our mistakes. Isaac of course, does not subscribe to either concepts, and apparently neither do you.
You are the one who sounds very angry and bitter, and I wonder why – after all your candidate won. So what is your beef? Stick to the subject and please don’t go all over the map with petty insults – it only makes you look foolish.
Although I have done my share of charitable work this article is not about me. It is about an elected official who violated the law to win an election. The facts according to witnesses are (1) Mr. Aelion went into a local print shop and engineered an illegal mailing; (2) Mr. Aelion behaved suspiciously and asked the owner whether the mailer could be traced back to him or his campaign indicating he knew it was wrong; (3) Mr. Aelion returned the next day and paid $3,659 in cash for this anonymous mailer; (4) Mr. Aelion instructed the print shop owner to produce 8,500 copies of the mailer and send by bulk mail to SIB voters on or about October 25, 2010; (5) Mr. Aelion also failed to mention a cash expenditure in this amount on his Campaign Treasurer’s Report.
When questioned by investigators, Mr. Aelion lied to them denying he knew anything about it on two separate occasions. Aelion’s words, “I don’t know who did this…I have really nothing to do with the mailer – and you can quote on that.”
Aelion was sentenced to 1 year’s probation, ordered to repay $4,000 and to serve 35 hours of community service.
We are now stuck with a tarnished politician who started his term in office with a one year probation sentence. He has never even felt the need to apologize to his constituents either. Aelion’s criminal record will never go away. It is part of who he is. Those who break the law should not be the ones to make the law.
If the other candidate was so qualified why weren’t they elected?
Having a “criminal” record does not make one a criminal. How many people have been convicted of crimes that were actually not guilty? How many sentences have been overturned years later after lives were destroyed? Families torn apart?
I’m in no way angry, bitter or making this personal. My judgment is not clouded by my supposed “indebtedness”, nor am I trying to attack anyone.
Get to know a person before you pass judgment. Do you really believe everything you see and read to be true? My mother always taught me to never judge a book by its cover for you never know what lays underneath.
There are those that plead their innocence until the day they die, despite being guilty. There are those that are never punished for the acts they have committed. There are those that are willing to stand up for what they feel is right even if its wrong. There are also those that are willing to take a hit for the greater good even though they may not have done anything wrong just to end the hurt being caused to those around them.
Take a look around and see the faces of the people nearby. Ask why it is they seek to destroy others. Ask what it is they have to gain from it all.
Did the shop owner report this to the authorities or did he get bailed out by fingering the person that was accused by that other person with their own agenda?
Get to know a person before you pass judgment. Do you really believe everything you see and read to be true? My mother always taught me to never judge a book by its cover for you never know what lays underneath. You may just miss the beauty that lies within.
Obviously “judgment” is a bad word for you. It seems you are more comfortable avoiding the EVIDENCE (not just the verdict) and finding excuses for anything and anyone so as to avoid making difficult or unpleasant determinations. Yet you waste no time passing judgment on those you attack. Here’s a fun fact. The best candidate does not always win. The candidate with the most votes does. Sometimes the two are the same. Sometimes, they are not, especially where there has been cheating. (For those with an aversion to judgment, that last sentence was a rather obvious reference to Isaac who won in a run-off by not exactly a landslide).
There are always exceptions. Sometimes innocent people are convicted. Sometimes the guy handing out candy to children from his car is a nice man with too much candy. And sometimes the guilty get caught. Just ask Isaac. If you want to buy his excuses, that’s your call. Don’t judge others for making their own reasonable conclusions.
And by the way, not judging a book by its cover is good advice. However, once you get past the cover, we are expected to form an opinion – a judgment. That is the purpose of all the pages that follow the cover.
A. We are either reading from different books.
B. You never actually finished reading the book because someone told you it was no good.
I’ve read many a books despite their reviews to find that I absolutely loved it and vice versa.
All I am trying to get across is that it appears that you do not actually know Isaac, yet you are easily believing what you see and hear. Check the sources and ask why they are casting these stones.
Even a good metaphor reaches a point where it falls apart. You can never finish reading a person etc.
