Now that we’re all well informed about what really goes on in Asian “massage” parlors, my peeps and I decided that what this industry needs is some Truth in Advertising. AMPs all over the world proudly boast the “services” of their high class establishments to willing johns, er, um, customers. They take Freedom of Speech very seriously. Why shouldn’t we?
For example, one window proudly displays its wares:

Another entrepreneur takes friendly competition to a new level:

In China, they just spell it out for customers so there’s no confusion:

Some even hand out business cards:

Or not:

One establishment is savvy enough to use local landmarks to help sell its products:

Yet another clearly states that nookie is off limits:

The Sorebun Institute of Sexual Awareness and Massage Parlor kills two birds with one stone:

For the DIYer:

Caveat emptor:

Not to be outdone, my peeps have suggested a brand new advertising campaign for North Miami Beach to replace our local boring Asian “massage” parlor signs. Here are the first two prototypes they’ve come up with:


Now THAT’S Truth in Advertising!
Your suggestions are welcome!
Stephanie Kienzle
“Spreading the Wealth”
Alright City Council! Let’s see if you can get it straight the next time. It is supposed to be “Faith & Begorarh”, not “Sodom & Gomorrah”!!! I sure hope I can sell my house and move before the hell fire and brimstone descends upon us.