North Miami may claim Kim Kardashian as its Goodwill Ambassador, but North Miami ain’t got nuthin’ on NMB! We have our very own international representative to help bring fame and glory to our humble city … none other than the newest Courier to the Commies – DENNIS RODMAN!
As reported by TMZ just a scant hour ago, after he wowed the Diktator of North Korea with his wit and charm, Monsieur Rodman’s first stop last night was at NMB’s very own, very high class, strip joint, Dean’s Gold.
I am so impressed!
Hey, Mayor Vallejo! Are the Keys to the City in Rodman’s future?
According to TMZ, “We’re told Dennis came in with a few friends around 8:30pm to watch some sports on TV and hang out with the dancers. He stayed for roughly three hours before leaving.”
Next stop, Cuba? Maybe Tio Fidel will be amenable to some basketball diplomacy since the embargo hasn’t been working out so well.
JUST KIDDING! I ain’t no stinkin’ Commie.
Stephanie Kienzle
“Spreading the Wealth”