I don’t disagree with you because I don’t understand you. I get it. And still I disagree. THAT IS POSSIBLE. You take issue with the “stone” throwers and their motivation. Based on the back and forth and all that has been published, it seems to me that the reason for all this is that Isaac has not apologized. I think it is that simple.
You assume that I am easily believing what I see and hear and that I have a negative opinion of Isaac because I don’t know him. Well, you do not know me or how I know Isaac. I will tell you this: I, like you, want to give people the benefit of the doubt. But I don’t stop there. I do my homework. I question. I research. I verify. And whereas you may take comfort in the POSSIBILITY that Isaac was wrongly convicted (something the record does not support) I believe the more realistic possibility that he was rightly convicted. We are not talking about unfounded rumors. There was an investigation, a trial, lawyers, the works. You like to ask righteous questions. Ask yourself this: If Isaac is innocent, why didn’t he plead NOT GUILTY? But I digress…
As for questioning sources – maybe there are mixed motives. But it does not change the fact that if it weren’t for the SIB Reporter (and now VO) NOBODY would have held Isaac accountable. And a lot of SIB residents would have been left in the dark. The SIBR put the information out there so readers can make up their minds, as you clearly have. With the information out there, people can have informed (if different) opinions. You may not like how it has been done, but I respect THAT it has been done. As far as I’m concerned, the SIBR, the VO, and the brave (and witty!) ladies who run these blogs are providing a great public service.
That’s it for me. Thanks SIBR and VO for this lively discussion. Keep up the good work!
Well said.
Pleading not guilty would have likely dragged this out and punished his family in the long run. Exhausting funds that can be better spent sending his daughter to college. By pleading no contest he was surely able to avoid a long drawn out battle. Remember, a plea of no contest must be accepted by the prosecutor and then by the judge. Prosecutors with a solid case will not likely accept a plea of no contest. They would much rather run a full case and get another guilty verdict under their belt.
My 2 cents as a person that likes to give people the benefit of the doubt.
Gus, you seem like a great person and I would be pleased to get to know you
One thing that needs to be said is that when it comes to violations of ethics and campaign finance laws, prosecutors rarely get a conviction. This is for several reasons, not the least of which is that these cases are extremely difficult to prove. Corrupt politicians usually cover their tracks well and witnesses are afraid to come forward. In addition, and let’s face it, most of these charges are misdemeanors and not capital crimes. If a defendant pleads no contest, even when enforcement agencies have substantial evidence and smoking guns, that’s usually the best the SAO and the COE can hope for. In this instance, the judge handed down a sentence because he or she believed that the evidence was good enough for a conviction.
Personally, if I were accused of a crime that I KNOW I didn’t commit, no way would I plead no contest. I would fight the charges to the bitter end, regardless of the time or cost. My name and my reputation are far too valuable to me than all the time or money in the world. I tend to be extremely skeptical of those who would allow themselves to be victims of character assassination if they truly believe they have done no wrong. Just saying.
As an aside, what fueled me about all this is that I received an email from SIBR talking about how wonderful that a local 6th grader will be representing our city and Dade county in a spelling bee. They then twisted the email to throw in a low blow about Aelion. Why not let the boy have his 15 minutes of fame? This is why I am wary of the true agenda behind the SIBR, the people behind it and the attacks against Aelion. True reporters should be unbiased and simply state facts, not use their website as a means to bash their opponents.
I read that email. It was saying that there was a ying and yang on that particular day — the child clearly being the good in the equation. The full articles on the site. His great accomplishment has even more exposure now. Again, like Gus said above it seems you don’t like HOW things are being done. But isn’t great THAT it is being done? Cut the SIBR some slack. And I don’t think they are trying to be journalists. They are a blog. There’s a huge difference. And whatever you think about them, you have to admit that they do back up their claims. Have you looked at the links in the articles? Did you follow them during the last local election (2012). They were really sticking it to that opponent with humor and documentation. I’m with Gus, on this. At the end of the day the SIBR provides a greatly needed public service in SIB. SIBR please don’t get boring!
