You know the good news/bad news drill.
The bad news is that two of North Miami Police veteran officers won’t be able to give Kimmie the Key Holder a ride-along, a handcuffing or a Mickey D’s cheezburger in the future.
The good news is that both of them got swell new jobs at the Opa-locka Police Department.
The bad news is that those jobs don’t exist.
The good news (for the Gadfly, anyway) is that North Miami Beach’s former-former-FIRED city manager Kelvin Baker is embroiled in yet another scandal.
The bad news is that two good cops are now unemployed.
The good news is… oh, never mind.
Here’s the story:
According to a just published Miami Herald article, Opa-locka has new police chief – or does it?, North Miami Commander Jeffrey Key and Officer Peter Cruz claim that Mr. Baker offered them the positions of Opa-locka Police Chief and Deputy Chief, respectively. They were ostensibly hired to replace outgoing Chief Cheryl Cason and Deputy Chief Antonio Sanchez.
Only one problem.
Cason and Sanchez aren’t going anywhere.
Baker swears up and down that Key and Cruz were mistaken and that the jobs he offered to them were nothing but “rumors.”
Rumors? REALLY?
Two veteran cops made major life changing decisions based on RUMORS? Sorry, but I DON’T FREAKING THINK SO!
Then again, rumor had it that former-former-FIRED city manager Kelvin Baker was competent to run the City of North Miami Beach when he was hired for that job. We all know how well that worked out. I wonder if the Opa-locka city council members are beginning to rethink their decision, too.
Commander Key and Officer Cruz should thank their lucky stars they aren’t going to work under Baker. As far as I’m concerned, they dodged a bullet big time. Hopefully, NMPD Chief Marc Elias will consider reinstating them if they want their jobs back.
(Note to NMB City Manager Roz and Police Chief Gomer: If North Miami doesn’t want them, can we have them? Pretty please?)
Stephanie Kienzle
“Spreading the Wealth”
NeWsFLaSH!! North Miami doesn’t want them! Cruz has an internal affairs file that’s so thick it could choke a goat! These two clowns are so incompetent that it’s hard to tell which one is dumber.
Cruz wanted to keep this job offer hush hush from everyone in North Miami claiming that he was worried that someone may sabotage it. Little did that fool know that everyone was cheering him on to leave. We would have given those two a glowing recommendation just to get rid of them.
Unfortunately after I published the above, I heard the dirt on the two North Miami cops. I therefore revoke my request to Chief Gomer to hire them.
My real goal with this bloglet was to dis former-former-FIRED city manager Kelvin Baker for being incompetent, and not to endorse two cops that I had never even heard of before. I based my comments on the “glowing recommendation” published in the Herald article. I tend to give people the benefit of the doubt, and especially cops, who for the most part are dedicated and professional. Bad apples usually out themselves eventually.
@stuckinportauprince, your screen name alone makes me want to scream. You are not “stuck” in port au prince, you choose to be apart of the north miami community. If you don’t like it, leave. Its really that simple. If you don’t want to change your own environment, then you’re absolutely daft if you think you have a right to even complain.
You sound like a bitter twat on the rag. Maybe if you focused this much energy on your own career, you would be offered positions of the same caliber; but instead you spew nonsense about someone else’s competence. Who do you even think you are, how are you so high and mighty that you feel its any of your business to mention anything about either of these men? You are probably another brat with an entitlement complex and expect to have everything handed to you.
So please, for your own happiness, grow up or grow a pair and mind your own business.
First of all I don’t “choose to be apart of the north miami community”, it’s not my community it’s yours.
“If you don’t like it, leave. Its really that simple.” Yes it is that simple. I just work there and me and my pension check will be gone very soon.
” If you don’t want to change your own environment…….” Again, not my environment as I wouldn’t not live in that cesspool if you gave me a free house and a car. Anything west of Biscayne Boulevard is a garbage dump. So if you’re a north miami native the better question is how did you allow your community to become such a dump and what are you doing to change it?
“then you’re absolutely daft if you think you have a right to even complain.” Looks like you’ve been living in North Miami so long that now you think it’s actually Port au Prince. Really check- this is the US where we have free speech and the right to complain about whatever we want to.
“Maybe if you focused this much energy on your own career, you would be offered positions of the same caliber” The same caliber as a chief in the department with the worst reputation in Dade County, the laughing stock of police work? A place known for corruption and the for being a joke. If someone offered me THAT I’d run for the hills. “Positions of the same caliber” you say? Omg you are a special kind of stupid aren’t you?
“Who do you even think you are, how are you so high and mighty that you feel its any of your business to mention anything about either of these men?” Seriously, are you that ignorant? These “men” as you called them are both lucky they weren’t fired a long time ago. But you know everything right?
There’s five minutes of my life I’ll never get back. Run along little NorthMiamiNative, you’re boring me.
Ouch! I love a good fight.
Regardless of whether or not one lives in North Miami, it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to see that it’s one of the (if not THE) most corrupt cities in Miami-Dade County. Maybe even the entire state of Florida! The nepotism and identity politics that goes on a city hall, and its various departments, are the worst I have ever seen here. Considering Hialeah, that’s saying A LOT!
North Miami has so many wonderful employees, many of whom were screwed by the gangsters who run the city and the toadies they appoint to oversee the various departments, starting from the city manager to the police chief, to the finance department, to HR, etc., etc., etc. Long time employees get passed over for promotion in favor of Friends of Andre, and then only if they happen to be Haitian or black. White and Hispanic employees are getting the shaft. Everyone sees what’s going on over there. Anyone who defends “the system” is probably in on the scheme.