Oh, and as for the no-contest plea…. No lawyer would advise it if he thought he could win and no politician would take it if he thought he had a choice. This was not a financial decision for Isaac. It was the best he could do because they had him. And they cut a deal because it’s a conviction and they can move on. They have bigger fish to fry.
Nobody twisted anything except you. You seem to be looking for any excuse to change the conversation from Aelion and his criminal record to trying to discredit the SIBR because they dared present the truth about Aelion. Blame the messenger. What a flimsy tactic.
The SIB Sun Community Newspaper (funded by taxpayer dollars) has never mentioned one word about “AELION’S MESS” and that is a disgrace. We pay for a community newspaper that does not cover crucial events that residents should know about. Many would call that a cover-up because people had the right to know that Aelion (a man they gave their vote to) was convicted of election crimes and that he was sentenced to one year’s probation. This community newspaper is run by and exists simply to promote the agenda of those in power. Aelion’s criminal record did not fit well with their agenda, so they simply swept it under the rug.
Your arguments in defense of Aelion are pointless. You even suggest that perhaps Isaac was innocent when solid facts prove beyond a doubt otherwise. You imply that maybe Aelion plead no contest so he could use the money to send his daughter to college, or so this would not drag out and embarrass him, his family, the family dog, etc.
Stephanie’s comments about pleading no contest and Judge Miranda’s sentence are spot on. And a person who pleads no contest is generally assumed to be guilty.
Aelion won by only 80 votes. An illegal flier sent out to 8,500 voters had some impact on that vote. Also, Aelion’s opponent’s signs kept disappearing making her invisible to voters.
In a nutshell: (1) you devoutly support a politician who was convicted of breaking the law and now has a criminal record; (2) you make all kinds of pathetic excuses and denials for his criminal past; (3) you grasp at straws to attack the blogs whose only crime was that they dared to report the truth.
It all makes me wonder if you have an agenda that is connected to Mr. Aelion in some way.
SIBR is a (political) blog purporting to be reporting on all things SIB yet they only appear to run stories during campaigns. So either report all news, events, etc., all the time or acknowledge what you truly are doing. They go into a hiatus for months at a time. When it suits them they reappear. Then they come out with a current story about an outstanding achievement regarding a local child just to redirect the attention to old news and throw a jab at the Vice Mayor.
It’s like your local supermarket circular that brings you in advertising all their sales just to have you spend big money on the non sales items. They turned this child’s well deserved recognition into a loss leader. That’s just plain wrong.
Exactly! They are political, they are a blog, and most of their activity has been during campaigns. What’s wrong with that? When they are on “hiatus” they post other stuff related to Sunny Isles pretty regularly, which I appreciate.
Not too long ago the posted something from another source about a string of burglaries. I remember because it took me to where I could see the surveillance video. They posted a list (I think their own) of local registered sex offenders too — made it easy for people to check without having to go to other sources to look. Some people wouldn’t even know where to look. And they also post feel-good stories from other sources. Apparently they are looking for their own feel good stories because they have a WANTED post asking for nominations. Looks like the blog is evolving.
They do what they want when it suits them, which is their right. Why is that so offensive to you? They are doing their thing. Get off your high horse. And please, stop it with your “defense of the 6th grader” thing. The SIBR applauded him and contrasted him against our deplorable VM. The child is not a victim, and you should not make him one so you can keep attacking the SIBR and defending Aelion, which must be exhausting all on its own. Tell your friend to man up. Remember what was said earlier about setting the right example for our kids. Isaac is certainly not it. And your defense of him, without admitting any of Isaac’s wrong doing, makes you an accomplice in Operation SWEEP THIS UNDER THE RUG. Also, not the example I would want for my kids. If it weren’t for the SIBR and other blogs, there would be no countering this crazy talk.
Gus — whoever you are — I will follow your lead. I am done too. There can’t possibly be more to say.
I’ve been reading on the sidelines and really enjoying it. I had no intention of participating but now I feel I should. First it was very interesting to read the steps Mr. Aelion took to cover his tracks. Apparently he knew exactly what he was doing. Next, Loving..it seems like you are back peddling. The purpose of the email that upset you was to direct readers towards two articles that illustrate the irony of Sunny Isles. After your comment I went back to my email to see if I had been tricked somehow. If anything had been twisted. And honestly, I don’t see it. It was direct and very clear. You are really stretching it. It sounds like you are the one twisting things and making it up as you go along. The fact that you revealed you accepted a donation from Mr. Aelion, however, explains your one-sided behavior because it seems odd to a reader such as myself why you would staunchly support someone who broke the law, lied to investigators then got caught. He got caught doing the deed and he got caught lying. From what I’ve seen the SIB Reporter has consistently posted proof (e.g., the Ethics Commission’s report in this case) but you continue to slam it to keep everyone off topic…the topic of Mr. Aelion and what he did. By attacking the blog that reported a criminal act by an elected official, rather than the criminal, you’re positioning yourself as someone who is a bit thick in the head. Maybe it’s the visual picture of him behind bars that’s gotten to you. Whatever. But you keep saying the same thing over and over again which is slamming the SIB Reporter (and VO who published a similar article on Mr. Aelion) and we’re getting tired of hearing it.Please stop shooting the messenger.We don’t care that you don’t like what they publish and how they publish it. We care about being kept informed. Why do you have such difficulty understanding that?
Now I am the one Laughing in SIB! I’m glad you get my point. The blog was set up during the 2010 election by the very same trio running together to get their agenda across and step on their opponents.
During their hiatus they aren’t posting much because it doesn’t serve them any purpose to do so. Just take a look at the archives. It’s a self serving blog. It’s not for the benefit of the community.
Have a fabulous day!
OMG! Again about the SIB Reporter?! I think there’s a name for your medical condition that causes repetitive thoughts. Who cares when it was set up, who cares who set it up or why, who cares it started in 2010 and who cares that there was a hiatus. Why do you keep obsessing about its publishing history. Don’t read it if you don’t like it. No one really cares what you think about it. We do care, though, about what’s going on especially when it concerns elected officials who do bad things. There’s also a name for someone who always has to be right and have the last word….but I won’t publish it here. Please give it a rest. We’re all done because no one’s getting anywhere with you. It’s too difficult to be logical with someone who’s so totally illogical.
Doubt your pal Isaac’s laughing right now or having a fab day. You do rate a C+ for your effort on Isaac’s behalf – nice try but no cigar. Guess there was just no way to put lipstick on this pig.
Do keep laughing…….always let a smile be your umbrella and have a fab day and a fab life!
@Class Action
Don’t you know who the great Aelion defender is? Of course she is tied to Aelion. This is not a random concerned citizen. She was the one he appointed to the Charter Review. Do you see the agenda now? He is grooming her. But based on this performance, maybe he should be brooming her. She’s the fresh face for old tactics. Deny. Distract. Discredit. She’s still on the Deny bit. But why is that surprising? So is her mentor.
@Marina, I’ve never tried to hide my connection to Isaac nor my identity. If I had I wouldn’t have gone into identifying details about myself in my posts.
Yes, and I am honored that he graciously appointed me to the Charter Revision Committee. I am proud to volunteer and spend my time to help the city. What good have you done for the city lately?
Before you judge me, did you know I also volunteer for the local little league and have since 2007, and prior to that did so in NY. Did you know I am also in constant contact with the CHS and the Code Enforcement division making suggestions on how to improve parks and the city in general. Also taking my time to drive/walk around the city and see things from different perspectives and along requests like installing speed bumps in high traffic areas on the west side of Collins Avenue to prevent speeding. Asking the city to make sure pedestricians can have the proper walking space in the shopping plazas instead of tripping over tables and chairs.
What about my appointment to the Long Range Planning Committee? Who appointed me to that committee?
So, yes I am a random concerned citizen!
What is your agenda?
Loving, here’s something I’m curious about. Did Isaac Aelion act alone? Was he responsible for the content of the anonymous mailer, or just having it reproduced and mailed out? You seem like someone who would know the answer to that question. Because if he was responsible for just mailing it, talk about getting hung out to dry!
Pardon the grammatical and spelling errors. I’m on the go as I type.